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Everything posted by kg01

  1. Now that's a good one, LucasDoncicTheThird. (hehe) ... if you gotta eggsplain the joke ...
  2. Hey, if you go, you have 2 objectives ... (a) get Taylor Rooks' nimber and (2) get a nice pic of Becki Hammon for your boy. Tell her I'd like to learn some post defense techniques.
  3. Well, when you don't dabble in high-end free agency, your NBA 'currency' is capspace and draft picks. Lotto picks are worth more in trades than non-lotto picks, right? Sooooo, if you're trying to trade in order to obtain high-end players ... doesn't it stand to reason that you'll need .... lotto picks ... in which case, the draft becomes important? Hmmm, doc? I didn't ever (or mean to) suggest that actually drafting was the only manner in which the draft is important.
  4. This is the thing though. And it'a a 'thing' that's stretched across different coaches, front offices, etc. We don't play the high-level free agency game. For that reason, I'm fine with simply focusing on draft and trade as our means for improving. Not saying that avenue (high level free ag.) will never open up. I just think it won't open up until we make real strides via the draft and trade angles. Until then, talk like this isn't worth the time.
  5. It should be for games of H.O.R.S.E. .... maybe. I do recall Rayford speaking on it at the draft. When asked, he did say it wasn't something they specifically used in offensive drills. Reading between the lines, sounds like it's kinda just there and that they didn't use it for anything.
  6. Ayo @Spud2nique, my guy Isola was talking about how people totally overreact to summer league (and shouldn't). They were talking about it in relation to the Thai cave rescue. Said, based on SL overreactions, the only man alive who could've got them boys outta the cave would be Deandre Ayton .... oh, and Trae Young would've just missed the cave. Bah-dumph-dumph Eh, now that I write it out, I give it a 3 out of 10. Still, I thought it was funny that they kinda recognized that the Young-can't-play narrative is overblown. Long story long, we know nothing about these players really, at this point.
  7. Agreed but, to me, this isn't a Rayford issue. It's a CLP issue. I can't conceive of a competent NBA HC who will allow this to go on to any high degree. I mean, it's plainly obvious that there are very, very few instances where a shot like that makes any kind of sense. And none of those instances occur with greater than 3 seconds on the clock. Are they just giving him enough rope to drown himself? Giving them enough 'tape' to turn to him in a film session and say, "See, this is why you don't take that dumb-arse shot. Your dumb-arse college coach allowed it because he's a dumb-arse, but if you want to win, we can't have that nonsense going on." I hope so. And as @JayBirdHawk said, get. rid. of. that. dumb. arse. 4. point. line. I mean, why?
  8. Nah mayne, I got roped into a parents v kids matchup at kg03's soccer practice. It were ugly. I had to "play off" that I was falling on purpose to be funny.
  9. Eggsactly, @JayBirdHawk @Spud2nique and @Sothron aka sothwrong (haha). Capela is a system-created player destined to falter outside the confines of DAntoni's clutches. Our only involvement here should be in asset-acquiring mode once HOU commences their tax-saving moves once they re-sign him. Them slow-playing it is the move. What TF else is Capela gonna do but wait and, as sothwrong so aptly put it, toss ATL to "sources" in hopes that it spurs the Rockets to panic.
  10. Oh he been stankin like a Lincoln, but he's also being done no favors with this craptastic roster. Can we leave Lawndale in Nevada? Not Las Vegas, that would be too good for him. Leave him in some rando, podunk city somewheres.
  11. Haha. All the regulars know not to pick him up. But strangers see the gear and think he's a baller. 2 minutes into a run, they're wondering why he keeps dribblin the ball off his own foot. Bruh?!
  12. I don't know 'bout them other two but I had a mean step-bak in my day. Also had a killah double pump-fake, dream shake on dem foos. @macdaddy seems like that old guy who hacks on every shot then says, "No blood, no foul ... a broken wrist ain't bloody, play-on." @MaceCase is that dude with the fresh fits from head to toe. Wrisy bands, headbands all matchin ... then got no game.
  13. First takeaway is that this is like game 5, not 2. ... which makes it just fantastic how bad we are overall. Seriously, horrid roster building. I mean, get at least one guy who might be a diamond.
  14. Clearly we knew we had that beast Lawndale waiting in the wings. On a serious note though, Robinson had some serious red flags. I get why we passed. Unfortunately, the early indications seem to show that may have been a mistake. It's early though.
  15. No, he'll swap space for 1sts. I'm no Slink fan but I prefer that to near-max'ng crap free agents.
  16. Yeah, I'm not a pro-CLP guy or anything but that being their stated goal shouldn't be ignored in our assessing his coaching abilities. Folks acting like Jent is Phil Jackson feels like agenda-ing.
  17. Nah, I jumped off that horse a while ago. I'd still take #theMPorterJr tho.
  18. Brief clip I watched featured a wide-arse open guy in the post with a little guy guarding him. Sexton had the ball, tricky dribbled into that patented step-bak long-2. It went in, but it was such a bad BBIQ shot.
  19. Interesting chatter on the Capela front. https://mobile.twitter.com/KellyIkoNBA/status/1015800448899432448 Considering the tax implications, that Paul deal is especially onerous.
  20. Agree. Although, it's smelling like the Bulls motivation was to open space to offer to J. Parker. I mean, I think that'd be a mistake but at least they had a "goal" in this trade.
  21. This next game is interesting too. Bagkey stinkin up the joint is probably another reason sothwrong is so salty these days.
  22. Heh, close. They belong to BSPN. Aka, cater to big markets.
  23. Memo to Rayford .. Lawndale suuuuuxxxxx. Stop passing to him.
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