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Posts posted by hawkman

  1. 2 minutes ago, AHF said:

    I love Fox but he and Trae would be a disaster as a backcourt.  I hope KB is very different from Fox.

    Kobe looks like an actual SG that can facilitate if he needs to. I'm not seeing the Fox comparison. He doesn't look lightning quick like Fox on offense. His quick hands and ability to play passing lanes on defense should translate. His midrange shot creation should translate as well. 

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  2. Just now, lynred said:

    Seems to be a well rounded, skilled guy. I see a little De'Aaron Fox in his game.

    He doesn't seem to be as quick as Fox. He looks more like a slightly taller DJM that actually plays lockdown man to man defense. His game doesn't have a lot of weaknesses. Of course, I'm basing that opinion off of highlights. I like the fact he's a lefty. I don't see him guarding wings as a Rookie though. He's pretty slim. 

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  3. 6 minutes ago, Dexmethylphenidate said:

    A bit undersized next to trae if he starts. But guess it's what's best at 15th

    A bit undersized next to trae if he starts. But guess it's what's best at 15th

    He's not starting. He will take time to develop. He had a very DJM like game at Michigan from the highlights I've seen, but I'm not sure if that will translate to the NBA right away. 

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Sothron said:

    This is the guard I mentioned earlier the team was praying would fall to us.

    I LOVE THIS PICK. This kid plays great defense. He is the lefty version of DJM. Basically the same player, good and bad. Kobe is a good on ball defender, a good creator and can shoot. This is a great pick for us. I was scared we would trade down and miss out on him.

    I was not allowed to say anything about him. The team had a short list of players and were going to take whoever was left to us at 15.

    Good to hear. Off to watch some Kobe highlights on Youtube.

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  5. 5 minutes ago, Sothron said:

    Sticking point in trade for Capela for 10 is Mavs wanting 15 or AJ Griffin in the deal. Hawks are not going to do that. Wondering, this is me talking, if we could sub in the Kings first rounder and get the deal done.

    Just hang up and keep both Cap and AJ if that's the case. Trading Cap and 15th for 10 (Lively) is an uneven trade as it is. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, kg01 said:

    I'd say the gun stuff isn't overblown because it wasn't just having a gun.  It was obvious and blatantly poor handling of guns in questionable and unsafe scenarios.  

    Eta.  I should reiterate though that I'm pretty biased against the guy so tifwiw. 

    "Guntubers" make a living off of that kind of content on Youtube all the time. I'm only aware of him waving a gun while reciting rap lyrics two times on social media. The second incident was one of his "friends" recording him after he was already in hot water for the first incident. Both incidents aren't exactly ideal or smart but aren't necessarily illegal either. Add in the other altercations with teenagers, retail workers, and NBA staff and I can fully understand why Silver felt the need to suspend him for over a quarter of the season. I'm not defending him, I'm just saying the "OMG he has a gun!" stuff was overblown. 

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  7. 16 minutes ago, macdaddy said:

    Or could actually make him still be healthy by the end of the year.  I think 25 games is about right honestly.  

    I agree that 25 games is enough. As someone who lives in the very gun friendly state of Georgia, the gun stuff was a bit overblown. I think it was the altercations on and off of the court in conjunction with the gun stuff and the other things recorded on social media that got him suspended. There were plenty of incidents where he probably should've been held accountable by the NBA and/or law enforcement that got swept under the rug because of who he was. That only enabled him and probably made him feel untouchable. The 25 games away and bad PR should be enough to get him back on the right track.

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  8. 18 minutes ago, AHF said:

    I doubt the NBA will ever learn the lesson for the MVP award that it should just go to the best player regardless of whether you are tired of voting for them or not.  MJ, Shaq, Jokic and others have been repeatedly screwed out of MVPs because the voters wanted to mix it up and let someone else have a turn.  Just vote for the best player guys.  You look dumb when the best player runs the table and takes home a ring and you chose to vote for a lesser competitor simply so they could have their day in the sun.

    Hakeem Olajuwon.

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  9. 4 hours ago, AtLaS said:

    Agreed, I kind of want to see us without CC.  OO isn't a great shooter but he can shoot enough from midrange to at least force the D to respect him.  He can also make free throws.  I'm not worried about him going against the Jokic/Embiids of the world since CC gets dominated by those guys anyway.  We can grab a huge stiff off the bench for when we need an extra body, but I think CC's 20+ mil could be better used elsewhere.  Or maybe we can bring him off the bench?  

