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Everything posted by kg01

  1. Yeah?! Well, I don't like you either!!!! Not really, I don't even know you. I just saw a crowd gathering and decided to pick a side. On a serious note, I do think 'chick' has a generally negative connotation. The offensiveness of others, like 'darling' or w/e, seem to be based on context. 'Chick' seems dismissive. Just my $2. On topic, I don't think the announcers were all that great. Ledlow was bad, didn't catch much of Rose. Similarly, to me, Jared Greenberg was bad too so it wasn't just the ladies. I should say, though, that announcing is just like officiating. I only really notice it if it's bad (or hawt).
  2. I'll happily serve as interim-mod if you decide to bann him and yourself. Everything'll be just fine in your 'brief' absence ... juuuust fine .....
  3. kg01

    The Tank Thread

    .... and furthermore!!!! I'll add that I get that you do eventually have to infuse winning habits and culture. But, more importantly, you need elite talent. Otherwise, you're just ... there.
  4. kg01

    The Tank Thread

    Why do we keep engaging with him? Heh, maybe I just have a soft spot for folks who've been bann'd. I hear you though. On this topic, the only engaging I'll do is asking for an answer to that question. What did our "winning" culture actually get us? It wasn't 1 year, not 2, not 5 .. we had a 10-year playoff run and today, as a tanking/bottom team, we're in the same spot in terms of being able to lure high-level talent. You may not be able to sell me tanking is the answer but, similarly, you also sure can't sell me that 'winning culture' is the only answer either.
  5. kg01

    The Tank Thread

    Prior to last year, we've had a great culture for 10+ years now. That's gotten us exactly what? If you don't have a good answer here, you should do some, and I'll use @JayBirdHawk favorite term here, 'self-scouting' and truly determine if you're just arguing to argue. The reality is it's an ever-changing dynamic which requires a savvy GM/staff to navigate. To say one way or the other is the end-all/be-all is silly. The only question is whether or not we have that guy in the driver's seat. I don't think we do so I just hope he gets lucky.
  6. Definitely Spud 'n kg, mayne. I can see us now in our newly minted Rayf tshirts (patent pending). Some ol skool Wu playin underneath. "So today's topic? What happens first, @KB21 gets a clue or the real KB Toys makes a comeback?" Thas gold, spud. Kidding, KBT No gifs were harmed during the making of this post.
  7. They are missing a golden opportunity. Just be a sensible shill for the team and they'd probably reel us in by the boatload. The BSPN model. Tell us what we wanna hear, cater to the fanbase. That'll be the format when the Spud 'n kg show debuts. The title is a take on Showbiz 'n AG for all the hip hop heds out there. Shout out, @Sothron
  8. No, come to the understanding that the decision has been made. What's the purpose in coming up with 457 different ways ti say you think it was a mistake? We all get it. Some disagree with the move. But, like I keep saying, we're here now. All we can do is hope for the best. Acknowledge when moves along the way don't smell right. But to continuously rail against tanking is just useless at this point. I didn't agree with the move. I didn't agree with alienating Buttz. I don't necessarily like CLP. I hate Slink. But I'm not gonna stop being a Hawks fan so ... I mean, I can't just be all negative. Gotta atleast hope shat works out.
  9. This turning every thread into a tank/no-tank discussion is tiresome. We're tanking. Deal with it. Doesn't matter how you feel about tanking at this point. Complaining about it just amounts to yellin at windmills. No one cares how many different ways you can break down the pitfalls of the strategy. We're here now. It is what it is. Folks complain about Hawk-related trade ideas being on the main board but are fine with each and every thread devolving to a tank discussion? Geez, mayne.
  10. He's just exhibiting another issue in NBA fans overall. They tend to grab ahold of some of these random, cherry-picked stats to tell them what/who a player is and abandon independent thought on the process.
  11. You and I could do a better job than them dudes. I give them credit for trying and for the work they put in. But ... they're just bad. The problem in the fanbase is that too many seem to either pay no actual attention to what's going on or they choose to rely too heavily on national folks who also pay no attention to us. I mean, I listen to NBARadio a lot. The national takes on us are largely dated and inaccurate to the point that they're laughable.
  12. I vaguely recall reading that there is something BKN is paying but it's not his salary. Maybe the trade kicker?
  13. Seems Parker's Bucks tenure is over. Per twitter, MIL pulled their QO making him an unrestricted FA. Expected to sign with CHI for 2 years, around 40mil.
  14. No, you said the franchise should be relocated in order for it to be successful which is a ludicrous notion. You realize, if they did relocate, the fans may change but the management (i.e., the buffoons making these ridiculous trades) remains the same? That's Atlantans' fault?
  15. They said the same about Memphis and New Orleans ... What big sports franchises have left Atl other than hockey? Oh
  16. ... so? Seriously. Anyone who's still a Lin-only fanatic at this point ... well, let's just say they don't move the kg-meter. Preach, gurl.
  17. ... a city that couldn't hang onto a historical franchise like the Sonics? I'd suggest delving further into why franchises are located in certain cities/markets.
  18. It's also not a phenomenon that's specific only to this franchise.
  19. Guys, let's rally around our boy @Sothron. I know he's reeling with the news that Jimi formally rejected the Twolves extension offer. Come on home to TrAeTL, soth. Your Hawks still love you.
  20. I need to put that on t-shirts. I'm the powerhouse. KBToys is just here. Heh.
  21. Doesn't Trae-T-L have more 'ring' to it? Thas some good stuff. Did you steal it from someone funny? Ohhhhh Heh, pretty dure DS won't be seeing this post for a while. I think his visa got revoked. Preach. Also agree that Slink is excelling as a director of scouting. Not so much as director of GMing.
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