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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. we have all of these shooters but absolutely no post game from anyone. For all of you Danny Ferry is god folks how many games do you think we are going to win? We have no one on this team that warrants a double team so what good are perimeter players when they will never be open. Its like this team was built for a dominate post player who can kick out to the perimeter but we don't have that player on this roster. I love my Hawks but this is going to be a long season.Maybe they do the in and out with Horford?
  2. Bingo Dolfan. The Hawks can shoot the lights out but get slaughtered on the boards. I just run an uptempo pace the entire game. I have lost every online game but I have been close in all of the games.Lou Williams is a beast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Josh isn't a max player. Folks we traded JJ the salary not JJ the player. Why do that only to make another stupid mistake and over pay Josh Smith. After 8 seasons he is what is.
  4. they said the samething last year and nothing changed. I agree with OP the nba refs are the worst. The game is supposed to be called down the middle. the same foul call on Zaza should be the same for Kobe.
  5. he is legit. I said that samething about Drew and he stated that Drew doesn't make alot of money so axing him is no big deal in the grand scheme of things.
  6. Wurider05

    Some info

    My friend just told me that Toronto is serious about obtaining Josh Smith. He told me that there is open dialogue but he hasn't heard who are the players involved. Also told me that Drew is the dead man walking around the organization. Apparently if he gets off to a slow start his ass is gone with Weiss getting the coaching gig until they find someone even though it is obvious that Ferry already has someone waiitng in the wings. Also told me that Marvin was complaining about not getting touches and it his complaining was getting louder.
  7. Honestly we have enought of "these" kind of players.
  8. Its never good when you have the headline "Bynum to have german knee procedure" then a few days later read "Bynum considering long term deal with the sixers". He isn't worth the max due to injuries. His lack of wanting to improve his game maybe due to his knee. Have you all ever seen him run. He is pigeon-toed as hell.
  9. At the worst we make the playoffs.................right?
  10. right now our projected lineup isTeagueharris/WilliamsSmoothHorfZazahow good or bad can we be? I hope that we trade Josh Smith but let's assume that he doesn't get traded. orlando is on the down as well as Chicago. Can we be top four again next season?
  11. I agree with Diesel. You all are jumping for joy for nothing. He hasn't done anything and has never built a championship level squad. Putting 4 bums with Lebron doesn't count. We don't know if Sund was ever allowed to trade JJ or Marvin. As of today were are a less talented team. I will still watch and I will still attend some games but the Ferry worshipping is getting pretty pathetic around here. I like JJ and Marvin and they both are going to teams in better situations than the one they left. Yeah Smoove will lead us to the championship.
  12. Do you think with Devin Harris here he will step his game up to protect his spot?Will LD allow him to really run the offense?
  13. I have just started watching the show on netflix. They have seasons 1-4. Its a great show!!
  14. Inquiring minds want to know? Has teague done anything to lose his starting job?
  15. I have seen more of Lou Williams than OJ Mayo. I know that a few of you wanted Mayo but how similiar or disimiliar are the players. Who is the better of the 2?
  16. Sometimes people need to be taught a lesson. D12 is a diva. Orlando took on a bunch of bad contracts to appease him. Now he wants to leave and they would be stuck with the contracts of Turk and Jason Richardson. Why should they suffer alone. I would let him walk after the season was offer and cause him to lose 20+ million dollars. I would not give him what he wants. If he walks or if he is traded Orlando will suck either way for a while. Might as well get some personal gratification out of it. He plans on screwing them so they might as well screw him to.At this point in time they know what the offer are and the players involved. Why haven't they pulled the trigger yet?
  17. thats the problem he is a poor rebounder for his size and he doesn't play defense. He is soft.
  18. He isn't work the max no where near it. but guess the Lakers/Houston stuff maybe true. I hope that we don't have to enter the season with stories about where D12 will end up. This needs to be taken care of now.
  19. stop whining. if we had a "super team" you all would happy and full of glee. don't hate the next team because you wish it was your team.
  20. But we had them by the balls. we should have squeezed them. JJ = Deron signing. We should have let them keep the pick.
  21. Its funny this kid is going for a 1st round pick. Honestly who is coming out that is better than what he is right now. They wanted JJ bas enough to probably have give us the kid. Ferry got fleeced. We need a sg in the worst way and would be relatively cheap for the next few seasons. Ferry made a foolish mistake.Now what??
  22. As you may or not know I work with someone that used to work for the HAWKS. I bump into him at the office the other day and he tells me some things about Dwight that I didn't know. He knows Dwight's family as well. He says that there is no way in hell he plays for the Hawks and if they trade for him he won't stay.1. He has 5 children with 5 different women and it would be too much baby mama drama for him if he lived and played in Atlanta.2. He doesn't have a great relationship with his family (especially with his father). This goes back to how religious and humble he was when he was drafted now he is living foul. He comes from a very religious family. I guess you can't serve two masters.3. It would be too many distractions and alot of his personal business will be made public4. the only person he ever really respected was his high school coach and he was trying to get him a job in Orlando5. Josh has been talking bad about Hawks management and ownership but now is trying to sell Dwight on coming here.
  23. Remember what happened last time we rebuilt. No one wanted to come here even though we had the money. So we ended up overpaying for JJ. You all need to stop building our future hopes around players that we don't have signed yet. What happens if (I assume when) we don't get Chris Paul or Dwight Howard? We are going to have to overpay some player just to come here again. That's why I was hoping we would have gotten Marshon Brooks in the JJ trade. Look at what is happening in Dallas. He allowed pieces of their team to walk away because he wanted Dwight Howard and Deron Williams. DWill chose the NETS instead. There are no rumors that Dallas is even a remote possibility for Howard.Becareful what you ask for.
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