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Everything posted by kg01

  1. I just find it funny that everybody hates Dennis' "selfish", shoot-first(y) play but somehow think they'll love Young skraight jakin' up halfcourt shots 'cause he just feels like it and abusing Spalding until he finds a shot/pass he likes. Sure the supposed duds on the Sooner squad went along with it. Sure has-been Kreuger went along with it. What TF were they gonna say? Real NBA coaches/players will get tired-a that act in short order.
  2. It's something people are willfully ignoring and it's maddening. Also, I'm cooling on Porter a bit which will shock my fans (). I'm cooling on everyone, honestly. I'm almost more interested in the 19 and 30th picks than I am 3. I almost expect 3 to bust but also expect the 19 and 30 to salve the wound. *sigh* Life as a Hawks fan.
  3. Yeah, a guy unable to get his own shot should NEVER be compared to TX Durant. He was dropping 30-burgers easily. JJJ barely drops 30 in 4-5 games combined.
  4. The Porter-KD comp isnt crazy at all. He's one of the view prospects who have offensive talent sufficient enough to build around. I disagree withon JJJ, Bagley and Bamba. I think Bamba is the next Giannis.
  5. I like Wagner as a late-2 throwaway pick. Highly likely to be college fool's gold. Bullying college kids like Tyler Handsblow used to. Lack of defense hurts immensely imho.
  6. Agree with all you said. Doesn't matter, in the grand scheme of things, but it is nice to see him publicly embracing the city/community. Only evidence I recall of Budz doing the same was him attending GT games with his son. Didn't appear to be in Buttz personality to do stuff like this, which is fine. Brett Brown did the same PR-type stuff in PHI. Played up to the media, made himself a cult hero despite imho being a mediocre coach. Hope CLP can be a 'face' and a good coach.
  7. Egggsactly. I get switching when you absolutely need to but now teams just automatically switch. They don't even try to fight through screens. It comes back to bite teams in situations where they need to stay connected. Every time a guy pops for an open shot, you see the 2 defenders do the whole 'palms up, what were you doing?' thing.
  8. Ask the real question. How many kids pointed and laughed as @High5 made that walk of shame to get a change o' shorts?
  9. Mmkay, but was it more of a ... or a ... I'm guessin you were all ... With all this smile tea leaf reading, I think most of us are ... Your conversation shoula went ... smile, smile, smile, punch. P.s. you're welcome for all the nightmares.
  10. Agreed on Doncic. He's a playmaking forward a la Hedo Turkoglu and/or Evan Turner. (yuck, #EZPassLane)
  11. Man ... what the heck does this mean? He smiled 'cause a hotchik passed by? He smiled 'cause you had spinach in your teeth? Was it just gas? What are you trying to say, mayne?
  12. And the Lebron free agency circus hasn't even (legally) started yet. Giddy up.
  13. Yuck. As an opposing fan though, great job! I've literally been in a plant that retreads tires. I think they call the process Clifford'ing.
  14. David Griffin aka Lebron's main GM squeeze. Agree Colo's done ... or at least he should be. Daddy's got a long rep in the league which could save him. If his name were Bryan Thomas, he would've been fired for the Fultz/Tatum fiasco. Also, isn't this just the Hawk-iest controversy. I would've totally eggspected something like this from GoneGearon. Glad it's somebody else in the cross hairs this time. Speaking of which, @Spud2nique and I are on the hunt for the Gearon burner HS account. I have my ideas ..... Any thoughts, spud2?
  15. I won't pile on KB but ... the fact that BSPN loves JJJ pretty much ensures he'll be a bust.
  16. Supes is coming unhinged again. Hide the women and children!
  17. Who's doing a what now? (hehe) I can't deal with them when they get going. Thas your fault for engaging them but I guess I'll come in off the top rope just because. That's messed up, ma$e. Spud always has your back. Ah well, didn't you do the same to lil' Kim?
  18. Hol' on, lemme put on my powdered wig and do my best pompous KingSupes impersonation. *ahem* gotta get into character .... See all you low-brow ESPN sports fans know nothing about the sweet science (uhm, thas not what they call basketball, Supes) ... *harrumph* Shirley Al could average 25 offensive boards if he wanted to but he doesn't. Why? 'Cause he sees the game at a higher level than you clowns. It's not about the number of reboards, it's about getting the right reboards. In Al's infinite wisdom, he chose the 4 boards which gave the Celticks (it's Selltics, Supes) the best chance to win. It's science (uhm, isn't that math, Supes?) **harrumph** You neanderthals wouldn't know a great basketball play if it came up and jab-stepped you in de face.
  19. Hey, I won't fight you on your opinion. We simply disagree. To me, he's a guy who can only play 1 way and needs too many things to go juuust right in order for him to succeed. He's absolutely a boom or bust prospect. I'd prefer to go with a guy with great potential but who could athletically do or be an asset even if he doesn't hit his ceiling.
  20. Oh, be nice. It's not a dumb question, it's just ridiculously too early to ax it. There's literally no answer at this point.
  21. The folks touting Young choose to ignore all that and the halfcourt shots and the fact that he was pretty bad once the 'book' was out on him and it was clear he was incapable of playing off the ball (which is a major part of what makes Curry special, btw).
  22. Hahahajaja Selltic tears are always delicious. Scary Terry Starks in tha building tonite!!!
  23. Let's not overthink this thang. #MVPorterJr
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