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Everything posted by kg01

  1. Haha, the people don't need me to confirm your ... bedtime stories. I feel like I took an alley-oop into the wrong basket. What about the Spellman kid? Horfo or Draymo?
  2. I can totally confirm. Those aren't housekeepers filing out of spud2's extended stay room every night. "Why an extended stay?", you ask. Well, after that time spud2 was on First 48, the no-tell motel revoked his lifetime pass. On topic though, is this guy more Draymond or more like a male version of Alice?
  3. Lies. Nobody gets tired of @AHF whining like a baby.
  4. I ..... was a Doncic/Bamba lover .... but I'm a Hawks fan first and always. So I'm all aboard the Rayford-copter. Give the dude time to work on whatever the deficiencies are in his game, build the team around his strengths and go from there. We'll be aiight .... probably much more than that.
  5. Eggsactly. I agree that free agency shld be a route that's available to us, in addition to the draft. However, as if right now, it just isn't. If we handle draft/trade phases effectively, the free agency leg will open for us. Takes patience.
  6. Noel's problem is attitude and work ethic though. Not a good culture piece regardless of on-court fit. I'd rather try to elevate a gleague guy like the dude from HOU that shoots underhand free throws.
  7. Yeah. Mascotaphobia strickens millions. Only I am courageous enough to admit it.
  8. Haha, I questioned my sanity a bit too when I found myself agreeing with KBToys. No offense intended @KB21 .... well, maybe a little offense intended.
  9. I'm glad my secret pain amuses you. Meanwhile, this dude in a bird costume doesn't know how close to death he really is.
  10. Nice. Like you, I'm an 'idea guy'. Leave the eggsecuting to you other clowns. Speaking of which, whycome there ain't no Spellman thread. He's a 1st too. Any thoughts?
  11. I may get a Heurter ava. "Huerter bringing the pain!!"
  12. Whenever I see a mascot, I give it an 'I wish you would' look. Paired with the 'angry black man face' usually wards them off. If they knew how terrified I actually was, they'd pounce.
  13. I'm afraid of mascots. Real talk. They always try to embarrass you in public in the name of being wacky. You never know if they're targeting you cause you can't tell if they're actually looking at you or not. Those lifeless eyes, man. Terrifying.
  14. Pick protection is the ultimate b*tch move. If you want to trade a 1st, have some gonads and trade a f*cking 1st. None-a this meally-mouthed, "Uh I'll trade a 1st ...... but only if it falls between 12 and 17, then it's 2 2nds." STFU, b*tch. Sorry, still a little salty. But I'm gettin thru it, I'm gettin thru it.
  15. kg01


    No. I don't really want to sign him back. Merely suggesting jOkafor would be as bad a signing.
  16. kg01


    May as well sign Howard back.
  17. kg01


    No. Lazy, bad attitude, dinosaur.
  18. kg01

    Feel Better Folks

    Sorry, can't type one-handed.
  19. This is savagery that borders on conduct unbecoming. Your license to practice whatever quackery of medical doctoring you do is currently up for review.
  20. kg01

    Feel Better Folks

    Come at me bros. Gimme a hard one. I'm knockin these sawftballs outta the park.
  21. kg01

    Feel Better Folks

    Lonnie Walkuh? You want me to do Lonnie Walkuh? Oh you mean Elfrid Walker? Same dude who said the world ain't real, it's all an 'illusion'? Yeah, good luck convincing me that hairstyle isn't ... *ahem* ... chemically induced. Are you picking up what I'm puttin down here, bro? I'm saying decision making is probably in the 'con' column of his pros/cons breakdown. Have fun with that, Coach Pop. Walker's likely outcome is as that really good dunker at the Y straight beastin' on weekend warriors. Meanwhile, the old-heads on the sidelines sayin', "Uh ya know he used-ta play in tha league?"
  22. kg01

    Feel Better Folks

    Bridges is too small to play 4, too slow to play 3 and can't shoot. Have fun with that, CHA. Oh and the fact that CHA wanted him pretty much guarantees he's a bust. Divincenzo is about 6'3" not 6'5" so I like him only as a 6th MOY type. I got the ginzu knives out for all these non-Hawks. Come at me, bro!!!
  23. kg01

    Feel Better Folks

    In other news that may make some feel a lil' better, smells like BOS may be dealing with some drama ... https://thespun.com/nba/boston-celtics/robert-williams-celtics-nba-draft-missing Haha, dude dropped due to concerns such as lack of focus, immaturity and now this. Also, I get Tatum/Brown are panning out but can we also recall Dan strAinge's actual draft record, btw? It ain't good.
  24. kg01

    Feel Better Folks

    Oh, and for those that wanted Bagley (I didn't) .... MoneyBagggs - You know how Ersan always leads the league in charges taken. Well, I think Bagley's claim to fame will be in the sheer number of charges he'll commit in his career. Get used to head-down barrels into the restricted area *tweet* ... offensive foul. Bagley palms up as if to say, "WhutIdo?" Who else did anyone want? I got shade for 'em all.
  25. Since I care so much about the collective well-being of my fellow Hawk fans ... well, most of y'all. Some-a y'all I just plain can't stand. You know who you are. Anyways, I've chosen to hop on the Rayford-wagon ('cause what other choice do I have?). To force myself to do that, I had to find a way to turn on all the other prospects I wanted. Namely, Ayton, Doncic and Bamba. Here's how my thought process worked out .... Ayton - I hate listening to this dude speak. And what TF is up with the 'multiple personality' thing? Yes, he said he has multiple personalities that handle different situations for him. Oh and 'Really?' again. You and Booker are gonna be the next Shaq and Kobe. R U Fkng kidding me? You realize Booker is the next slob-Melo, right? Doncic - I said it before and I'll say it again .... he's the love child of Evan Turner and Hedo Turkeyglue ... Hedo Turner *yawn* Have fun wrestling the ball from Dennis Spliff, Jr. and trying unsuccessfully to be the next Dirk. Mo Bamba - Fraud. Typical 'say what you think everybody wants you to say' guy. Good luck being a deep thinker while you on the bench 'cause you can't offer anything offensively and you too light in the can to reboard or ... do anything helpful on the court. Welcome to the mind of kg. I assess you posters in much the same way.
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