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Everything posted by kg01

  1. Sometimes it's more fun to overreact tho. I think I'll mix it up.
  2. There's like 6 deer in my yard right now. Should I be alarmed?
  3. Do these refs not realize that b*tch-ass leg-kick by the jumpshooter is an offensive foul?
  4. KBToys hired these announcers. They clearly hate Rayford and absolutely love JJJ.
  5. Kristen Kenney got them crazy eyes. I'm having a 'call me scared ... and horny' moment. Don't judge me.
  6. Last time Marvin went beastmode it was the UTA summer league. He and Rafael Arauyo were like Magic v Bird. It was epic.
  7. I agree with this. Also, KBToys isn't posting because he can't do it one-handed.
  8. Not a horrible idea. I always figured this would be currency in a deal for a star(ish) guy to bolster our picks in '18 and '19.
  9. Ah I'm jus' kiddin', lw. You know I love ya. Now hol' on, I think I got sumthin' ... muh nose kinda itches ... And you didn't hear it from me, but I saw Burd putting on lipstick after reading your post .. Some little gurl was reading over her shoulder too ... ... kids do the darndest things, huh? Kidding, lw. Don't tase me, bro.
  10. Instead of signing Booker, why don't we just sign the player he's becoming ... slobMelo? #OverratedNimberGetterNonWinner
  11. Sonfa heifer!!!! Smells like CLE may be trading emoLove .. https://basketball.realgm.com/wiretap/250531/Cavaliers-Open-To-Trading-Kevin-Love If that happens, we can kiss that CLE 1st goodbye.
  12. You talkin' to ghosts now? You know @Sothron abandoned us to go full-on teen wolf. Thas messed up, sapphron. I thought we was boys.
  13. I graduated ... -er- ... 'got out' of Tech too but, for some reason, I don't feel the need to make the distinction between that and the fact that I root for them. C'mon KBT, you're better than that.
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