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Everything posted by kg01

  1. The only way Doncic eclipses what Dirk does (career-wise) would be for the NBA to institute real testing for weed thus relegating the league to the aging, unathletic dudes he's been used to playing against.
  2. Haha, looks like your nudes didn't post. Quick, say somethin' about Spellman or warcore gon' go off.
  3. IIUC, the activities DEN/Jokic are proposing will make him an UFA with a handshake deal that they're doing so in order for him to sign with them. Thus avoiding restricted free ageny or stte. Porter yes, Lyles nah. Smelling like Deandre Jordan to DAL is likely. Also seems DAL is a potential target for Randle. Would they still want Faried?
  4. C'mon McLeist, don't cry to @Spud2nique. He has to specially order his from Cambodia since that's the only place that makes the mythical 4XL's. Haha
  5. Not sure what we're trying to prove here. Wasted roster spot, if we're being honest. Luckily, that's kinda what SL is for.
  6. Y'all gotta stop. It's sounding like a 3 stooges episode in here. Yuck!
  7. "Spunk"? What are you 85 years old? Next you'll be telling us he's full of 'piss 'n vinegar'. @Spud2nique is "spunk" another Filipino word? *gasp* Have we found the island?
  8. That's what scared me when I listened to Ayton speak pre-draft. Rarely talks about winning. I know you're not into downing other picks to prop up ours so I don't want to upset your delicate sensibilities, but that's still a weird response. I mean, just give people what they want to hear from a top pick. Clearly Rayford was paying attention to that lecture. It's unrealistic but I still like the 'multiple rangs' talk. Heyul, if you're scared to even talk about it, you'll certainly never actually do it. Gotta start somewhere.
  9. Corey Magette aka Josh Magette .... this is where I try to pretend like I did that on purpose. Is it working?
  10. Judging from the way Slink has been sun'd in this whole process, I'm starting to think he and Corey are brothers.
  11. Awww, itn't that cute ... https://www.ajc.com/sports/look-trae-young-tries-recruit-lebron-james-hawks/3qY7ib5OztdynX2N9rho6J/ ... let's just file this under 'bless his heart'. Honestly though, I like it. Our past Hawks lacked the guts to even entertain the thought of *gasp* recruiting a player to come here??? Well I nevuh! Sakes alive...
  12. Wait, did we not tender an offer or did we realize Buttz was gonna take him anyway and we were powerless to stop it?
  13. I can stomach a little bit of it through watching guys GT is recruiting.
  14. Nah. Why? Would I get cool points if I was? If so, then .... 'yes'.
  15. Whycome? Gonna get drafted high either way. (... and therein lies the problem.) Little sets himself apart for me. He's actually improved his game the last year plus. The others ....
  16. Burd, you caught @AHF at a busy moment at "work" ... .. he'll get bak to you when things die down.
  17. Uh, having Dennis here isn't the only way to avoid turning the keys fully over to Rayford. There are any number of dime-a-dozen guards we can install as the "starter" to avoid burning through Young. Shiiiii, Shelvin Mack is out there for all the folks that miss him. Heh, kidding. I don't want to see anyone perma-banned. I mean, you'd have to be a monster to deserve something like that ... (hehe) Maybe a day-bann?
  18. Not sure how I missed this. I think people should pick a side. Losers leave the site.
  19. I feel that he'll be traded as well. Honestly, this recent anti-smear campaign actually strengthened my thinking in that regard. Sadly, I'm expecting us to take a bad deal just to move him just like Howard deal. When Slink negotiates a favorable trade, that'll surprise me. I just don't think he has it in him. My hope is that they wait. I think the closer to the deadline the deal comes, the better it'll be for us. If he trades him before the season, whoooo be gonna get fleeced.
  20. It'll be dueling DNP-CD's for the Spartan Twin Bigs, Davis and JJJ, this season. Can't wait, Bart Scott.
  21. It's gotten better. There's a new fangled music-related dealy with that one guy from Jay-Z's camp which was all the rage a year or so ago. The Board allows them to get creative with stuff like that but I guess it's against the rules for the best math/science school to offer a degree track that would help produce better math/science teachers in the state struggling mightily in math and science. Ya know, 'cause UGA and Northwest Southeastern State College in BumFunk County, GA do enough in those areas I guess.
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