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Everything posted by kg01

  1. kg01

    Deep C

    Aye, I'm still on triple-secret probation.
  2. The only thing I agree on is the bit about @AHF
  3. Hey, don't be getting all 'matter-of-fact'y with me. I get enough of that from mrs. kg01. At the end of the day, I think we have the same assessment regarding his draft status for us. If we take a flier on him with whichever of the 3 1sts is the lowest, I got no issue with that. If we take him with the first of our picks, I'll be pissed. I don't like enough of the 'good' that he brings to the table for me to be comfortable making him the centerpiece of our draft.
  4. I don't think I'm writing him off totally. I'm more so saying that there are far better options for us. Also, I don't want to see an offense depending on a 6'7" dude in the post. I'm also down on the notion that, after a half-year at Duke, he'll be a markedly different player than he is right now. I get it, coach Krydsl3234ski invented competitive sports and all but I think we've got to be real here. That's not long enough for anyone to make a real difference and a pretty strong argument can be made that Duke bigs don't get better anyway. All the K worshipers can save the slings and arrows.
  5. Nooo! Surely not, Coach Buttz? He was trying to win a title last season until big bad Travis and Ressler stepped in. Ignore the fact that MIL keeps signing these middling ex-Hawk guys. I'm sure that has nothing to do with Buttz
  6. Don't over-use "great". He would be a useful player anywhere. An all-star anywhere? Nope, only in his current surroundings. GS is a perfect storm from which guys like Green, Thompson and Kerr benefit mightily. We don't disagree significantly on Thompson although I would expect that he could end up in a favorable situation more readily than Green. What I mean by that is he could end up on a bad team but still put up numbers that would lead people to believe he's still a good player. He could average high-20's and fool people into thinking he's an all-star. Green couldn't do that putting up 10's (pts), 7's (reb) and 5's (asts) on a bad team although he could presumably be contributing more. If that makes sense. I'm not a Klay fan. He can't 'get his own' which is what a guy in his position would need to be able to do in order to be truly 'great'. Of course he's talented so he has games/quarters where he blows up but I think he benefits from being lower on teams' scouting reports.
  7. Did you also predict that he'd have teammates that allow him to succeed the way he has? 'Cause if you think he'd be this "good" on a team where he'd be relied upon more heavily then I've got some beachfront property for sale. I'll give you a great price. Oh ignore that Macon, GA zipcode on the property address. That's just for tax purposes.
  8. I would post a sarcastic 'yeah, mmkay' gif but one of you partners in crime poo-poo'd my gif usage a while back. I think he felt it was indicative of low intelligence on my part. It hurt my feelings almost as much as you comments did. Almost.
  9. NBA-caliber athletes are a dime-a-dozen. NBA-caliber athletes who possess actual basketball acumen and skill are not. Right now, Williamson is simply an NBA-caliber athlete. The issue is (a) what will he be by the time we have to match a rFA offer for him (i.e. have to pay real money) and (b) are the other guys in his draft class that project ot be further along. I don't see anything at this point that suggests he'll be a high level basketball player when it matters and there are several guys who appear to be further along. Nobody's anti-hyping the kid. Simply viewing him in a basketball lens in addition to a 'oh man he can jump high' lens.
  10. Dude, if you take the day off, I might actually have to work some. I prefer you keep on the grind so I can keep lounging. Thanks.
  11. I'll pass. You tax paying schmucks are taking good care of me, right?
  12. Vol has been on that 'play naive' tip whenever someone mentions a 'culture' thing. That said, I don't think that was a factor in drafting Young at all.
  13. He has underwhelmed. Hasn't developed or shown any interest in developing. Lack of effort, as evidenced by his rebounding and block numbers. Lacking any semblance of an offensive game, you'd expect him to go all out defensively but that's not the case. He's a j.a.g. (just a guy).
  14. Yeah I got that. I just preferred to be outraged. Spot on. It's a new age excuse most have simply accepted. It's propaganda. And, for the reasons you said, they rarely learn defensive fundamentals.
  15. If by 'coffee shop' you actually mean the 'welfare check pickup office', then 'yes'. Oh and if by 'sweep the street outside' you mean 'yell and tell us how we're lazy and not 'Merican enough' then double-yes.
  16. Depends. Are we talking about a dunk contest or actually playing basketball? Now that's not nice.
  17. I ain't mad at 'em. Only thing that's confusing about this is the fact that he was terri-bad on our SL coverage so I'm confused as to why he's a hot commodity.
  18. Even if that's inflated by 40 lbs .... #EZPassLane
  19. The lost me with the Zion stuff. Kid is 6'7" and almost 300lbs. Has no offensive game to speak of and plays no defense. What's to like about this guy other than the dunks? Give me Nassir Little all day long over Williamson. Actually, I kinda think that's who we'll end up with.
  20. Right. Those fries ain't gonna drop themselves.
  21. This cannot be understated. They're been floundering since that year, if we're being honest. Throw in the harassment and domestic violence scandals - which have not been resolved yet still - and I'd call them very poorly run, at best. They, and the league, seemed content to duck their heads and hope the scandals just lose mementum. With the Urban Meyer thing, the Mavs mess is likely to regain steam. On court, I don't trust them to select or develop young talent. How many years were we told about how great Roddy Beaubois was gonna be? Lucky for them, Doncic should be able to come in and contribute on some level right away. Maybe that'll keep him from getting riveted to Carlisle's bench. Long story long, I trust our build far more than theirs and I don't even like Slink.
  22. http://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/24266906/atlanta-hawks-guard-vince-carter-says-not-chasing-rings O 'Rly, Vince? We all kinda knew this was more about NBATV/TNT signing Vince than the Hawks signing him.
  23. I'm not watching that at work. Knowing you, it probably ends up in some 80's-era adult film or something. Pass
  24. Of course we had a superstar(sic) on our roster but, since we're losers and we don't like rings, we let him go. What's that? Oh, I'm talkin' 'bout sMelo. We could've just played hardball and kept him, amirite? (I'm just taking indiscriminate shots at this point. I don't even remember who that one was for. I'm sendin' hot lead all around the board.)
  25. I got no idea what you and @AHF are talking about but if I see you both in a line, I know not to get in it. Unless it's the free government cheese line. Right, @sturt?
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