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Everything posted by kg01

  1. Too late. By responding, you are a party to the offense.
  2. I don't think you should be using this terminology. Considering the gun situation in this country, I think this trivializes the struggle. I expect a 2-page, typed apology forthwith.
  3. Apparently not considering he hasn't been signed in MIL like all the real Buttz favs.
  4. I do recall a faction that didn't "believe" in the team, expected them to fall to earth. Lotta snippiness around that. ** I sincerely apologize if anyone becomes offended over the content of my post. **
  5. Oh my f'kng gard, this dude is .... I jus' .... I mean, there are no words. Was he expecting Buttz to give him the Iverson treatment he had at VPI? You ain't AI, bro!! Coach B probably got tired of the tricky-dribble, step-bak long 2's since you lacked quickness to get into the lane and lacked the shooting prowess to actually make open 3's.
  6. I disagree, sturt. There was never a time when slapping women was 'acceptable', as your message appears to suggest. {sips tea slowly, awaiting countermove}
  7. I'm walkin through dis bish like ...
  8. Hahaaa, good one. ... and he's not much of a sg either so ... And furthermore, I feel like @lethalweapon3 hid this from me 'cause he knew I'd blow a gasket or three had I read it right away. Good lookin out, mayne. You're still the good one in my book. "One" what, you ask? Well ... On DelaneySucks (which his name auto-corrects to in my devices), F U Bro! Be glad anyone thought enough to give your under-sized, under-skilled arse a sliver of a shot in the real basketball league. Tell us, what in the flying F did you do in 2 years to deserve staying here? I'll wait. You know what else wasn't fun? Watching you play "basketball". You turnover'd and got-beat-on-d'd your way back overseas. It sure as heyul wasn't by your choice. Bad defense playing, bad shot missing, non 3pt threats at 2 are a dime a dozen in the US. THAT'S why you left. What a poser.
  9. Ok, I got my sawed-off baseball bat. Ya know, the one ol'-timey barkeeps keep behind the bar to threaten rabble-rousers. Anyway, somebody point me to tha dead horse that needs a beatin'. I got some in-law aggression to work out
  10. It should be a vid of Dennis playing poorly. Think about it.
  11. What? Me, a pretty funny dude. You, an unabashed sexual harrasser? I guess. Shout out to @Jody23 for puttin out fax and for having a bawse avatar. Ten cool points for anybody else that peeps game. Shout out to @Spud2nique for having that bawse petty game with the 'Antony' jersey suggestion. I'mma call you Petty Pendergrass from now on. Respeck.
  12. Good lord, people. There's nothing weird going on. He'll be waived as soon as the process allows. Put the tinfoil hats away (lookin at you, @sturt. Always tryna sturt somethin.)
  13. @frosgrim, Eddie is bff's with Mike Woodson so he's been low-key mad with the Hawks org since we moved on from him. Also hates Kyle since he feels he was a better overall player but never got the all-star nod. On the flipside, he loves CLP. CLP recruited his son when he was in HS. Speaks highly of him so our pub should get better from Eddie. Also likes Young, didn't overreact to the SL troubles. Termine is a Selltics fan masquerading as a basketball historian. Everything he "knows" about ball is couched in some Selltic-centric nugget. Also a Lebron hater trying to get 'fame' by his irrational dislike of James. And faking being ill-tempered. He's fugazy to me but a decent enough listen.
  14. kg01

    Pumped for Trae

    I think a bunch of folks are waiting on the outskirts to see how these Lin-only dudes work out.
  15. In other news, I just wiped my arse with paper of equal importance as that "degree".
  16. kg01

    Pumped for Trae

    Haha .. keep your head up. You do have the record at least. Heh, he must not know you're willing to hunt him down like that dude from Taken.
  17. You mean, as in, why is he there? Yeah, same as JColl. "World" aka USA team member. Now the greater, existential, question of why is he there. I have no answer for that.
  18. Let's be honest. Your real beef is with there being no Okogie on the Africa squad. I know, it's borderline criminal. They'd rather wheel out corpses like Mahinmi and Diallo? And Fournier? Well, we know why he's on the team ...... for shooting, of course. What other reason were you thinking? I think it should be reiterated that he's on the World squad, not the Africa squad. He's listed as a US player. A bunch of folks think he's on the Africa side, it seems. IOW, they picked him instead of Lebron. Obv.
  19. kg01

    Pumped for Trae

    Haha .... feel that burn, @Spud2nique These are pretty good, btw. When I start my Hawk-centric t-shirt design empire,you'll be my first hire. Well, my second "hire". First, you always gotta hire that unnecessarily hawt young assistant chick who has no real job description, always rocks the short 'n tite skirts and is always happy to work under me. Paging Taylor Rooks ....
  20. ... never side with anyone against the realgm family. Where's the Godfather theme music when you need it?
  21. I dunno. I heard Mama Lin got a wicked crossover.
  22. Heh, DAL is tanking for us this year and they don't realize it yet. Ya know, at first I was upset about us passing on Doncic. Now I'm like, when was the last time the DAL organization made a good personnel decision? Starting the day after they won that title, basically every decision they made has been a bad one. So folks can either (a) believe their decision to pay us to take Doncic will be the exception to the rule or (b) they can acknowledge the Mavericks have pretty much f'd up everything for the last 10 years so the Doncic-move is likely to be an epic fail for DAL. .. boom.
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