    Replacing CC with OO or anyone with any sort of jumper would just open up our offense tremendously.  I don't see how anyone could guard us.  

    Sure, we will lose some interior help D and rebounding, but I think the pros outweigh the cons here.  OO isn't a bad rebounder, and he's a good defender.  Just needs to get better at staying out of foul trouble, which I think he will be forced to learn if he's playing extended minutes.

    That could actually work. Cap is still useful, but his limitations offensively and even defensively against mobile big men was an issue last season. Maybe pair him with Bey or JJ off the bench? 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Diesel said:

    Willing to see what Quin cooks up with JC. 

    If JC's shooting returns...he could be a force if used correctly. 


    I want to see him used more in pick and roll and pick and pop action. Of course, I want him to shoot better from deep next season, but him shooting threes was an adaptation to Cap clogging up the middle on offense. I'm not sure what moves will be made this offseason, but I think Collins can be so much more if he isn't strictly utilized as a shooter on offense. Hopefully, Quin will have him playing the way he was a few seasons ago.

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  11. 2 hours ago, Dejay said:

    I try not to think about it. Really try not to think about it...

    It still stings. I'm not sure folks realize how close the Hawks were to the Finals and a possible Championship before Trae went down. The Hawks were on a serious roll during the '20-'21 Playoffs. The Bucks had no answer for Trae and he was pretty much getting whatever he wanted out there. It makes you wonder what could have been if they made it past the Bucks to a much, much easier matchup against the Suns.

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  12. 22 minutes ago, REHawksFan said:

    Have you seen the full quote?  I didn't think what he said was inappropriate or out of bounds when considered in totality.  He started with himself and said he had to be better. He then then said he and James needed to be better. And then he said that everyone on the team needed to be better.  Seemed like a normal statement to me.  

    If I was a sixer fan, I'd be MUCH more concerned with the general lack of effort at the end of these games.  In Game 6, as soon as the celtics made their run, you started seeing Embiid just walking up the court without any urgency or fire.  THAT was their moment to answer and to win the series.  But he didn't seem interested.  That would be far more worrisome to me than his comments after Game 7.  

    Okay now that sounds better. Sports media is garbage at this point and can't be trusted.

  13. 14 hours ago, kg01 said:

    Your mvp, ladies and gents...

    I'd roll with limited-a** Cap'n Planet all day long over this overrated, finger-pointing, blame-shifting clown. 

    Agreed 100% on sticking with Cap. I was shocked Embiid actually said that to the media. Again, THIS is conduct detrimental to the team. Count your blessings Hawks fans. The Hawks' current "leader" is still a work in progress, but I have never heard him throw his teammates under the bus like this. 

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  14. 3 minutes ago, Final_quest said:

    Josh Smith earned such a bad reputation that it tainted his good years of being a stat stuffer.  He's under appreciated.  Even when he started to shoot too much, he could still have a positive impact on the game with steals, blocks, assists, rebounds, dunks, etc.  Jalen isn't quite on his level yet.  

    We get excited when JJ shows flashes of things Smoove did on a routine basis. Smoove was an integral part of the '07-'08 team that made the Playoffs and took the Celtics to Game 7. He made some maddening decisions at times, but he had some darn good seasons as an Atlanta Hawk. I never really saw him as a net negative player when he was here. I think both he and Joe were pretty underrated by the fans at times.

  15. 36 minutes ago, LongTimeFan said:

    I just checked in on the TNT telecast of the Miami Hoot vs the NY Knuckleheads.

    It's hard to care who wins. Can't stand either team.

    I don't care for either Boston or Philly either.

    Out west, I'm not as much of a GSW hater as some of you. Don't care for Draymond, to be sure, but I can live with the team, overall, I guess.

    If I was to bother giving a shit about who wins the championship, probably be okay with Denver. Nothing really offensive about them to me. And, a new face up top.

    Oh well... go Hawks for next year. This year is over for me.

    Yeah, I've mostly checked out as well. I don't have a second team so I will casually keep up with the rest of the Playoffs. Next season can't come fast enough.

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