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Everything posted by kg01

  1. Man i hate Seth Greennose. He talkin bout Kevin Knox or Lebron Durant?
  2. No ... no ... noooooo .. That's my Luke Skywalker, fightin off the dark side, impression.
  3. Thanks for repeating this. I didn't know this until like 2 SL games in. Key distinction because the UTA squad looked like headless chickens.
  4. Agreed. *gasp* Is this the start of a kgKBToys unholy alliance? I know, I'm scared too.
  5. That doesn't make up for it. I mean, cmon dude. You're a year2 guy. You're gonna get your minutes and shots regardless.
  6. Doesey is Greek for BallHawg. As an aside, anybidy see Okogie's debut? Kid's gonna be a good'n.
  7. *yawn* We gotta stop being enamored with these 'little engines'. If he makes it there, it's not because he's a good player. It's because he's surrounded by much better players than we had here. Call it DellavaDLeague Syndrome or maybe Ian Clark Disease.
  8. Looks like POR has officially signed off on middlin'. Re-signed Nurkic (sp?) to a 4yr deal. So the core that seems to be clearly down-sloping has been reupped for multiple years at near-max dollars. Congrats?
  9. Spurs are falling apart without Timmay. Handled the Leonard situation like arrogant children, to which he responded like a petulent child. There's plenty of blame on both sides.
  10. Dang, I can't be Woj? And everybody knows you're the resident fatty.
  11. Oh schnap, Bulls match per Woj. SAC dodges a bullet.
  12. Dang Sac. Probably read them false reports of Hawk interest and panicked. Smh. Oh, Vlade. Definitely playing 4-on-5 defense if the Bulls don't match that sheet.
  13. Meant the Hornets but I hear anyone who thinks the Spurs dropped the Kawhii ball.
  14. This is a case of a guy not knowing when to walk away combined with a poorly run organization
  15. Ohhhhhh, not a full winnie. I haven't gone full winnie since college. You livin the dream, macd.
  16. Aye @Spud2nique, you notice the wing of the cul-de-sac where @macdaddy lives has been eerily quiet lately? Hmmmm
  17. I actually watch a lot of the league but only root, with any level of passion, for the Hawks. I can be objective with other teams more easily, for lack of a better description. Even when it wasn't against the Jazz SL, the announcers were clearly biased against Young. Allen shot it close to as putrid as Young but you wouldn't know it from listening to them speak. They were quick to point out how many shots we'd missed in a row but also chided Young for not having many assists. Uh, there's a correlation with that don't you think?!
  18. It's possible to acknowledge his terri-bad play while also parsing out the glimmers of effective play he had. I said all year long, when OK was winning, and again once they started to lose that I considered him a fool's gold prospect. Now that he's a Hawk, I feel it serves no purpose to dig all that up. Shiii, we can plainly see he's having issues. For me, it's the same issues I expected him to have all along. But he's a Hawk now so .... I just can't stay on the negative. I gotta find something positive to grasp onto. In the back of my mind, I see major issues not only with his play but with the coach's approach and again with the GM's abilities. But dang, whatchu want me to do all offseason, mayne??!
  19. Mayne first of all, if you think I'm a Young fan, you need to check my stats. It may be easier for you to understand that I'm simply trying to, like @Spud2nique said, give the dude a chance before tearing into him. Clearly he hasn't played well. It doesn't take much insight to see that. If you simply choose to be ultra-negative, that's fine. But dang, give other folks room to try to find a silver lining.
  20. Nah, soth is too far gone on that yay to come back now. Daaaaaaang, sun. You went early 90's hip hop to diss me? Respeck ... but ...
  21. spud is just messin with you. At least I hope so otherwise soth-wrong gon' be all up in his grill.
  22. I don't think he said 'could' but I was half into a b*tch-session about the announcers so I could be sothwrong. That's my new word for being purposely obtuse. KBwrong doesn't have the same ring to it.
  23. I'm hoping on all that is good and holy that the Twolves end up trading for Young. Just for your sake. You deserve it.
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