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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. There is justice after all. Today the sun will shine a little brighter.
  2. http://basketball.realgm.com/wiretap/217173/Report_Lakers_To_Acquire_Chris_Paul The rich keep getting richer. While we celebrate a washed up superstar and a pg journeyman. Oh and I forgot about jason collins. Damn. You just know that they are going to get Dwight Howard. You just know it.
  3. so called superstars always want to break the bank when it comes to their money then whine about wanting or not having help. He needs to sign for less than the max. I bet you he won't sign for 10 million a season so the team can surround him with talent.
  4. don't fool yourselves into thinking that he is going to have a resurgence here in Atlanta. I find it questionable that he signed with us so fast for the vet minimum. If that is the case why not go to a contender such Lakers, Heat, etc. We have weak leadership and soft players. He probably figured that he could come here and take over the team. really who is there to stop him? I hope that things work out for him and us but something doesn't seem right to me.
  5. is this what we have come down to? We are happy with broken down has-beens who's best years weren't even in this decade. Please guys get some self respect. Tracy McGrady, Vince Carter and Allen Iverson won't do anything for us. They are done!
  6. Damn Marvin looks great. The miracle of the knife. He looks toned up a little. of course we trade him and he finally blows up.
  7. There is no way we get Paul and not give up Josh Smith. No Way in hell. Paul JJ Marvin Horf Okafor not a bad lineup if you ask me.
  8. Wurider05

    Red State

    Its streaming on netflix. This is one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. Its about politics. religion, government etc. I was completely blown away and with me being a movie lover with high standards that says alot. You will not be disappointed.
  9. It didn't dawn on me by what chemistry problems are Josh Smith talking about? Crawford is gone. Marv doesn't shoot enough. So by default he has to have a problem with JJ or Horf. What I don't understand is why because as previously discussed Josh is going to get his shots.Maybe other players are complaining about Josh. I will say this stat wise Horf,JJ, and Smoove aren't that far apart but salary wise they are.
  10. http://blogs.ajc.com/hawks/2011/12/02/atlanta-hawks-afternoon-notes/?cxntfid=blogs_hawks he may indeed be on his way out. He already has an attitude problem when he's happy could u imagine him if he is unhappy. I just found out the other day that a co-worker in our finance department worked for the Hawks for 6 years and he knows the guys and management really well. He pretty much confirmed what we all have suspected and that their is dissension in the locker room and it all centers around Josh Smith. He stated that JJ is suppose to be the leader, Josh wants to be the leader, and Al is ready to be the leader. Its amazing how much of what he told me we have already speculated on this board. The only thing that surprised me was the fact the he told me that Nique was one of the main ones undermining the coach and that he stays in Josh's ear telling him to play his game (shoot jumpers). other tidbits he shared Billy Knight was a complete a**hole that no one liked Drew created some of the dissension and pretty much stabbed Woody in the back Woody was the ultimate control freak and was stubborn as hell (we know this) internally its either Josh or JJ with Josh being the obvious one to go. Josh's camp is pumping him up. we didn't talk long because i had to go but he was like he didn't know that there were any other hawks fan around. I am not sure what position he had with the organization but you can bet we are going to talk some more. i told him about the Squawk. Its crazy but what we know about them appears to be accurate.
  11. So basically we become that Atlanta Hornets? LOL
  12. The problem with Rondo is that he has had the luxury of playing with 3 Hall of famers. They covered alot of weaknesses in his game. The jury is out on what he can do in another setting I think.
  13. Ahawks89 that fact that we (if rumors are true) couldn't get a draft pick from Minnoesota for Josh should say all we need to know.
  14. Honestly I can't understand why Cp3 gets all the love when Deron Williams is way better than him. don't forget that if we were going to draft a pg in 2005 it was going to be Deron Williams. Head to Head he always destroys CP3. CP3 is a better shooter but you see whay happens when you clamp down on him. I just like the physicality of Deron Williams better. i am not saying that Cp3 isn't a good player because he is but its like people forget about Deron williams.
  15. All this talk about Marvin finally walking like a man and Josh smith losing weight we may have forgotten what teague did in the playoffs and what he can be for us this year.
  16. How about we trade JJ for Paul and filler (so the salaries can add up). I know that he doesn't want to be here but we let him walk and boom we are out of JJ's contract. Who knows maybe he likes playing with smoove, marv, and Horf. No player wants to play for NO so they have to get someone who is already signed long term like JJ. JJ won't complain because he is overpaid. rememeber even if Paul walks we now have capspace. Hell we could trade Smoove for Paul straight up and have the same results if he walks.
  17. I know Utah doesn't need Josh or a Sf that was why I said we would need to find a 3rd team. Dragitoff in case you haven't heard both Milsap and Jefferson are on the block!!!
  18. I think we need to use Smoove, find and 3rd team and get on the Milsap/Jefferson deal preferably Jefferson. Jefferson and Horford would be dangerous. Hinrich/Teague JJ/?? Marv/Wilkins Horf/ZAZA Jefferson/ZAZA
  19. He needs to be drug tested. he might be on that stuff.
  20. hell our starting line JJ, MW, JS and AH have been together for several years now. We should get out of the gate strong. Hell Drew has been around the team for several years as well. only question is who is going to start Teague or Hinrich and we can pretty much guarantee that Crawford is gone.
  21. http://www.kitsapsun...he-nba-lockout/ I don't know if he can ever be the Marvin from 2 years ago again. The back is a tricky thing to have surgery on. I hope he comes back and play like he did 2 years ago before the injury but I don't know. he is young and this injury does explain what the hell happened. If he is healthy then no excuses this year.
  22. Damn just damn. Why does this always happen to us? This guy probably doesn't have the money to buy the team. There's no telling how much he has lost in this economy. Damn!!!
  23. even if they do make the playoffs they will get swept in the 1st round. So really what's the point?
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