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Posts posted by hawkman

  1. 21 minutes ago, swanlee said:

    For me anyway it is Gravy time, we beat up Miami on the Road who just knocked off the #1 seed and we have made the Boston series closer then most expected and Trae got his playoff swag back.

    Would be awesome to take it to game 7 but I'm happy with how the season has unfolded at the end given how crazy this year was.

    We have something to feel good abut now and a HUGE boost in the future with Snyder and JJ emerging. Very excited for the future of this team no matter what happens tonight.

    I set my expectations low as far as avoiding a gentlemen's sweep prior to the series, but now I want more after what I saw in Game 5. I want the upset. It would be nice to see the sports media squirm like they did in '20-'21.

    • Like 4
  2. 6 minutes ago, Diesel said:

    Boston has one more run in them.  They will put it all out during the first half of game 6.   IF we can weather that... Self doubt, lack of confidence, coaching doubt, and every bit of bickering about others not doing their job will spill in.  Unless Al Horford is coaching these guys up where Mazzulla is failing, they are due for an implosion. 


    No doubt they will come in guns blazing on Thursday. If the Hawks are still right there with them or even leading after the first half, that would be an indication the momentum has shifted in this series. It's not all about the Celtics imploding either. The Hawks straight took Game 5 on the road last night in a way that reminded me of the grit and determination of the '20-'21 Playoff run. 

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  3. Boston's aura of invincibility fell after last night's game. The momentum shifted when the Hawks didn't lay down after Boston went on a run to go up 13. The Hawks gifted them plenty of 3 pointers and layups, yet they're still in a 3-2 series. There's no way self doubt isn't creeping in. It's only going to get worse after the Hawks win Game 6.

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  4. 1 minute ago, LongTimeFan said:

    Just went to read the game five thread on RealGM.  
    Start around page 40 and read the posters go from insane arrogance and hate of Trae and the Hawks to total confusion and pain (with a few kudos grudgingly given).

    Yes it is. A lot of coping going on right now. One Celtic fan even said this game was meaningless. Hey, whatever gets you through pal.

    • Haha 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Diesel said:

    When we beat them IN the A....

    Going back to Boston, the Celtics will be a shell of themselves.   They will have coach doubts... and our confidence will be on 1 Million!!!


    That was absolutely a punch to the gut for the Celtics on their own court. The Farm needs to be packed and rocking for Game 6. With Trae being "back", I like the Hawks' chances.

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