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Everything posted by kg01

  1. Yeah but ... other than all that ... they didn't tank. Amirite?
  2. Speaking of the free clinic, heeeeeere's spuddy. (hehe)
  3. That's one way to put it. Hope you made a full recovery. Now that I'm into the current player stuff, this is getting really annoying. The Sam guy is super arrogant. Agree on these dudes having tunnel vision of sorts. They over-use analytics and get too caught up on what they 'think' a player is (I refuse to say 'archetype'). Like, "Wait, all you are is a 3-n-D guy, stop trying to play-make." And how is Taurean over-rated (which they both agreed on)?
  4. Couple things ... - (begrudging) Thanks to KBToys for posting this. At this time of year, finding slightly interesting content this time of year isn't easy. - The first 7-8 minutes are these two nerds talking TV shows and baseball. - They aren't Dennis fans which becomes clear when they discuss the sMelo trade. The one guy basically spends his time riding down Dennis. Then, after he gets that off his chest, admits that Dennis was much better in a lesser role, blah, blah (.. well uh, were you expecting him to start over Westbrook? Duh) - On the other hand, they agreed with my take on JAnderson - old, not likely to be much better than what he is right now, etc. - They think the Jimmer comps for Young are absurd. He's a better passer and can get separation more than Jimmuh ever was able to. Need to develop off ball game, not be a disaster on D. I won't spoil the rest. I'm not at the free clinic like @KB21. Hey, don't judge. He's gotta get that itch checked out.
  5. #AgendaSquawk ... it's tha re-turn, turn ....
  6. Gotta put your boy @sturt in that fancy wagon too. Thinks were all on welfare. What did y'all do to this place while we were ... on vacation?
  7. That's something KBToys would say. ... chew on that, homes.
  8. 'Cause we're all on welfare? Or we're all drug dealers?
  9. Yeah, had you whiffed on that one I might've lost what little respeck I have left for you (ohhhh!). And no, I'm not making no bet using shooting % as the measuring stick.
  10. Wow. So offensive. What's gotten into you lately? Modsplzbann
  11. The assertion wasn't only about shooting though. Methinks you tried to bamboozle me with the structure of your bet. I was born at night but not las' night, AH. And, even if I was born last night, I been up all day long, brutha. Good question.
  12. Sounds like we have our first subscriber, @Spud2nique The 'Spud 'n kg Power Hour' is off to a great start.
  13. Man, I might not even be here in 3 years. Plus, I'm not sure that would encapsulate what we're truly discussing. I'm saying they'll be similar players. Not sure that's a quantifiable phenomenon.
  14. Think not? I mean, we have a 'bets' thread if you're feeling ... lucky.
  15. "And look at Dirk, he's hobbled. Can't even make it across the midline, Nique." "Yeah an' this Dunkish kid ... ya know, he's no Derek. He remines me of a Turkishlou and thas not really what they need with Dennish Schord .... I mean, Smith. Sh*t, I did it agin!" "Nique?! We're still on air, bruh."
  16. I'd be willing to bet you're wrong on him being much better than either. Turner was not a dumpster fire. He's a serviceable, second-side playmaking forward which is exactly what Doncic will be. If I'm right, can I pick a new name for you? It'll be Hedo Turner or Evan Turkeyglu?
  17. You so mad, AH. It pains me to see you like this.. I think you and I agree, in general. I'm still of the opinion that the gaudy nimbers he has are inflated to a larger degree than you seem willing to accept. I'm not saying they're meaningless or that the league was garbage or anything. In the clips and games I watched as the draft approached, it looked like him playing against guys who had given up. I'm thinking, 'Dude, you gonna challenge the guy's shot or just let him ... oh I see , you just gonna let 'im drive." Next thing you know, Doncic is screaming to the crowd after a dunk. I'm like .... eh, ok but that ... that's not gonna happen like that in the NBA. Long story long, I stand by my assertion that he'll be Hedo/Evan Turner type. That's fine. There's no shame in that. I just ... don't see transcendent in any way, shape or form. The euro scouts I read seem to all be saying the same or something similar. He'll contribute to winning but he won't ever be a star. I guarantee Smith Jr. will be benched a lot this season. Why? Well, he's not a ready-made player. He needs development ... Carlisle don't got time for that. Bench!
  18. This is such a multi-layered situation. Folks have got to be patient and understand what it is they're looking at. If DAL has a better record than us, it is in no way a reflection of the Donc-v-Young decision. As @JTB points out, they are in a ready-made situation to do well. Certainly more so than we are ... and that's by design (for better or worse). Also agree on Carlisle. Given well-balanced, vet teams, he's done well. But the total ineptitude his teams show when each and every detail isn't set before him, is more telling than people seem willing to recognize. He doesn't develop guys, doesn't make guys any better. Just waits for his GM to deliver a high-level team then has results ... sometimes. Well uh ... doesn't take a genius to do that, Rick. Also carries himself like he's gawd's gift to coaching. Beyond arrogant.
  19. Wait, you're saying his post doesn't mean jack squat? That's harsh, man. On Donc's resume, the only thing I reject is the notion that , based on his resume, he'll come into the NBA and be equally dominant. To say it (his resume) means nothing isn't fair to say.
  20. Eggsactly. Nothing wrong with healthy skepticism but that's not what I'm sensing ITT. Smells more like haterade. Plus 'mystery box'-itis in the Doncic luv. Mixed in with 'him look good in summer league so's he must be a all-star' syndrome.
  21. True, true. I guess I'm half-hoping that him being an expiring would offset the horrible-ness of his contract. But, as you reiterate, the salary-matching still makes it cumbersome. Surely there's a way to make it work in year 3 of 4, certainly more so than it would've been possible in year 1 of 4.
  22. .... honestly, the more I think about it. This Baze-for-RAnderson+1st deal might not be all bad. It'd be contingent on potentially flipping him to a team needing shooting at the deadline this year or next. Could net us another future 1st or prospect from a team like NOP who's not really a contender but has to kinda 'go for it' due to circumstances like tricking ADavis into thinking they're not wasting his prime.
  23. Yeah, Zach Lowe said they also inquired about JR Smith. Smacks of desperation .... maybe we should pounce.
  24. Hmm, did it just get like that recently or ... (hehe. Don't bann me, bro)
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