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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. If we get slaughtered today on national television do you think Ferry will make some moves this week?
  2. This is very interesting to say the least. http://www.nba.com/statistics/plusminus/plusminus.jsp More proof the we will be alright without Mr. Smoove.
  3. Wurider05


    It called getting the most for your money!!
  4. You got to be kidding me. To me a max player ggves you at least 23-30 ppg a game. Josh is an above average player but that's it. How can you ask for a max contract when you have never made an allstar game. Almost doesn't count. Why would the organization make the same mistake twice? I think that Josh will become some else's Joe Johnson. The nerve of this guy. So help me god if this team gives this dude a max I will no longer support the team. I feel that strongly about it. We have gotten his best years so to hell with him. His atheltic ability is already eroding that's why he chucks so much. I am really starting to wonder what Ivan would give us with Josh' s minutes and amount of shots. Hell last night he was 7-20. How the hell does the worst shooting starter end up taking the most shots. Hell Al has a better case for a max contract than this clown. No way we make the same mistake twice. Josh is one of those players that will slack off once they get their money and he will show his ass to the organization and start making trade demands. All of a sudden he's a leader and a team player.
  5. He wasn't going to make it anyway. Boozer and Al are having better seasons. Josh and his camp think that he didn't make it because of the suspension but he wasn't going to make it anyway.
  6. Bingo to that post. I can't believe you guys still want Dwight. He has ruined two franchises in under a year, his performance is falling off, he can't play with another superstar but yet he can't provide you with enough scoring to be the man. And alot of you think that he and Smoove would be a good combo and are ready to give away half the team to do it. We need to leave this cat alone because if we get him we are going to end up like orlando with alot of overpaid bums that you signed so you could build a team around a "superstar" you can't build round. Hell he mignt not ever be 100% again. With he and Smoove as our cornerstones we might not average 80 point a game. Another thing thing Dwight has been in the league to long to not have gotten better offensively he has no post game and has gotten bums like Twin and Kendrick Perkins paid.
  7. He is overrated. Even when healthy he wasn't anything to write home about. i would take Zaza over him seven days of the week and twice on Sunday. O D E N is D O N E. See what I did there? LOL
  8. People like good teams. You either need a very, very successful team or a superstar. We have neither. When people consider Josh Smith your best player that says alot about your organization.
  9. If you want to see a real super hero movie check out Super. Its a really good movie. Here's the trailer Damn good movie.
  10. Same thing/ Only difference is that Marvin isn't around to be his whipping boy. He needs to bench Josh and replace him with Josh Smith. Horf stanked it up too but he had 11 boards. Did you all see that play when Josh was cherry picking while everyone else was playing defense. LD should have pulled him then.
  11. Something just isn't right/ They never say anything about his shot selection. Even Nique says "tough shot" by Josh when he should be saying bad or horrible shot. LD is afraid to reign him in becaue Josh was the one that helped him get the coaching job. Between the terrible jumpers and the turnovers what exactly is he bringing to the table that can't be replaced. This is a bush league organization that thinks that this guy is some kind of superstar that we have to bow down to. Superstar in Atlanta but 3-5 guy in another organization. I guess what do you expect when the high point of the Atlanta hawks organization is a game 7 shootout with the Celtics that we lost. They take pride in an ass whipping. God knows I get sick of hearing about that game on the broadcasts. We lost the game. Has that never bothered you all that they seem to celebrate that game like we won? We need to get rid of this guy to me that will say alot about Danny Ferry and where this team is going. Of course Josh wants to stay in Atlanta because no other coach or organization will allow his this much freedom to do whatever the hell he wants to do. All the freedom in the world but the guy has never made an all star team.
  12. Apparemntly he didn't like Lou Williams being the man. I am telling you guys Smoove and his camp think that they traded JJ so he could be the man on the team.
  13. didn't realize the he was hurt last night. Seems that he is getting injured every week. Just saying................
  14. I call BS. IIts funny that there was no talk about any lingering back problems until the losing started. Why did he come back when he knew he just had major back surgery. He wasn't suppos to come until december anyway.
  15. I was just wondering how you guys feel about the future potential of this team when everyone is playing for a new contract. Can a team or coach really be measured under circumstances?
  16. This isn't another bash Josh thread but rather its an observation on his taking long range shots. Have you guys ever looked at his shot mechanics? He has a slow wind up and he has a high arc on his shot. Its my opinion that his jumper is only good for long range shots. He rarely ever shoots a jumper in the paint. he simply can't do it. He will not consistently play in the paint because of his woes at the free throw line and his strong dislike of contact. if we keep him (I hope that we don't) we are going to have to help him more extensively with that shot.
  17. No offense Wretch but you guys got to get away from that "could be" , "if", and "maybe". This dude has been in the leagur damn near 10 years. He is what he is. He is today what he will be tomorrow. The athleticism is alredy slipping away. We got the best years out of him we need to let him go. Hell i wonder we can work out a package with the Kings for Cousins.
  18. This is the problem with the Hawks. I don't listen to rap music myself and maybe wrong but I am pretty sure TI's fans are the same ones that only show up when the Heat or Lakers come to town. Gangster rap music has no place at a hawks game. I am not saying that folks don't change but come one this has no place at a Hawks game which should be a family affair. I wouldn't take my daughters to anything like this either.
  19. But Josh is a superstar that people supposedly pay to see.
  20. I am sorry for yet another Josh thread. Josh Smith signifies what is wrong with this franchise and our image. Josh Smith has serious flaws in his game and his BBIQ. This is his 9th season we have watched him develop and we know what he is. I have seen nothing in this kid that warrants building a team around him. The Hawks got laughed at when we signed JJ. No one ever said that JJ was a bad player but everyone agreed that he was overpaid. J Smoove is incapable of providing us what JJ did and he is now suppose to be the "man". We would be a fool to resign this guy.1. Gasol is better than Josh Smith. Period2. We traded JJ because of his salary not because it was Josh Smith's team. I think that Josh and his camp may have taken it the wrong way.3. Teague/Horford is a great combo4. LD needs to be fired and should have never been hired to begin with. I will standby my opinion that the teague/jj/marvin/Smoove/Horf was capable of so much more but this team has been doomed by bad coaching from the very start.5 are we that low of a franchise that we have to build around players like Josh Smith. To me the biggest sign of what the coaches think of him is that fact that they didn't pick him for the allstar team or the olympics.We will never become more than a bush league 2nd rate franchise if we continue to think small and that goes from the owners down to the ball boy. I am not sold on Ferry as most of you are but I hope he understands the big picture and how we can never demand respect around the league unless we change our culture and way of thinking
  21. I was thinking the same thing last night. He stated during the game that he watched a little film of the Kings and observed that they kill themselves when they try to run set plays. He blows Nique out of the water by far.
  22. I thought that I was the only one that noticed that. It was so bad that my wife pointed it out to me.
  23. What we should have done was get Marshon Brooks in the JJ/Nets trade. he is better than anyone we would have drafted.
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