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Everything posted by kg01

  1. Well the premise of the thread was simply .. or at least appeared to be simply about total turnovers none-a that ratio nonsense so .. take it up with SupesKing. ... and get off my lawn. Yup. And Isola is on in the mornings. This time of year is tough since there are no games going on but it's still pretty funny as they discuss the offseason happenings.
  2. Noooo. Stockton is like #2 all-time. Nash is 13 all-time, I think. Jason Kidd is top 5. Great pg's all have high t/o nimbers.
  3. Wait, aren't all great pg's gonna have high turnover nimbers? Basically the nature of the position, no? Whatchu talkin' 'bout, @NBASupes?
  4. No worries. We don't read your posts anyways. Heigh-ohhh!!! I'm here all week folks.
  5. Didn't you see the CLP interview, we're now Heat North. Why are you whispering? Holy small font, batman.
  6. No, Jordan Brand allegedly didn't loke the fact that he wouldn't wear their wacky shoe designs. Like Kyrie's lobster shoes, off-color models, etc. He apparently just wanted to wear the colorways they made for him. Not saying he was in the right/wrong. I just think it's wrong to lump it all in together and go, "See, see even Jordan wants no part of the guy!!!" I think it's unfair to leave these hairs unsplit.
  7. Wait, what would be great? Seeing my nekkeds?
  8. Again, we don't know if any of that is true. Unless you choose to blindly believe what SAS has put out. I simply don't believe the version of events they've put out. I mean, really? Isn't it odd that each and every 'sourced' story paints the Spurs as the victim and Kawhii as some diva and his uncle as some crazed evil genius? That doesn't strike you as odd? They know, good and well, that their tripe will go unopposed and they're taking full advantage of it. Do we know the degree to which he cutoff comms? Nope, we just know he didn't do what SAS wanted him to do. Do we know he gave them return dates? Nope. To me, it seems more like they gave him return dates which weren't met ... because he was still in pain ... which they doubted, incorrectly. Do we know he refused to go out on 'injury status'? Nope. Since they were the one expecting him to return, doesn't it stand to reason that they'd want him not on any type of 'injury status' which would've precluded his return? Do we know that fabled secret escape mission where he avoided management in NY actually happened the way it was reported? Nope. In fact, another guy reported after the fact that the story was false and that the idea that they spirited him away like this was the friggin underground railroad or something was just ridiculous. Before all this happened, Leonard was seen as the 'perfect' Spur. Hard working, tough as nails, well-behaved. A dream on and off the court. Now, after defying the Spur Empire one time, he's a diva, he's unable to deal with the media, he's unwilling to accept responsibility, he's a 'system player', he ran afoul of the 'real' Spur greats. On and on and on. This is 2018 character assassination, mayne, and I'll not stand for it.
  9. kg01

    The Tank Thread

    Former GM, David Griffin, brought up a fantastic point which alluded to something we've discussed in this and, exhaustively, other threads. An added bonus with the emoLove deal is the fact that they've set their team up such that their draft pick (Sexton) will be able to show the degree to which he can contribute to winning prior to the point where they have to pay him max dollars. By comparison, ORL had to (over)pay Gordon before he ever had to show that he can win a game. That's ... not ideal. Hopefully, in keeping Dedm, Baze and others, we'll be doing some of the same that CLE's doing. Despite vocal, incessant commentary to the contrary, I don't expect us to participate in actual in-game tanking with guys developing poor habits. Acquiring Len seems in line with that approach. We could've easily just plugged in some totally inexperienced guy. I'm expecting Huerter and Spellman to spend a lot of time in the GL. We kinda have to work Young into the rotation. Anyways, I'm Bart Scott right now (cain't wait).
  10. I lol'd. Also, on topic, Love's deal is a lot more movable than many of these other extensions. He won't get up to the high $40mil per numbers like Wall's deal.
  11. That's a myth but it's poetic justice when a guy who was a turd to women ends up with a daughter.
  12. There was an exterior door to the bathroom or to the bedroom? Exterior bathroom door seems weird AF. And shame on you, spud. Shame! I hope you have a daughter. Then you'll really feel guilty about what you've done.
  13. But is this true though? Only quotes on the matter I've seen have been from media people citing "sources", nothing direct. I've heard people who've spoken to folks close to him who suggest the notion that he's a puppet of his uncle is ludicrous and the fact that the Spurs turned on him is why he's chosen not to set the record straight. Figuring, why bother at this point. The dye has been cast. All he wants to do is play so .. just play. It looks to me like the Spurs got miffed at the 2nd-opinion request then Kawhii didn't fully communicate with them. Then the organization went over the top on the guy. Screw the Spurs, mayne. What were they before Timmay? Something tells me that's what they'll be now that he's gone.
  14. Count me in. Nah. I'd be a great big brother. It'd be like a Starkville-based reboot of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
  15. Would you adopt an adult-child? I know a guy looking for someone to support him. GT fan, Hawks fan. I'm ... I mean, he's low maintenance. Seriously though, congrats on that. My wife and I have 3 and we talk all the time about finding a way to help other kids. It kills me seeing kids without a stable environment Truth. I get that having the GLeague provides a more stable development environment for dudes that don't make it right away. But that's all well and good until fanbases see their flashy lotto pick toiling for the Starkville Stingrays or something. They'll be thinking, "Uh tell me why we drafted this ill-prepared 17yo again?" Give me a diamond then, not this warmed-over lump o' coal.
  16. *yawn* Dude was supposed to be a 1AD at Kentucky then, because he's not that good, he ended up staying there like 13 years. Same guy that went in is the same guy that came out (no development). Not sure what we're expecting him to be. Seems like a poor man's Marcus Morris at best. *yawn* Other than making 'it' move for @AHF, what's this signing do for us?
  17. I've been totally turned off of the Spurs by this year-long smear campaign they've launched. There's wrong on both sides. The only difference is one side has decided to air all their dirty laundry in the media. The same dudes who claimed to be ultra-professional all these years. Well, looks like they finally got bit by a guy opting out and they're reacting like spoiled, jilted ex girlfriends I get that Robinson is well-respected and all that but why was he even on TV other than to bash Kawhii Leonard? Tell me. I'll wait. He talks about Leonard ducking his calls vut was this before or after he came out on some other BSPN show saying Kawhii needs to grow up? Maybe that's why he knew not to take your calls? Perhaps, like Manu and Tony before him, he knew you were just another Spur mouthpiece sent to goon him into compliance. Let's not forget this all started because Leonard committed the cardinal sin of questioning the great Spur mafia by seeking a second medical opinion. And let's also not forget that he was misdiagnosed twice by SAS docs! Long story long, I don't trust any of these pro-Spur guys jumping onto any medium they can find to discredit one guy's character. Conspicuous by his absence on all this is Timmay who, by all reports, maintained a good rapport with Kawhii through all this. Coincidence he hasn't gone all teenage girl in the media?
  18. Man, if they're serving you teabag coffee, find another place for your mornin joe bro.
  19. Heh, if I ever got you coffee, best believe it's gonna have some special sauce(s). Maybe even a teabag .. or two. Yoowch that's hot. C'mon, you laughed.
  20. Oh, that's an easy fix. Your nekkeds weren't explicit enough for AH's liking. Might wanna hire some method actors to join you.
  21. Can you put that on a mug so I can give it to KBToys?
  22. Agreed. Hol' on, lemme get some more nekked's put together. Aye @bleachkit, you scared yet?
  23. So are they still trying to trade Kial? I would think not. Certainly not to PHI who's desperate for shooting.
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