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Everything posted by kg01

  1. What? He sees dead people too? Sorry, I'm not buying all that translates when he's on the court with better players.
  2. This is all true. Too bad, IMHO, Young ain't Curry.
  3. Did you and jayu get that graymule-brand whuppin yet?
  4. I hear you. To me, as someone else said, you draft a guy like Bamba based on expecting a DPOY type. But you do that knowing full well you're gonna have to get your alpha (offensively) elsewhere. I'd take Bamba over Bagley. To me it's a Bamba/Porter battle.
  5. CLP: "Aye Dennis, c'mon in. Sit down .... thas my seat, chump! CLP: Hey, c'mon in Dennis. Hey, put this dinosaur suit on ... Dennis: But why, coach .... CLP: I'll tell ya in a sec ... p-p-p-pow, pow, pow ... buh-bloom!!! Seriously though, I wanted these two to just get in a room and talk. Chances are CLP will be able to sell his program to Dennis. At the point he (Dennis) was axed about thangs, he hadn't really had a chance to chat. Just chat. So many of the world's problems can be solved with a simple eye-to-eye discussion. Many times feuding parties find they can't maintain a level of vitriol when they're forced to actually see the person they're vying with. More often than not, they find common ground which provides the basis from which consensus can be established. Even if they choose to part ways, they can at least formulate a coordinated plan which can benefit both parties much more than twit-snipes can ever accomplish. This is a very positive step IMEO.
  6. This is hurtful, benhill. Don't you realize the kg stands for KeefeGrant as in Adam Keefe/Grant Long? Surely that's gotta get more cred than Spud 'n Nique. ... all of this is true.
  7. Whattup Sparty. Agree with your sentiment. It's about what he does/can be on the court first and foremost. The whole sounding intelligent/mature stuff is icing though.
  8. He probably just meant that Alice would wear the number 1 through 5? In that case, Alice would indeed be a top 5 player. Watching him struggle with Tristan, I can just imagine him against real power forwards who could really be physical with him. SMDH Oakley would've son'nd him so bad.
  9. You misspelled 'Josh Okogie' next to #19 there. You're welcome.
  10. I'm with you @ATLien_. Pick the guy you envision being an alpha-type. If'n he ain't there, get a guy who can be a DPOY. For me, Porter has the combination of linth and shooting that could develop into a Durant-type. That's the pick for me as of right now. Next for me would be Bamba. Let ORL take T. Young then realize after a couple years that he's more Seth Curry than Steph Curry.
  11. I have a question for you because I think a lot of people would agree with your top 5. Considering the lessening impact of the big man and the way the game is called now, would you consider elevating some guards on your list? I don't disagree that a lot of the bigs seem like higher-upside guys, but I think they'll be limited unless they display guard skills. I don't see JJJ or Bagley doing that, JMHO, so I have them lower. My top 5: Ayton, Bamba, Porter, Sexton, Doncic
  12. Giannis is starting to get massively overrated IMHO. There are some real struggles, on his part, to actually contribute to winning. Everyone blamed it on Kidd and the other players but it's on him too.
  13. Gray walkin back up in dis like ...
  14. I knew that report was a croc. Link has been updated to state they only meant the talks were gonna include ownership, not an ownership stake. IOW, he'll be interviewing with ownership not that they're offering an ownership stake. His agent is good, not that good.
  15. kg01

    The Tank Thread

    Heh, you're crazier 'n a bag o' cats but I'm with you on this Schlenki cat. I'm working on a remix of the old Slinky song which I plan to unveil at some point soon. Who walks the stairs without a care It shoots so high in the sky. Bounce up and down just like a clown Everyone knows it's Schlenki It's Schlenki, it's Schlenki Such a wonderful toy ... It's gonna be amazing. Grammy-worthy.
  16. kg01

    The Tank Thread

    Can we get @gonzo to translate that article? I wanna be sure I understand if Dennis indeed wants to be traded.
  17. Heh, if Coach Buttz and his agent negotiate a coach/owner situation for him that's flat out crazy. If he deserves that, wtf do you pay Coach Popo or other guys who've actually .. ya know, won in the playoffs? I don't begrudge him though. Get that money, Buttz
  18. To be fair, I did say that was a hire I could get behi .... nah, stay on the high road, kg. #KG0Hammon
  19. Top 15 in the league? At his size, he'd have to become like a Giannis-type but I don't see him having the handle for it. I see a lot of people penciling Doncic in at 2G but I think he's too slow for that. To me, he's Hedo Turkoglu which means he's more a 3/4. I'm way down on Doncic despite the gaudy numbers he has. Translatability is a huge concern for me. If we're looking for a 2G, considering how the game is called/played in 2018, I prefer Sexton over him all day and I don't even like Sexton that much. You and I are on totally different wavelengths overall it seems. For instance, I wouldn't take either Carter or Williams in round 1. If I wanted either of them guys, I'd just sign Taj Gibson or pick up Isaiah Wilkins as an UDFA. I'm not knocking your opinion, just giving you mine.
  20. Yeah, it's easy for folks to simply say he's bad on defense. I think you have to dig a little deeper than that. He has the physical tools to not be a defensive liability. I just don't think he's really been coached at this point. Miller (AZ) is an awful coach IMHO. He's simply a recruiter, so I expect Ayton to show improvement once NBA coaches get their hands on him. I disagree on Bagley being the top prospect though. He's certainly the top athlete but ... he's just too raw to me. Won't be able to out-athlete 6'6" slow(ish) centers like he did much of his time at Duke.
  21. What the ... he's your #2 so, if we win the top pick, you advocate taking the second-rated guy? I selected #Ayton2A_town although I recognize his faults. To me, it's easier to find a guy to pair him with defensively than it is to find a guy who could (emphasis on 'could') be a 1st option offensively. He's the closest to potentially being an alpha so you can't pass up on him at #1.
  22. I'd said previously that I don't think people should be outraged if she doesn't land a job this cycle because of the fact that she'd be skipping the whole 'bench coach phase'. To me, her getting interviews is the "normal" next step considering she hadn't ever been a bench coach. Not suggesting others haven't made the same leap, but it is a significant jump that's not necessarily normal protocol. I had fears, for her sake, that being thrust into the HC job right now was more of a PR move and would be doing her a disservice. I'm trying to explain this carefully because I'm not one who has an issue with a female HC. I just don't think people should be up in arms if she doesn't land a HC job right now. A lot of folks seem to be getting their dander up and comparing her to each new hire like, "Well why's she not more qualified than him?!" It's not that simple and she's not necessarily missing out on jobs simply because she's a woman.
  23. Sorry to interrupt the Barves thread with some CLP talk but can somebody give a summary of this for those of us who may not be able to break out from work to listen/watch? I mean, them burgers ain't gonna flip themselves. Plus, the hot chick usually comes in on Mondays at 11. She might gimme the nimber this time.
  24. It's pretty widely known that Fultz's woes were from him listening to a guy not employed by the 6ers. Simmons is a guy who thinks he's on Lebron's level and doesn't need a J. Not sure how either of those issues is on our new coach but hey I'm new here. Mayhaps I haven't figured out all the agenda'ng yet? Lastly, at the end of the day, Coach Butt's gone and not comin' bak. May be time ta pass tha 'get ovr it' juice? I got a case o' red in the backseat.
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