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Everything posted by Spud2nique

  1. I’d like to say which people do this but don’t need a ban....
  2. Possible but here is NO WAY Doncic is passed up if Vlade has a say imo.
  3. Exactly. I want Lebron to win the title. He will be so tired that Cavs regular season record might fall to 20-25th pick next year. It won’t be a lottery pick either way..it won’t be 11-14 no way. I’ll cash the 20-25 pick in though I don’t care.
  4. Regarding this owner vs GM thing... Some floating rumors that Vlade wants Doncic and Vivek wants Bagley? True or BS.. Either way..Doncic won’t last to 3rd. No way. Too much hype. He will go 1 or 2 imo
  5. How do you guys make ur men smile effortlessly?-all the ladies...
  6. Love is also a giant wuss who disappears when needed most. He’s always out due to a concussion. He needs to man up fast.
  7. Lol that’s what I said ...I need someone to make me smile... kg u got about 11 minutes?....
  8. Yes but not with Love. That’s the point I was trying to squash right there. If the league says Dennis has no trade value, why does Love?
  9. Ummm...were you engaged in Hawks talk when this gentleman smiled or did you just make his day? Cuz that smile came outta nowhere I won’t lie..
  10. But teams like the Kings Suns and Magic (although dumb enough) won’t see Love as a building piece moving forward. Ps Do you know what plethora means jefe?
  11. Oh I wasn’t speaking 14th pick. I’m just saying I’ve heard our name mentioned with Huerter and I don’t want Matt Bullard lite here again...it might work if we had Hakeem but we don’t. Im just saying no Huerter even at 34.
  12. Huerter is garbage. No trading with Ainge.
  13. Ya I said keep him before as well. We hold all the cards and just take Bagley and let Dennis showcase.
  14. Clifford? Wthell has he done. At least with Lloyd we have some defensive pitbullness to look forward to, with Clifford you know what you’re getting and he’s got a low ceiling as a head coach. Specially with orlando...
  15. Lol...I have a few names...(looking around..) I WONT NAME THEM DONT BOOT ME OFF SQUAWK...
  16. Wright runs like a deer...
  17. I was getting pissed at smoove cuz instead of working on his game he was hard at work trying to make his lips connect with his nose... Fool kept sniffing his own upper lip after every play...combine that with Alice clapping his hands after every play and now u see why I have a weird twitch in my face.. I blame our frontcourt...
  18. I actually don’t mind this. It would be a huge gamble but having both Bagley and Bamba and signing them to same years that expire same time is beneficial for us. Having said that, Collins is a beast and I wouldn’t mind keeping him either.
  19. I hated Conley as he said he didn’t wanna play for the Hawks. Im like who the heck is he screw him. Wanted Al as the default. I also loved Javaris Crittenton...ssshhhhh..
  20. Oh boy...I thought kb21 was a newbie...I dont remember him too well but now...I have a feeling I won’t forget him... Marv and JJJ...I knew I wasn’t crazy..watch we r gonna take him. That’s what we do. Unless we got smart. I dunno maybe we will surprise ourselves and not overthink this.
  21. Dude I just called everyone out on the other thread feelin good from a sauna and now supes going off...Lol..
  22. Yup. Something totally off about him.
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