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Everything posted by kg01

  1. kg01

    The Tank Thread

    Eggsactly. That's why I bowed out. And, on a note that's as equally relevant as KB's antitank crisade, did you know what the Electric Slide song is actually about? I blushed when I found out. Just nasty.
  2. kg01

    Pumped for Trae

    No, that's not my interpretation. That's what KB is saying they're doing. Wild speculation meant to support his ludicrous positions. That's alllll KB. Don't put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby.
  3. kg01

    Pumped for Trae

    Yeah. Now he's saying they're identifying weaknesses ... to display those weaknesses in order to lose games. They're diabolical geniuses now. Dead set on losing. SMH You're becoming a caricature, KBT.
  4. kg01

    Pumped for Trae

    More Hawk-related press from summer league ... https://www.yahoo.com/sports/summer-league-ends-teams-taking-130133397.html
  5. Why were we in the position of having to light that match? .... could it have been because of the horrible job done by the President of Basketball Ops.? He did a good job?
  6. kg01

    The Tank Thread

    Nooooo, you're doing it wrong AH. You're supposed to find a situation you think failed and use that as your example. You gotta ignore any of them that looked like success stories. That's how you push an 'agenda'.
  7. Oh, we're hiring Colangelo then we're having his wife use burner accounts to criticize folks? Staaahhhhp Everybody can see your agenda hangin' out from under your shirt.
  8. Remember that weird story of the criminal ring that had Hawks season tickets. Seems we have that demographic on lock. Makes me look at the rest of y'all in a different light. #ShadyFans I'm also tracking to see who hasn't posted in a while. Surely this guy is a squawker.
  9. I know CLE is a big loser this offseason but PHI is a close second. Lost their GM, botched a draft-day trade of a hometown favorite, lost all the shooting that made them dangerous down the stretch, missed out on Lebron and all the other "stars" they claimed they were hunting. Now this?
  10. Ah, that's nice of you. Here's some MissSt football highlights for you in return ...
  11. I'm with you here. People act like Buttz was justified in walking away from the tear-down. Well .. a tear-down was necessary because of the poor job he did as President. To me, he basically lit a match and threw it in on the couch. Then ran once it was time to put out the resulting 5-alarm fire.
  12. Awright ... ok ... we'll let you off the hook this time. But you're getting squint-eye treatment for a while.
  13. kg01

    Pumped for Trae

    A bit of good press ... https://www.si.com/nba/2018/07/17/las-vegas-summer-league-winners-losers-lakers-lebron-james
  14. What TF is a Georgia "Tec"? Do you ... hate me, KBT?
  15. You presume I was talking about you. I wasn't. As @AHF said, there's a 'market' for everyone. If that "market" requires us to attach good assets then, in our tanking scenario, that's no market at all. You positioned your comments as if there are good offers for Dennis and the Hawks are just choosing not to take them. I think most of us are saying a Dennis trade right now would likely require us to participate in a trade that's not advantageous to the Hawks. IOW, effectively, there is no market for Dennis right now. Eggsactly.
  16. Nah, we're discussing the merits and pitfalls of tanking ... oh wait, that's every other thread. My bad. Yeah, it seems the Hawks are trying to move him. Much to the obvious dismay of our German contingent.
  17. You are misrepresenting what Charania actually reported ... which was nothing basically.
  18. kg01

    The Tank Thread

    Ok, I'm not doing that. No matter what you choose to believe, the NBA doesn't script out the playoffs. Should we have maxed out Millsap because, if Lebron wasn't there, he would've been Finals MVP ... we think? Hmmmm, I think Mike Scott would've balled out in the Finals, if Lebron hadn't beaten us. Let's re-sign him to a max deal too. Sure he's not worth it but, hey, he would've been great in the Finals (... we think). We also lost to the Pacers and Wizards during this epic(sic) run. Do we leave those years out because they don't match the 'NBA is the WWE' narrative?
  19. kg01

    The Tank Thread

    I don't know what this means. Do we give ourselves credit for a Finals appearance**? Let's deal with reality, not made-up scenarios. ** If Lebron was never born. You're saying a lot of stuff here but I'm not following the overall point you're trying to make.
  20. I think you're misconstruing. Nowhere in that story does it suggest there's a fervent market for Dennis. This is all it says about him ... https://sports.yahoo.com/trae-young-shaking-off-early-summer-league-demons-step-franchise-star-role-135407432.html To trade Dennis right now, we would have to add an asset. That's an untenable situation and totally explains why they haven't traded him yet.
  21. It sounds like you could be misconstruing something you read. Dennis is pretty toxic right now and I say that as a Dennis fan.
  22. kg01

    The Tank Thread

    You are lying to yourself. And, in doing so, you are breaking up the KBTkg01 alliance.
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