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Everything posted by kg01

  1. What have we done .... .... nobody tell them about this place ... or have the mods already done it for 'cash considerations' reasons? Sonofa ... I can understand that piece of it but I imagine that's not the bulk of player-only fans. Uhm ... let's not and say we did.
  2. I'm a Hawks fan. I like certain players but I feel no sense of 'investment' in their success/failure elsewhere. Not really. So, I don't really understand the whole 'I'm a fan of this guy' thing.
  3. Heh. I think, when burd says 'they', she's referring to Lin-only fans. Not referring to Asians in general. Not that you can't defend yourself, but I wouldn't want anyone to misinterpret that.
  4. Larry (Teddy) Riley: "Dayum, sun. What in the actual F are you thinking on these deals, bro?" Slink: "I 'on't even know, mayne. These dudes is trippin'. Don't they know I used-ta work for tha Warriors?" Riles: "Ah man, that shizz don't matter no mo'. You work for da Hawks, now. Besides, me 'n Bob did all the real work in GS. You jus' folded papers and .." Slink: "Shhhhh, I had you on speaker. Somebody mighta heard you." Riles: "Aw my bad, bro. Look. See if your boss will brang me in like what Jerry did in LAC. I'mma help you get it together b'fore they figure out you in over your head." Slink: "Shiiii. 'Preciate it, my ni..." Riles: "Shhhh, I had you on speaker!" Slink: "Nzinga!!!"
  5. Sean Marks was probably stifling laughter as he talked to Slink. Every GM in the league is probably burning up Slink's phone tryna get him to deal. SMDH
  6. You talkin 'bout @Peoriabird? He doesn't even really say he's against the trade, just preferred Chandler. Unless I'm missing something. I'm giving you some major side-eye right now, Eaz. Better than side-boob, I guess.
  7. Heh. See, the problem is, if you don't call them out the rest of us will think you're makin' it up. Your move, bro.
  8. I remember now. The problem wasn't simply trading for Faried and a 1st. The issue was in swapping 19 and 14 when, in reality, you can acquire Faried without swapping 1sts. That was the issue and, as this trade illustrates, the folks against swapping were indeed right. Preach. Hope Larry Riley can help him not keep getting fleeced.
  9. Agreed ... and gifs. Gifs aren't funny either. Who are you talking about? I don't recall folks being up in arms about acquiring Faried ... to get a 1st. I think there were other reasons people weren't excited about that move.
  10. Capspace, when we're trying to sign a high-level free agent, is only worth so much. When you're the last team with space, it is indeed worth much. Hopefully us hiring Riley helps Slink ... he needs it.
  11. I'd imagine Faried would've been moved/bought-out. He better not be done ..... C'mon, sothwrong. I'm driving the anti-Slink wagon. Don't give KBToys that credit(sic).
  12. Aw. Don't be that way, DS. Ich bin ein ... butthurt?
  13. Seems so. Just hope we aren't losing an asset to dump Dennis. That would be such a Slinky thing to do. Bruh, we finna lose the German contingent but gain a bunch-a Lin fans. Another trade we would've lost. Thanks, Slink.
  14. Do you really wanna live in a world without @Spud2nique flexin pics?
  15. Pics or it didn't happen, bro No gifs tho .. cause .. that's frowned upon.
  16. Preach, AH. Now all their fans are gon' be like, "And we even tried to trade up to 3 to get this guy but Koby was like nu'uhn when the Hawks tried to send us Kevin Bazemore. And we stiiiilll got who we wanted. Lebron who?" None of this makes sense.
  17. Ohhh, so he saw all the bad games but missed the 2 decent ones? Interesting ... {insert 'B*tch Please' gif}
  18. Lies. I heard a rumor that you so old, you poot dust. Seriously though, has anyone heard from sothwrong lately now that it's looking like Rayf has his SL sea legs under him?
  19. kg01

    Pumped for Trae

    I tend to agree. However, my hope is that all it means is he'll have another adjustment period as he learns to be more crafty and not just rely on speed or w/e.
  20. I'm certainly no Slink fan but I don't buy this rumor. It's so bad that it makes no sense.
  21. True. Also, as an aside, was good to see Rayf totally own a fellow '18 draft PG in that 4th qtr. Holiday looked like he was on ... holiday. You laughed.
  22. I'll be reporting this offensive post. #NoMoreGifs2018 And @terrellt keep Mayweather away from Rayf.
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