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Everything posted by kg01

  1. Joel meyers, Nop broadcaster, hinted that mgt told Davis Cousins indicated that he didn't want to return which is why Davis 'signed off' on them moving on from Cousins. Sounds like creative phrasing by Joel.
  2. Lol. It's almost like he purposely put error after error in it.
  3. Don't pay attention to these reports on Leonard. He don't talk. These dudes are guessin.
  4. Heh, coach told him to take the foul ... clear path tech. Oy
  5. Get to the rim, mayne!!! Just jakin 3's isn't "offense".
  6. With all the rFA's still unsigned with seemingly no interest coming, I'd bet that "rumor" was made up. Couple that with Slink saying specifically that they would not do that, it reinforces my belief that it was merely planted by Lavine's folks to drum up interest. Also, Lavine isn't intriguing because he's not really a shooter plus plays no defense. Not a fit IMHO. Nah, he'd be a malcontent here and a negative influence on the whole program. Thus, would not be a piece trade-able for assets and we would likely not want to re-sign him. Serves no purpose for us. The real person at blame here is his agent who apparently killed a s-n-t deal to POR because he's Nurkic's agent too. Seems like he was trying to make sure he got paid by both of them getting new deals.
  7. That's fine but, at the end of the day, MIN will side with KAT. We'll see where they are after another year of middling effort from Wiggins/KAT. Oko being there helps you tremendously.
  8. Oh man, I'm rooting for you spud. I'm not optimistic but I am rooting for you. Obtw, I know you say you have something special picked out, but can I submit an prospective avatar for you to mull over for @bleachkit if you win? It may skate the lines of being NSFW but bleach deserves it. haha
  9. Ah man, I figured out the real reason @Sothron has been so crabby lately ... https://chicago.suntimes.com/sports/jimmy-butler-and-kyrie-irving-could-have-plans-to-try-and-take-over-the-east/ First his beloved Hawks draft Rayford. Now his side-piece team seems to be on a slow speed chase towards implosion. Hey, I'mma lay off you sapphron. You going through a lot these days. On another note ........ where's Kyme and Jimi gonna team up? They want to stay in the East ... maybe the southeast. Jussayin' Any thoughts?
  10. Dude, 2 of them 3's were blind heaves ... nuthin but net. C'mon, sun. Nobody better tell me he's destined for greatness based on that game. Friggin 6'12", non-reboarding 2-guard hovering around the 3pt line all game. spud, that's playoff-hate mode, mayne. Kinda like how I feel about your boy on TOS telling me Marvin Williams was great.
  11. Agreed. It was a 'play through contact' issue which is to be expected for any rookie guard. The Carter guy is built like a tank. IIRC, he had the highest body/fat percentage or whatever at the combine. Like a thicker version of Pat Beverly. This will be the toughest backcourt Rayf will face in SL. Agree with this pretty much. He was forcing horrible shots then settled down and actually played decent basketball. An added problem was he was pit against JJJ who was hitting everything. He was hitting trick shots for crying out loud. Based on that game, JJJ is an MVP candidate. What I mean by that is that JJJ's performance is the one I don't expect to be repeated.
  12. Truth. I really hope they advise him to stop the wild, deeeep 3's early in the shot clock. That crap will alienate vet teammates quickly and is not conducive to winning IMHO. Thas some ol' Limelo Ball crap.
  13. I missed the second half, but what did he do besides go unconscious from three? 24 of his 29 points came from there, if he does that every night, he's the goat. He better fix that jumpshot though, I would've slapped him for kicking that leg out. Completely unnecessary. He's going to hurt himself or someone else. I was screaming at the screen that, as the rule is written, that's now an offensive foul. I guess it's summer league for the refs too? Meanwhile, kg is in regular-season ref hatin' form.
  14. I kinda think CLP looked worse as coach than Rayford looked as a player. But, as has been said, it was just game 1. Wait, you don't think he'll get by on a steady diet of step-back, under-handed 3's? SMDH Seriously though, JJJ was a Hawk-made creation last night considering how bad our defense was. This is truth. @Sothron you know you my guy but ... we here now, ain't no need in rooting against Rayf at this point.
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