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Everything posted by kg01

  1. You seem to disagree that the buyout was a prerequisite to the trade and that there's some sort of wiggle room to strong-arm the situation. Most of us disagree. Fair assessment?
  2. This is devolving into a fantastic butterknife fight. Once Melo is bought out, they're all gonna look around and feel like dodo birds, 'specially @sturt. Ol' rabble rousing sonofa gun.
  3. You are flabbergasting me right now. I mean, I haven't been flabbergasted like this since college. This trade doesn't get done without a promise to buy him out. That's not even up for debate in my eyes. Even if there was no promise, holding the dude hostage may do a wee bit of good but it would concurrently do a galaxy's worth of damage.
  4. That's a literally ridiculous approach which would negate any trust our GM has around the league and with guy's agents. You're a smart dude so I'm literally shocked that you don't get this.
  5. @sturt, you're not getting it. We love you but you're just not getting it. We cannot play around with this or our name goes from 'mud' to 'mudbutt'. Accept your wrongness here, sir.
  6. It'll be more like a thousand ways to prepare crow, sponsored by sothwrong.
  7. IIUC, the clause stays with his deal. IOW, when he waived it to get to OKC, it didn't do away with the no-trade. IOW, he still has a no-trade right now. Maybe I don't understand exactly what you're proposing we do. Heeey, you're not jayburd ..... by why are you wearing her apron? Thanks for the info, though.
  8. Good point(s). I wonder how the Isaiah Thomas and, to a lesser degree, Marcus (not so)Smart situations are gonna impact Dan E. strAinge when it comes to free agents going forward. Also, on a totally unrelated note, once we buyout sMelo, do we then have that capspace back to use in a subsequent buyout deal? Paging @JayBirdHawk .... get outta the kitchen and give us some CBA knowledge, please. If Burd is too busy with her casserole, does anyone else have any thoughts on that? There's plenty of tax teams out there that may need our help ... in exchange for a moderate fee.
  9. Perhaps you should do some homework on whether or not it makes sense, going forward, to lose on purpose.
  10. Speaking of reading something that's not there. A 'yes man' for the GM? What does that even mean? And remember when you answer, tell us how your answer is different from any other GM/coach relationship.
  11. kg01

    We need a big

    So, when you think of hard-working cerebral vets to bring in to help the build, Michael Spinks Beasley comes to mind for you? That's a culture-builder for you?
  12. kg01

    We need a big

    I know. I just didn't want to give him credit for knowing that. We could've signed Derrick Rose too. Would that make you happy, Peo? Look, I already capitulated to your suggestion. Why you still yelling at me? Ah, I was just kidding, watchmen. Please accept my most humblest apologies
  13. kg01

    We need a big

    ... can you show yourself out, please. smh What does this mean? Has this happened and I just missed it or are you just making up scenarios that loosely make your opinion valid? IOW you're KB21'ing?
  14. kg01

    We need a big

    Why aren't we trying to win? Because ... draft position means more right now. I do think we'll be trying to instill winning habits though so maybe a 'Sova-type would indeed be helpful. For bigs though, seems like we need a C more than a PF.
  15. kg01

    We need a big

    Why do you even want a 'version of Ilyasova' on this team? We're not trying to win. Why not give jOkafor a shot? 'Cause he's a waste, that's why. Eggggggssssactly
  16. Why? Seems weird. Why do these two teams keep trading with each other. Their GM's just need to date each other so they have a real excuse to keep being on the phone.
  17. kg01

    We need a big

    Man I used to love Alvin Williams. Really solid guard. Sign me up for Alan Williams over Len. Williams worked hard to get where he is. Len took a lotto path and 'lazied' himself out of a contract.
  18. Yeah, I apologize for putting you in the same boat. While he belongs in a comeuppance cruise ship, let's say you belong in a comeuppance dingy. Fair?
  19. Haha. He and soth deserve a mountain of comeuppance for all the complainin they been doing. I'll admit, as a staunch Slink hater, this was probably as good a deal as could be had.
  20. Absolutely right. He was roastin' "MVP" Rose that year. I was like, "Dayum, we got us a good'n!!" I was watching that series on my laptop on a friggin Greyhound bus headed from FL to ATL. Hey, don't judge. Sometimes we take extreme measures to get away from the in-laws. Anyway, I had a crowd of weirdos trying to watch. Got a little rowdy when the reception messed up. I feared for my life. Good times, good times.
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