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Everything posted by kg01

  1. Wait, is this 1st happening during the first year when the 1AD rule is no more? Or is that supposed to be in '21? Either way, there should be a big talent pool those two years.
  2. We tend to eat our own as a fanbase. He far exceeded Teague in some games but overall Jefe was probably more consistent. The deer-in-headlights Jeff fell victim to in the playoffs was a huge issue though. Also, I'm stealing #TraeDay. Just lettin' you know.
  3. Ayo @Spud2nique, I almost strangles my heat fan BIL yesterday. Said us trading Teague was the worst thing we could've done. Thinks we shoulda kept him, Millsap, etc. I was like, dummy do you realize what that team woulda cost us to just fizzle the F out in round 2 every year?
  4. Absolutely right. Kid worked, got much better. It was nice to watch his progression. I'll be keeping tabs on him in OKC. One of my favorite players, for some reason.
  5. 2 trades while on your rookie deal actually count as 4 apiece. Trust me, I'm a GT grad. We know maph. And I'm sure my GT-ness has absolutely nothing to do with why I'm so down on guys like Anderson and Delaney.
  6. Stop it. campster gonna kick my arse already. You're just making it worse.
  7. He's a good player in theory. Typical Virginia 25 year-old rookie, solid guy never great player type.
  8. If that were true he wouldn't have been traded like 8 times before his rookie deal ends.
  9. The bawse. I hope we flip Anderson somewheres. I've always been underwhelmed by him.
  10. I'm a bawse. Sorry, there's a 'pay yo'self on the back' kinda theme going on ITT.
  11. I had to read it 3 times before I accepted that it was actually coming to us instead of the other way around. Eh, this deal structure has been around for a long time. I'll give him a mild, golf clap I guess.
  12. Wait, what are you railing about here? You think this is a made-up trade? I don't think it's made-up, but I said at the beginning that we should proceed with caution considering Lawrence was the same dude that said Lin was getting traded for sMelo. Could be a legit rumor, could be not (huh?). I don't think it's flat-out made up though.
  13. kg01

    The Tank Thread

    Ooooh. I bet when opportunity knocks, if you're not home, opportunity waits. :rolls_eyes
  14. kg01

    Hawks Odds and Ends

    What the ...? Who tunes into an NBA game to watch the coach ... coach? I mean, we ain't talkin' bout Becki Hammon here.
  15. I used to use those terms jokingly but, after seeing the overuse happening, decided to never utter them phrases ever again in life. Maybe you shouldn'tve went over there with your wang hanging out.
  16. kg01

    Hawks Odds and Ends

    Screw them dudes. They've had their day(s) in the sun. Maybe they should come to the realization that Riley is vastly overrated as a team architect. At the very least, he's well past his time. Have you seen some of the contracts he's passed out?
  17. kg01

    Hawks Odds and Ends

    New GLeague coach ... https://www.ajc.com/sports/noel-gillespie-named-head-coach-the-erie-bayhawks/J4NeodqH8fD9zroG8xF9NK/
  18. kg01

    Hawks Odds and Ends

    I've been saying since the draft that a byproduct of picking who we did will be an uptick in our collective Q-rating. Stemming from the lightning rod nature of Young who got the "BSPN" treatment his one season at OK. Last couple seasons we were considered unwatchable by non-Hawk fans. Seems we're receiving some favorable reviews so far ... https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ftw/2018/07/18/ranking-all-15-teams-in-the-201819-eastern-conference-from-least-to-most-watchable/111187428/ Not sure how MIA, DET and BKN got the nod over us by this particular eggspert. MIA and DET will be a boring watch and BKN will be kinda 'meh'. I'm really curious to see how many national TV games we end up with.
  19. Haha, no matter what side of the asylum you reside on, this is pretty funny ...
  20. I have some questions about CLP but for someone calling him a 'cheap stop gap' or whatever is just an under-informed opinion IMHO. I mean, let the dude coach a season before we decide he's awful. The agenda-ing on this site gets out of control.
  21. Interesting. Where's all this from? Not doubting you, I just want to read more. If they're looking for a 2 too (hehe, tutu), ORL is a good match considering they seem to be down on Fournier. To me, sending Baze out in this deal is a little too much of a culture-drain. Haha. Would you be surprised? This is Slink we talkin' 'bout.
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