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Everything posted by kg01

  1. I'm looking for the Darren Rovell tweet but they just said on NBARadio that the Cavs made everyone buying floor seats commit to 3 years. IOW, all the empty seats for the next 3 seasons in Quicken Loans arena will have all been paid for. #GootttttEeeeeeeemmmm!!!!
  2. Hey, don't think you're gonna get on my bad side by talking up the Techies .... now, if you tell me we need to pick up Jarrett Jack .... Seriously though, I felt how you feel years ago when folks called for us to tank. Now, I get it (i.e. tanking). As long as we don't totally devolve into @Spud2nique church ball level of play, I'm fine with us taking a few years off in the name of asset-building. Anyway, I feel this is sliding into the tank-discussion so I'll bow out before the "mods" get their collective jimmies rustled ... Then again, here's @AHF diligently at "work" so ... Wake up, alice
  3. Agreed. I also think this may be about setting his sons up to be Laker-alums, or whatever it'd be called, once they're pro's.
  4. He's also going to be looking for big bucks which we shouldn't be paying at this point in the 'build. And how dare you? Bumping a guy just 'cause he went to the school you root for. Shameless. ... oh and, on a totally unrelated note, I think we should max out Favors, Shumpert and trade 2 1sts to pry Okogie from MIN.
  5. Heh, just like KBToys, I didn't want Buttz gone either but I'm not gonna act like we just lost Auerbach or something. Oh and you might want to get the ignore-KB button ready. We're likely to be heading into at least 2 more losing seasons so, every time we lose, he'll be all, "Bwah, Buttenshoulder would have us in the ECF by now, blah, blah, blah ..." Meanwhile MIL will be into their 3rd year or 2nd round exits for .... reasons.
  6. Why? For better or worse (I get it, you think 'worse'), the decision to tank has been made. Signing Hood is an 'in-between', indecisive move. The die has been cast, at this point.
  7. CLE's pick will end up 10, DAL's pick will end up 5. Since I said it, it won't happen. You're welcome, b*tches.
  8. Haha, you can't even say that with a straight face.
  9. No. Not when we'r talking about adding a dreg like Beasley.
  10. "It's out there"? I'd be hesitant to rely on these "reports".
  11. I'll let you in on a little secret. Every agent of a guy looking to be signed knows which teams have space. IOW, seeing our name in these meaningless reports is just that ... meaningless.
  12. I think it's clear we won't be adding anyone significant as an outright free agent. Adding some rando via trade ... to gain an asset ... that's another story.
  13. Elaborate? You know I'm not smart enough to follow you, sturt.
  14. Wha? You s'posed to yell, "Koo-kooooo!!! Squad up, we got beef!!" ... and we woulda come a-runnin.
  15. Who are yall kidding? We'll be adding gleague guys, if anything. Michael Beasley? Are y'all serious?
  16. Dang, mayne. I spend all day straight fist-fightin' with dudes on realgm and I come bak to the squawk to this? Nah seriously, I could coach the Warriors butt nekked and win rangs. Kerr overrated. And furthermore, anything innovative he does he stole from D'Antoni.
  17. Smells like DEN's about to do somethin ... https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/sports/wp/2018/06/28/the-clock-is-ticking-on-the-lakers-and-not-just-because-magic-johnson-says-so/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.a9685c429583 https://www.denverstiffs.com/2018/6/28/17516016/rumor-denver-nuggets-interested-in-salary-dump-with-los-angeles-lakers-nba-trade-rumors Oh and holy typos, batman .... C'mon, Slink. Get in on some-a this action, bawse. Get us some FRP's!!
  18. Thas right, you da man, @NBASupes ... @MaceCase with the more civilized applause ... @warcore with the intense clap even though this is a Spellman thread and the post isn't about Spellman ... Don't yell at me, core. Just having a little fun. .. wake up @JayBirdHawk ... @Spud2nique clapped even though I don't think he really means it ... @AHF and @lethalweapon3 got together to commemorate SupesKing an' ... ... uhm, not that there's anything wrong with that.
  19. Shiiiiiiiii, audition guys that might have some value at the NBA level. I get the ol' Muggsy and Spud stuff but a 5'5" baller is just a sideshow attraction these days. Now that I said that, I feel awful for shatting on this guy's dreams. Thanks a lot, burd. You worked your Filipino magic once again.
  20. Payne was as bad a pick as Sheldon was. Was never going to be worth where he was drafted.
  21. David Griffin was on NBARadio in his normal appearance. Basically said SAS do not operate in the media. Their real intentions are done between them and people they trust, i.e. the myriad of former Spur front office people in the league. The noise you hear is what SAS releases in order to drive up people's price. He hinted that PHI with Brown would be his best guess. Went on a 2 minute diatribe on reasons why then said "... oh but that's just my guess, I haven't talked to anybody, blah. blah" The last time he did that, he called Kyrie to BOS. The next day it happened.
  22. Dang, sturt. Gotta walk in on a @Spud2nique 'n kg party like ... spud is definitely Carlton. Seriously though, I'm in wait-n-see mode on Spellman. I hate hearing guys having to take special care not to get fat. I mean, you know from like 15 on that you'll at least try to be a pro athlete. Seems 'staying in shape' should be automatic.
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