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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. I was feeling good about this upcoming season until all of this stuff happened, We haven't heard from our players yet, the team is on the market, attendance may take a nose dive this season, owners squabbling. Then we have the shakedown artists (civil rights leaders) who are going to portray Danny Ferry as the grand wizard of the KKK when they get through with him. All of a sudden I am not feeling good anymore. The only bright side is that this may be the end of the ASG. So will this be a lost season?
  2. This whole thing bothers me because it seems contrived. there seems to be different factions within the hawks organization. Now what Levenson said wasn't really that bad and I still don't see the big deal about what Ferry said. There is something else going in here folks. Why does Gearon want Ferry gone so bad? Why is Levenson laying down so easily over that email.
  3. Per the AJC, the Hawks have cancelled a meeting with "civil right" leaders. These clowns are looking for money and will not leave this alone until the Hawks cut them a check. There is no chance of this dying down now. This is not going to end well. I just know it.
  4. Levenson is a business man going after the green. I will be honest and tell you that i felt that the hawks and the nba is general is a little too hip hop. I personally don't care for rap music. He pretty much called all southern whites racist in the email. That's the bigger issue if you ask me.
  5. People always make false allegations about how unsafe the Georgia Dome and Philips Arena is. Like Levenson said in his letter that was just some racist bs. Marta , the Dome, and Philips are all safe.
  6. Wurider05

    NBA 2k15

    Milsap is horrible on the game and they spelled his name wrong. They got it spelled Millsap. No respect at all. For some reason, Dennis is really good in 2k14. Really good.
  7. There was no ice in that bucket. I call BS!!!!
  8. Paul Georgie just went down with a gruesome leg injury in Las Vegas. We are now officially better than Indiana. There is no way he is coming back this season. If we stay healthy ourselves we can be a top 2 seed easy. I am not fearing Cleveland because of the lack of defense. New York is a joke. I hope that he heals okay but the injury is nasty.
  9. I was reading in the AJC that Tavares is probably going back overseas. I don't understand how can a player become better in the NBA by staying in Europe. Shouldn't we develop this guy over here so he can learn the nba game. Or is it all about money?
  10. Were we really that good in the playoffs or was Indiana that bad? I love our team but we got to remember that we only won 33 games last season. I am kind if stuck in the middle,
  11. All of our d-league players are on the team already. We don't need an affiliate!!! LOL!
  12. Looks like Miami has the money to pay Deng what he wants. My god its a possibility that we may come away with nothing.
  13. you do know that he smokes crack right? you have got to be joking,
  14. I said that JJ would look good on our team right now. I didn't say anything about his salary.LOL!!
  15. We are still that franchise that has to overpay to get top level talent. We just need to accept that. The question is who do we overpay? You don't overpay guys like Ariza and Deng because you are not going to get any more out of them because they have reached their peaks. You overpay for guys like Parsons, Bledsoe, Stephenson, and Hayward. Those guys are good and have yet to reach their full potential like Joe was when we signed him from Phoenix. Speaking of JJ, man he would be a perfect fit on this team right now. You all can drink the Danny Ferry Kool-aide and think that he has some kind of grand plan. While we finally have a good coach, our situation is still the same. Now that the big 3 is broken up, Miami has 50+ plus to build a new team. Hell might not be anyone left once they get through.
  16. Man that show is damn good. Its on demand now since the season ended several weeks ago. Billy Bob Thornton kicked ass on that show!!!
  17. Are you telling me that Ferry gave Stefalosha 3 year/12million and we couldn't make a run at Spencer Hawes who signed a 4 year 23 million with the Clippers? Last I checked I thought we needed a center. There were no rumors that we even were interested, I know that Hawes is no all star but he is a solid center. Maybe Deandre Jordan is on the block?
  18. I have been thinking marvin but didnt want to bring that name up. He would be a good pick up for us.
  19. What ever happens with the draft or FA, we are in no shape to use high picks to draft foreign players to stash oversees. We need too much help right now than to try and be cute.
  20. I just read that the Clipper are targeting Lebron James. If they want him they will have to part with Deandre Jordan and Jamaal Crawford. It there any possible way we could acquire them financially? Man if we could land both of them the east is ours next season.
  21. http://stats.nba.com/playerVsPlayer.html?PlayerID=2736&VsPlayerID=201960 Deng and Demarre were really close in stats this past season. Very close. Extremely close and D. Carroll was better in certain areas.
  22. Why wouldn't Lebron consider coming to the Hawks as a free agent?
  23. So in other words nothing!!! We should have gotten a young prospect. Damn JJ was balling in the playoffs this year. I still say that we should have gotten Marshon Brooks.
  24. I wouldn't like this move one bit. He is going to miss 20-25 games. what would he really add to our team?
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