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Everything posted by Spud2nique

  1. Missed you all! The place looks great!
  2. Sir Lloyd Pierce...can’t say I know much about him. I may have inadvertently bumped into him in downtown in the bay in 95. Welcome Lloyd! ps Can you change your last name. I’ve had bad experiences with Pierces in the past.
  3. Not sure why you wouldn’t want to be in Canada. Cap could have shown him around a bit. ps Not a huge fan of Franchise myself. Point guards that get their teammates involved first is more of my forte. would have loved to see a pass first pg team up with Yao. I mean eventually they got Tmac for him which was a steal.
  4. Wow! Trip down memory lane for sure. I was really rooting for that Raps team to beat the Bucks in the playoffs..actually that was a couple years later but they had an exciting style of play and just a fun overall team with the monster mash, and the two veteran big men in PJ Brown and Elden. (Two of the most underrated bigs to ever play imo) if if it wasn’t for Ray Ray, medium Dog and the E.T. (Sam I am) it would have set up an epic conference finals between up and coming BDiddy vs the Answer. Oh myyyyyy (d*ck Enberg)...
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