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Everything posted by kg01

  1. Agreed. Let someone else wait on Bagley to devolve into the short-armed hustle guy I expect him to be. Tim Legler is a huge Porter fan. That's good enough for me. He's down on Young though.
  2. Late 1st/early 2nd doesn't matter when it's time to sign the second deal (which is what I was referring to). Can't compare to GS based on the series of anomalies that allowed them to be what they are. Klay and Draymond both signed before the cap-jump. If they'd signed a year later ... just 1 year later .. they wouldn't likely have been able to keep both. The jump also allowed them to get Durant. On top of all that, Curry's balky ankles allowed them to trick him into signing a bad deal ... which allowed them to have the space to sign Klay/Draymond. Long story long, there were several non-repeatable factors involved there. They are, in many ways, the exception not the rule.
  3. Somebody liked this post .... I don't know who though.
  4. I don't know that we can't, per se. However, I do know it's not a good idea to have that much of your team on the same cycle financially. I mean, what if they all pan out? That basically means you have to re-up them all at the same time. That's not feasible because it's highly unlikely that we'd be winning at a high level by then. What if they all pan out as NBA players but not necessarily title-worthy guys? You wanna Portland-up our cap for middling guys? What if some pan out but you don't consider them all on the same level? Well, that means somebody's getting a higher contract and somebody isn't. What does that do to the lockerroom? All in all, it's just not good. And I didn't even touch the fact that having that many rookies usually means developing 'winning' habits is really difficult. JMEO's
  5. Again, you're caught up on the failure of his acquisitions, not on the philosophy overall.
  6. That's because you're choosing not to look past your disdain for him.
  7. Knight gets a horrid rap from us but, if we're honest, pretty much all the stuff GS claims to be doing defensively and roster makeup-wise are what he and Woody were trying to do here. Clearly they failed and GS clearly took it to a different level. But to suggest Knight was an idiot and that there's no connection there is unfair and revisionist (since we hate him) IMEO. I heard Eddie Johnson speak on it briefly on NBARadio not long ago. He mentioned the switching concepts were borrowed from Woodson and that they (meaning the Hawks) tried to emphasize length and athleticism defensively much like GS does. Big difference obviously being the level of talent in GS. Long story long, it's not crazy to suggest Knight's concepts were ahead of their time. Admitting that doesn't mean you're concurrently signing off on all the poor decisions he made along the way.
  8. smdh Again, jay? ... @Gray Mule your grandkids are getting into it again. Nah, it's like the whole running from a bear thing. You don't gotta outrun the bear, all you gotta do is outrun the next dude. Surely you and like 8 other dudes would blow up at him before I would. And, make no mistake, after dealing with folks here ol' Brad is child's play. Heh, plus it ain't like his finger's on the button.
  9. TOR hires Nick Nurse ... https://www.sportsnet.ca/basketball/nba/report-toronto-raptors-hire-nick-nurse-head-coach/ .... which, to me, is the first step in Masai getting fired. JMHO. The Casey-buffer ain't there no mo'.
  10. Heh, you got stripped of 'likes' due to being too loose with 'em? I actually did invite him to come over. Mainly 'cause I wanted revenge for all your years of torment. Hey, I have a nemesis (well, a few nemesisseses ... nemesi?) on the squawk so I figure everyone else deserves one.
  11. ... then when you wake up and actually read it you think, "Maaaan .... what dis foo' talkin' bout." ... then you try to take back your 'like'.
  12. Waaait ... I thought the "surgery" was yesterday? KB's account has been hacked by some rogue nurses? Quick, how do you feel about JJJ? We know how the real KB21 would answer.
  13. Don't lie. After all these months, you know you cain't quit Trae. What you guys have is beautiful. I don't want Bagley at all, honestly. Give me Bamba, Porter or Young over that t-rex armed hustle guy. Now lemme duck n' cover before soth catches wind of me saying that. *gasp* Brad has infiltrated the squawk! Somebody alert @MaceCase
  14. Hey, who let you back in here? I swear, if we draft that guy, you're gonna have to consult your doctor for having a ..... well, I'll just say you won't be needing any little blue pills. You'll be pleased to know I've allowed Young to be in my top 5 now, btw.
  15. "You mean Bahamba and Chaunchic?"
  16. Hope it all goes well, broseph ..... and tell 'em, while they're in there, to take the stick outta yer ahhh nevermind, nevermind. Hey, I'm just kidding. Praying for a speedy recovery. In the meantime, we'll be over here raking JJJ over the coals since you can't defend him.
  17. You have to admit though, it's tough to see Coach Buttz take all them rangs he won in Atlanta with him to Wisconsin.
  18. Sounds more like LiAngelo Ball. #ShotsFired?
  19. It seems like we pretty much are aligned in our thinking. Agree with your point that ... shiiiiii, we gotta start somewhere. It's why I've come around to being ok with Doncic and/or Young. I was pretty much opposed to either as recently as the start of this week (if i'm being honest). It's also why I like Bamba even though he's not a finished product on O. I can see him being an elite contributor. It's also why I still am ok with Porter despite his obvious warts. Overall, I appreciate having a discussion that didn't devolve into personal attacks and questioning each other's intellect. Seems that's rare these days ... well, let's be honest, there's only one poster incapable of basic discussion. Who could that be though? Hmmmm
  20. I'm not sure there's evidence of this with Bagley. I'd say there's as much evidence to the contrary. Maybe not that he doesn't "want" it, but more so that he's not a player who has the ability to do it (ball-handling, etc.) on his own. Anthony Davis and Chris Bosh, for example, showed more perimeter abilities as FR which suggested they could do those things. Donc has done it over there which does count/matter to me. However, there are some legit concerns about his ability to 'get his' vs consistently higher caliber/more athletic opponents. It's not something that should be ignored. He has indeed been doing that in a competitive, high-level bball league but it is not the NBA. Jan Vesely excels there. Before Doncic, the MVP of their final 4 was Epke Udoh (who? exactly). Let that sink in. We cannot simply assume everything he's doing will translate. Slowly getting by guys, tricky-dribbling and shooting over guys ... it all looks great but there are legitimate questions as to what degree of that will be possible when the overall level of play and athleticism are ratcheted up. I happen to think he will do well in the NBA, but I think whether he ends up as Evan Turner/Hedo Turkoglu or something greater will be heavily dependent on his supporting cast.
  21. I don't like Bagley. I think he'll put up nimbers but not impact winning. Only issue I have on Doncic (aka whiteEvan Turner) is he appears to be an excellent 2nd or 3rd guy. Basically a SF version of Alice. Can't be a 1st option but is an excellent support player. At this point, if we take Doncic, we'd need him to be 'the guy'. Another in a long line of instances of us trying to force a guy to be something he's not. Doesn't mean he's not a good player. Just means it'd only work here if we proceed with the knowledge that we're still in need of the guy.
  22. We're like 2 ships passing in the night since Porter and I seem to be growing apart. I'm sorry (not sorry), Michael The kg-brand list is as follows: 1. #ParaBailarLaBamba 2. #Ayton2A_Town . . 3. #TheMPorter_Jr 4. #BaDonkaDoncic 5. #TYoung&TheRestless
  23. I promise I will .... after an appropriate gripe period. I mean, what else am I gon' do? Go be a Twolves fan? Who does that?
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