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Everything posted by kg01

  1. Nah, I'll leave that duty to Burd and Lurk (may she rest in peace).
  2. Some would call you a JJJ 'stan'. Does that clear it up for you? Also, the OP's question should be posed to our mods. They gonna have their hands full. Shiiii, y'all thought I was a handful?
  3. I'm sorry but this is just ill-informed, Dies. Darko was a guy over there averaging like 6 and 7 and barely playing. We know significantly more about Doncic than we ever knew about Milicic. And I say that as one who has not been in favor of taking the guy. The question I have is the degree to which he'll translate. It's not on trepidation over how much we know about him. You and Nick Young been partying with that guy in your avatar?
  4. I kinda think it's step 1 in a sloppy rebuild .... that also saved them cash.
  5. Oh man, that's savage. Also, on CHA, does this make CLE's 8th pick for Kemba deal more likely? What impact does that have on us?
  6. I was high on Sexton until fairly recently. Problems he has are that he can't pass or shoot well. He's more Eric Bledsoe than Russ Westbrook and that ain't a good thing considering he appears to think he's Westbrook-ian. He's likely to go to Orlando at 6 anyway which, if ORL is high on him, that speaks volumes (in a bad way). Yeah, I know they have new management but have you seen the Bucks' draft prowess lately (other than the year Larry Drew walked in with Hawks' draft notes)? If we're looking for a Georgian at the 19 level there's really only one choice ... and his name rhymes with Josh Okogie.
  7. Heh, I bet those were fun times. #DraftWeek gif game engaged, b*tches.
  8. Dang, I been sitting on that one but I'll happily give you and @hazer credit when I use it. Nah, Simmons been in the league like 8 years. Gotta be a fellow rookie.
  9. Grow some gonads, spud2. Don't be scared-a these foos. If #TheDon (yeah, that's what he'll be called if he lands here) is Bird, then who's his Magic?
  10. I hate seeing reports like that. There's really no substance to it. I could tweet that right now about 85% of the league and be juuuust right enough to not be laughed off the platform. "Well, how do you know this, Jake" "Bwahhh, I can't reveal my sources." Buuuulllshat
  11. I would be surprised if DEN would do this considering their already crowded backcourt. SAS loves their pg of the future though? Can't recall his name right now. Blame it on the .... what were we talking about?
  12. I like mine better. Either way it's better than what folks used to call him. Kidding, AH. Kidding.
  13. Bruh ... just realized what AHF stands for. A Hawks Fan Who knew?
  14. Eggsactly. In fact, so-called NBA eggsperts are more wrong than right. Suggesting we're opposed to their projections is kind of a complimenty if you ask me.
  15. Nah mayne, stand back here with the rest of us, spud. Let them foos back into a ban by themselves, bro. Shiiii, they halfway there already. They got AH to sober up and post a really stern warning (of sorts). And you know AH don't sober up for much. Aye, whatchu think of my Bagley=Beasley comp? #KingOEmptyStats
  16. Bagley is Michael Beasley reincarnated. Empty nimbers. It needed to be said.
  17. Preach, saphron. Yes, that's what I think whenever I read your name. I always have. There, I said it. I hate the stooges, I no longer like Olivia and I read your name as 'saphron'. What type of monster have I become? You're not wrong. He was refreshing at first but when literally the opposite of what he emphatically says on the radio happens, it's like ... como se dice 'credibility drop'?
  18. It's not really BS tho, unfortunately. In the NBA, there's literally about 3 franchises that typically draw free agents. The fact that we don't is not a phenomenon that's specific to us, at all. Players typically go where they've seen guys win. We don't have that pedigree so we have to do it all the hard way ... draft and trade. To do that, we have to have a plus GM. I hope we do but I'm doubtful, so I'm hoping he lucks his way into it. I don't know who that is so I can't be sure it's not from some high school show. Therefore I'm withholding comment. My name ain't Jared and I don't eat at Subway. And I think we can all agree I win (or lose?) the BIL sweepstakes by a landslide.
  19. Whoa, whoa ... hold it together, Cyde. Don't cry, Cyde Ok, ok ... Seriously though, it isn't now and it never has been about simply having space. Capspace has never helped us. It's about acquiring (or attempting to acquire) high-end talent. That's where we are right now. Hopefully we get these picks right. In the meantime, just hol' it together, mayne.
  20. I can't lie, this whole business sours me on this kid. I really think he's trying to depress his value in order to land in CLE. I don't buy the hip stuff. Why would his 'camp' leak that? Sorry, that doesn't come out unless his camp leaks it. This is gamesmanship to make sure certain teams pass on him.
  21. I hate 'the next'. Has that ever worked out? If they think Young can be great in his own right, then take him. But I don't wanna hear they took him because he can be the next Curry or Nash or any other great. Stop chasing ghosts.
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