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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. Granger is too injury prone. You can't build a house with broken wood!!!
  2. I think that he has talent and am indifferent as to him coming to the Hawks. The question is is he the kind of player that Danny would pursue? He seems to play out of control sometimes then will play like he is the best 2 in the league. Its like he is Josh Smith.
  3. I can't believe you guys are debating bringing these bums to our team. I really can't believe it?
  4. Ferry comes across as having a big ego. Its like he is one of those people that like to do things just so he could say 'Look what I did !!" I know that we all can't predict the future but when was the last time a team that desperately needs talent draft 2 international players in the top 18 picks. Selecting Bud was damn near a no-brainer considering that they worked together. Letting Josh walk was a no-brainer as well. Lou wanted to play for us Reminds me of the kids in high school who were too cool for school not realizing how they were destroying their future. I just hope that just because he was a bust as a player that he doesn't feel that he has something to prove. Another thing is that I heard on the radio that Milsap was always the number one choice with Al Jefferson being option 2. What sense did that make when Ferry reportedly never offered Dwight a contract. Milsap has been damn good for us but could you imagine a Horford/Jefferson frontcourt. I got the strangest feeling that Ferry is doing unconventional things just to show how smart he is and may hurt us in the long run.
  5. congrats!! Don't have any children until you turn 30. get an education or a trade.
  6. http://basketball.realgm.com/wiretap/233508/Kings-To-Put-No-8-Pick-On-Trade-Block Apparently they were high on him last year and they don't want to draft anymore young players. What do you think? Maybe they would take Lou?
  7. I like LOVE. If he was black he would get more respect. people act like he gets his stats through smoke and mirrors. Those rebounds don't grab themselves. He is a beast. His defense isn't that bad. I have seen worst. We need a scorer on this team really bad.
  8. Paul George isn't the player that they thought he was.
  9. I just saw the playoffs brackets on NBA tv as they stand right now. Pacers/Hawks Bulls/Nets Raptors/Wizards Bobcats Heat Miami will have to go through Charlotte and the Wizards/Raptors to get to the conference finals Pacers will have to go through Atlanta and the Bulls/Nets to get to the conference finals Its not hard to tell who has the harder road. Heat might sweep all the way through the finals while the pacers might not make it past us. Even if they manage to come out it will be no cake walk. I would not be surprised at all if we beat the Pacers or at least take them to 6 or 7 games.
  10. I got a feeling that this draft isn't going to be all that great. I see a bunch of projects. I was never sold on Wiggins. My gut is telling me that the stars of this draft are going to be players that no one expected.
  11. I don't think that Detroit was suppose to be a rebuilding team. We have been devasted by injuries and we have nothing to show for two lottery picks last season.
  12. Talent wise this is probably the worst Hawks team we have had in a while. However, they do play great as a team. With that being said how many games can we take from the Heat? Bud can make a name for himself because just like us they are a poor rebounding team.
  13. You are absolutely right. I have been saying for years that we have had talent but we lacked coaching. The teague-jj-marvin-Smoove-Horf lineup was a good lineup with bad and weak coaching. I don't now what the hell Ferry's plan is either but he comes across as being arrogant. I hope his arrogant attitude doesn't cause us to lose players. I sit back and read the comments with all the Ferry love but what exactly has he done? I like coach Bud alot but we have guys starting that would coming off the bench in any other city. Now we have good coaching and no talent. IF we are tanking other team are doing it better than us. Even in Detroit, Josh Smith is hurting this team. Its makes no sense that with our recent win-loss record we are in still in the playoffs by 3 games.
  14. I just heard about the Jeff Green rumors on 92.9 on a sports break. says that danny wants him. i got to thinking Jeff Green ppg 16.3 reb 5 ass 1.7 PIE 9.7% vs Evan Turner PTS REB AST PIE 17.5 6 3.7 9.6% both are reportedly available but who is the better fit? who is the better player?
  15. Sorry about your son. I hope he makes a total full recovery. Stay strong dude!
  16. http://www.operationsports.com/news/706681/new-atlanta-hawks-alternate-logo-leaked-in-nba-2k14/ Looks great!! It appears to be an update of the pac-man design with the new colors.
  17. I saw the trailer and it didn't contain much Joffrey. I think he gets it this season. I haven't read the books but they didn't show him alot i the season 4 trailer.
  18. guys, he is a beast in this game!!! No one can guard him. He can get to the hole with extreme quickness.
  19. he is done. scoring is not our problem. we need defensive/rebounding help.
  20. Man has anyone seen the second season of this show. Its funny as hell. Here is the trailer to season one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfRgVbp9gSY
  21. I felt bad after D. Carroll got that phantom call against the heat. However, this maybe the worst call ever. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCdgssaOlfA The worst part is that the ref was right there. There is something going on in the nba with these refs.
  22. with Al out this is the opportunity to see if Bud can really coach. remember that team of scrubs that Doc Rivers had on orlando or the scrubs we had when Terry Stotts was the coach (never thought Terry got a fair shot here). It teams like this where coaching is the key and where they can show what they can do. Anyone can coach the Heat.
  23. The traffic is going to be horrible. the taxpayers are not going to like this at all. if you are moving into the heart of your fanbase why is the stadium smaller?
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