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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. I don't think that its true. to be miserable about something you have to care. We all know that Matt Ryan is overrated, JJ is overpaid, and that Chipper is over the hill. These teams pretty much do as expected yearly. Plus there are so many other things to do in the Atlanta area folks just don't care. Same can be said about UGA and Tech. There is no way in hell Bobby cox would have lasted as long as he did in any other city in america. same with Osh Smith.
  2. We have been stinking up the joint lately. We are now the 6th seed. Is it possible that we may not make the playoffs?
  3. Looked healthy to me. Again he is LD's boy and he is going to take up for him.
  4. the magic are a lame duck team. we beat no one if any significance last night and bearly did that.
  5. The Lester Connor interview after the first quarter. He was asked what we needed to do to get back in the game (or something along that line) and he stated that he had no clue. The fellas on the chat last night were hysterical. Someone along with myself even asked "who the f*** was coaching this team?". I have never heard a coach reply with an answer like that. Funny thing is if they can LD, the ASG will probably give this clown the job.
  6. My god this is what I have been saying for years. If Josh hits his first long jumper you can't tell him s***. He is uncoachable as hell. Again, any team where Josh Smith is our best player is a team that will not go very far or have much success. He should stick strictly to rebounding and blocking.
  7. This is what I have been telling you all for the past two seasons. LD has been with this crew for several years. You realize that the first thing he did was make Josh a captain for the team. What coach in their right mind would sit back and let his jack up jumpers after jumper. for instance in yesterday's game Willie Green and Hinrich were wide open Josh looked and them both and jacked up a long range shot. Hinrich threw his hands up like WTF??? we got to get rid of both LD and Josh.
  8. That is absolutely right. Nothing else can be said.
  9. Josh doing whatever he wants to do on the court Our record againt winning teams JJ hurt and declining McGrady complaining marvin wants to be traded LD getting outcoached daily Horford out for the season This franchise is going down fast. Drew has lost this team.
  10. Mark my words. He goes somewhere with a real coach and this dude will produce. That can be said for Smoove as well. Marvin and Smoove have been the victims of bad coaching. Think about it he wants to be in a situation where his usage increases. That speaks volumes right there. Coach of the year Tom Tibbedeau stated that Marvin Williams was the most underrated player in the NBA. You think that doesn't mean something? Man I hope we get a good trade for him but at the same time my gut is telling me that we are going to come away looking stupid.
  11. dude don't come with that bullsh*t. his knee looks fine against sub .500 teams. You know the worst thing is that me and my wife just welcomed our second daughter into world so my father in law is visiting and he is from Chicago. Now I got to hear this s*** for the rest of the week. Damn!!!!!! Well I guess we can see the all the blame is on marvin.
  12. why should he care, if he averages 2.6 ppg a game from now on he gets paid. if he gets amnestied he gets back. jj doesn't give a f*** unless he's playing to get on the allstar team.
  13. could lebron guard Durant 1 on 1??? doesn't matter because its going to be the Hawks and the Nuggets in the finals. we win 4-2 with Josh Smith the MVP.
  14. I have to agree. LD's substitution patterns have been horrible all season. We talk about this on the chat every game. It just kills me how Marvin starts off hot and gets benched while JJ is 1 for 7 and Smoove is 1-5. Marv probably said f*ck it. It's like he doesn't believe in riding the hot hand unless its Joe Johnson or Smoove. LD is in over his head. He nis forced to kiss *ss because some of the players (mainly Smoove) are the ones that got his his job. They don't respect his authority and that player that doesn't complain (Marvin) becomes the whipping boy.
  15. its not like marvin played bad. This was obviously an issue before this game as stated by TMAC himself.
  16. Any team where Josh Smith is your best player is a team that will not make very far. Josh is benefitting from JJ being double and triple teamed. When a coach actually game plans for him he can easily be shut down. Have you ever noticed that 95% percent of his jumpers are wide open. Josh struggles when teams have a good enough defender to guard JJ one on one.
  17. Josh doesn't show up against the good teams. He beasts out againt the Suns, Wizards,Bobcats, etc but where was he when we played the Lakers and the Heat. Same with JJ. Bosh is superior player in every aspect to Josh Smith.
  18. I turned the game off at the end of the 2nd half. I saw a team that was already looking defeated. I saw a coach who looked clueless. Alot of you started having dreams of a championship parade on peachtree because we beat a few scrubs teams. Even with Al we would still be in the same boat. You all talking about how Josh Smith should have been an allstar. No one was ever saying that we we suppose to beat them by 20 but last night was horrible.
  19. http://www.ajc.com/sports/atlanta-hawks/hawks-josh-smith-says-1344733.html he still doesn't get it.
  20. Why do you guys get so personal with benhillboy all the time? he is entitled to his opinion just like the rest of you. He post are well written and he articulates his points well. The people on here just like myself who feel that Josh should not be an allstar are vindicated by the fact that he isn't on the all star team. i guess the coaches share our opinion of the guy. All the arguing in the world won't change that.
  21. Josh doesn't deserve to be an all star.Period. The coaches are building a team with the reserves and where exactly does smith fit on this roster. He has no post game and takes bad shots. I would rather have a good shooter taking long J's than my PF. The league sees him for what he is. 8 years end and we are still talking about how good he can be if he gets his head together. Folks nearly a decade in the league. a zebra can't change his stripes. If it came down to Smith or Deng are you telling me you take Josh? The coaches have spoken.
  22. I damn neared pissed myself when I read this exchange:
  23. http://blogs.ajc.com...fid=blogs_hawks Gee I wonder what this could be. He doesn't have any balls to do anything major like bench smoove so let's send Marvin to the bench. Teague Hinrich JJ Smoove ZAZA or Teague JJ Smoove (he will definitely take more jumpers) Ivan Zaza or Teague Willie Green JJ Smoove Zaza/Ivan
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