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Everything posted by kg01

  1. Some genius wrote the following in the draft discussion thread ....
  2. I think it's just 2 now, Hewitt and Gregory. I don't think there was an offset in Gregs' deal so our payments aren't offset by what USF pays him. Thank the former AD for that. Agreed on Devoe @KB21. Funny, I lamented during the draft that the list of guys set for GT before they got paid included Sexton, Carter and now Little (future top3 pick) who would've fit nicely with Devoe. We gotta start paying dudes (again) Oh no you di'n't .
  3. Shii, give me Hewitt over what we dealt with in Gregory. At the very least, we wouldn't have the consistent talent discrepancy that we face now. Let's be honest, it doesn't take a brilliant tactician to win at the ncaa level. Miller at AZ is a horrible coach but he always wins the talent edge. I'm hoping Pastner can marry the two, coach/recruit. He's done ok so far but I expect to see a jump starting this season. And, yes, I need to see improvement despite losing Okogie. If we're gonna be a 'greater than sum of the parts' team like Pastner claims we will be, we should see better play overall this season. I feel satisfied that this thread has been properly hijacked, btw.
  4. Our Administration doesn't care about any of that thus, as you mention, it is a conscious decision. As a fan, as long as you understand that, you don't/can't get too up in arms when we fail. We go into gun fights with a bow and arrow. Sometimes we turn into freaking Hawkeye and walk outta that b*tch with our life. Mostly we last about 3 minutes then catch one in the temple. On top of that, as a state school, the Board of Regents will not allow us to expand our course offerings to include dumb-arse classes like they have at places like UGA (which is where most of them went). IIUC the reasoning is that other schools in the state offer the courses so there's no reason to dilute academia by allowing GT to have, for example, a sociology degree offering. Meanwhile, UGA gets approved to add an engineering school. Interesting dichotomy, huh?
  5. It's been a confluence of a lot of factors since Hewitt. Hiring Brian Gregory was program suicide. We're digging out from under a decade plus of crap at this point. On academics, GT and Duke/Stanford are not in the same argument due to them being liberal arts schools. We have places to hide guys but everybody's gotta take a certain amount of calc and lab science regardless of major. Places like Duke/Stan/Wake/Vandy etc. all have dumb-arse classes and degree tracks that we don't have. They also have sports-friendly admins/professors who pass guys through. Our professors and admins take pride in failing athletes cause they don't think they should be there.
  6. @TheFuzz I have no idea what you're talking about.
  7. I bet we'll see MIL make a pro-SAS deal with the Spurs soon now that the Bucks are Spurs-Midwest?
  8. Taking our GL coach too, it seems... https://mobile.twitter.com/wojespn/status/1011387179187298304 Long story short, F U Buttz.
  9. Hawks fan, by far. Hawks are on an equal playing field. GT is not. Understanding that makes being a fan more palatable. We all did for a while.
  10. Seems clear Clink was had here. Agenda-squawk is returning.
  11. True. Just ask Doncic's mom. Ah, I take that back. Bad influence, spud.
  12. Heh, were you on the GT board his father was posting on? Basically leading us on for months as if GT had a $hot. Regardless of that, I still think he'll be a really good player. Similar to Jaylen Brown. And I'm buying everything you're sellin @Roundfield32
  13. At worst, he's Anthony Bennett IMHO. The Little kid will be much better than Zion but doesn't have a quarter the hype. Too small for that.
  14. Same here. I think Peo's anger is being directed at folks who've never liked Dennis anyway. I feel him there. There are too many among us who just don't like the guy but won't just come out and say it.
  15. Just seems weird. Not something to get all hangry about. And, be honest, 'mentor' isn't the first word that comes to mind when you think of Dennis. I hope he stays and does a great job of it.
  16. Smells more like a complicated game of 'say the right things', folks. Despite everything, I still like Dennis. But I can certainly understand that this may not be the right place for him at this point in his career. Seriously, he's too young to be serving as a mentor to 'the next guy'. That's something a guy like Calderon should be doing. I think it's unfair to ask him to do that. Let's be honest, rightly or wrongly, they have decided to switch horses here. Dennis is good enough to be a starter somewhere. I wouldn't be surprised to see him in CHA or ORL in exchange for one of their bad contracts.
  17. Well, we don't have a 'dislike' button so that's as close as it gets to getting one.
  18. I did think it was cute how Slink tried to suggest this wasn't a Steph, Klay, Dray draft. Guess what Slenk? Just like every other time you try to sell something ... nobody's buying it, bro.
  19. No, in this case, it's a Zion thing. Kid is a 6'5" power forward who's actual game is a lot thinner than people seem willing to acknowledge. Only way I draft this kid high is to hold him hostage to pillage the assets of a team who's gotten so enamored with highlights that they chose not to actually piece through whether or not the guy's game truly translates to a high-level NBA performer. Kinda like what we jus' did to tha Mavs ....
  20. @JayBirdHawk you know I do not go along with this offensive manner of speaking. I don't know who liked the post but they should be ashamed.
  21. Hey, if we pick Zion, can we make the other NBA teams sign the 5'8" future insurance salesmen that he's used to beastin' against? Ya know, the ones incapable of making him expand his game beyond highlight dunking on them. The ones that can't make him actually handle the ball and, oh I dunno, take an actual jumpshot. Can the NBA become those guys starting next year, please? Am I laying it on think enough?
  22. No, I didn't listen to it. But 2 things I know are (a) ATL radio guys are all annoying and (b) Grant Hill pays only mild attention to the Hawks despite being part of the "management" group.
  23. Annoying Radio guy: "So Grant, how do you feel about the Hawks' pick this year?" Grant ".... uhm, who'd they draft?"
  24. Why you don't shame @JayBirdHawk for having a butt nekked avatar like you did me? Double standard 'cause she's a woman? That's offensive, spud.
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