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Everything posted by kg01

  1. I agree with all this. #6 is yet to be determined though. He appeared to respond to pressure as the games went on but he was a Giannis in the headlights against that MEM SL backcourt. Kaba is just a guy. Like 6 years away from being anything helpful JMHO. Lawndale or Lindale (#34) was useless which underscores the biggest problem here .. that SL roster was TERRIBLE!!! I mean, other than the draft picks, who on that roster might sniff a 10-day? Who? Tell me. I'll wait. I know the Jaylen guy got a look last year but dangit we were tanking. Are any of them dudes actual prospects? Huh? I'm still waiting! How's anybody supposed to do anything productive surrounded by dreck like #34? How? And, before @Sothron chimes in and tells me I'm a Young apologist, I am in no way eggscusing Rayford's poor play on the poor-arse roster. Sapphron been watchin' the games like this ... I get it, mayne. And count me in on the mob lookin for Grayson to get a swift face-kick. Oh and put Dennis Lindsey on the list to get a nut-kick too. His fat-arse came on the broadcast saying he didn't know why Rayford got upset at the arm-bar, shoulder-lock, non-basketball foul Allen put on Young. F U Lindsey.
  2. That's not the reality of what's going on. You're so angry about the situation that you've gone completely off the reservation, mayne. Not a bad strategy.
  3. Ayo announcers, we gonna talk about Allen failing to hit shots too or just keep riding Young down?
  4. Allen will always be involved in these nonbasketball plays.
  5. Can't tell. His high five game is tite tho. He reminds me of Tyrone Corbin. Not a compliment
  6. Buttz wanted out so ... I mean, you ain't wrong, it's why I hated that he left. But .... we here now.
  7. Agreed, sadly. Gotta learn to use angles, mayne. The explosiveness isn't there.
  8. So our guy crosses over a dude, puts him on his arse and the announcers ... crickets. Smdh
  9. That was not a 1 on 1 open vourt situation. Wtf are these announcers seeing. He's struggled but these dudes are just not fans of his. It's beyond biased
  10. Once you get past the fact that he's not a scorer right now, Young's floor game is actually pretty nice.
  11. Lol @ Allen getting called for tripping. Dude just can't help it.
  12. What'd you call me? It skating the lines of implying they are purposely losing which I think is offensive. Like they're sooo stupid that they're purposely training guys on how to lose. That's ridiculous. Plus he called me "Ike" for some reason. That's offensive in and of itself. Who names their kid Ike or Eisenhower these days?
  13. kg01

    The Tank Thread

    Nah, this is Tanksquawk.com as long as the "doctor" is making his rounds.
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