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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeU09MQni_A&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJBolXlqhPU He maybe alright. Seems a little timid and nervous.
  2. We really don't need to wait around on a player to "hopefully develop". We are past that now. The only reason would be to Josh for 4th/pick and Varejo so Horf can play power forward. We could always flip the #4 pick and a player (MArvin) for another player. I really feel that Josh is a goner. Teague JJ Marvin Al Varejo Hinrich #4 pick Can we honestly move JJ?
  3. You forgot 6. Turnovers 7. Stupidity. Players alot better than Josh Smith have been traded before. He talented but at this point let someone else "figure" him out. Having players that know their roles and are better fits for what you want to do trumps talent everyday. See Mavs vs. Heat. We will never make it out the gutter with players like Josh. Trading him would signal to me that we are serious about becoming a legit organization. I am thinking that there is more to his locker room problems than what is known to us. He is uncoachable. You can't win a championship hoping that a guy who has been in the league for nearly a decade gets it.
  4. Maybe he has been playing hurt since the injury two years ago. It appears the there will definitely a lockout so maybe now was the best time to have the procedure done. Hell there may not be a season until January or later!!! He can't be traded now for sure!!
  5. I am just curious but if there was an amnesty clause that a team could use to get out of a bad contract wouldn't JJ's be the contract they get out of even before Marvin's.
  6. Anyone else watches this show!! My goodness this has to be the funniest show on television. Name of external link
  7. Name of external link This is very interesting especially with Josh's comments. This was just put online on yesterday.
  8. What do you think we can get for Hinrich/Marvin 17 million?
  9. Wurider05

    NEW CBA....

    That;s irrelevant and moot. We don't have Caron Butler, We don't have Rudy Gay, and we don't have Chris Paul. What we have is a team with problems. I am not defending Marvin at all but I am defending the fact that we have bigger problems than Marvin Williams. Again I am for trading anyone on this team that will make us better.
  10. Who is our core? No more of this b*llshit about Josh finally getting it and will be better next year. No more hoping that JJ will play like a superstar. No more waiting on Horf to be dominant. No more questions about Marvin finally stepping up. We should be through with the guessing games and the "what ifs". We need to know who we are. We went to battle and we saw who showed up. Say what you want to about Marvin but he won the Orlando series for us. We would have lost if he didn't come through with. We would have not won game 7 in Orlando. 1. Too many jumpshooters 2. Our frontcourt plays soft 3. Or dependable scorere (Jamal, JJ) are streaky I am telling you for us to move forward it has to be Josh Smith or Al Horford that is moved. You have to start at the top. I prefer Josh Smith because there are just too many questions about him. I don't want to roll the dice again with him. If we would have played Teague more during the season maybe we could have gotten something better for Bibby, JC2, and a 1st round pick. I have no problem with Hinrich but you have to think it was stupid not to give him steady minutes during the season.
  11. Wurider05

    NEW CBA....

    To me no one on this team is untradeable right now with the possible exception of Teague. Diesel your hatred for Marvin is well known. Its a fact that doesn't play up to his potential but you are talking as if Marvin caused us the championship this season or something. How can the 5th or 6th best player be responsible for a team's lack of success. I am just saying if the Hawks trade or get rid anyone Marvin Williams shouldn't be the last one or the first one. The Hawks problems don't begin or end with Marvin Williams. He is one of many problems.
  12. A hard cap would make the league alot better along with non-guaranteed contracts. I hope the the owners don't cave in!!!
  13. Dude we are past the "what if" debates. Smoove is what he is. Al is what he is. JJ is what he is. Marvin is what he is. I don't think that this is a silly idea. It depends on what you get in the trade. We need a good offensive post player. This is the key. We need someone that owns the paint offensively. That can be a SF, PF or a center it doesn't matter. We have too many jumpshooters on the team. Jason Collins sucks big time but that big lineup is good because there is one less jumpshooter in the starting lineup. Just imagine if we had a front court player with a great post game. A jumpshooting team can not bring a consistent effort. Our two best players Jamal and JJ are streaky. If Jamal Crawford isn't scoring he is worthless. Hell even Marvin brings D when his shot (which seems to be most of the time) isn't falling. Players need to know their roles. Noah wasn't hanging out on the perimeter chucking jumpers. Our players don't complement each other well because everyone is a damn jumpshooter and soft as hell. That pretty boy basketball will never cut it in the playoffs. You all laughed at me when erly in the season, I suggested that we should look into trading Smoove for Zach Randolph a consistent offensive post player. You all talked about how awful he was on offensive and the Smoove was some kind of defensive wizard. Yeah right!! A better talent is always trumped by a better fit when a team has a unified direction. LD and Sund are going to have to sit down and think about what exactly they want this team to be. We have no identity other than hoping our jumpers fall. We are an above average defensive team but we need to establish who we are and how we want to play, and who will or can fit in with the direction we want to go in. To hell with another year of wondering if Josh will finally get it or if MArv will step up, or will Horf give you 20 and 10. We need to move beyond that bush league level of thinking.
  14. Either Josh or Al has to be traded. Forget the stuff abut Marvin, JJ, Jamal and Teague. Can we agree that this is where things need to start? They both have their positives and negatives. Personally I trust Horford more but they both seem to like jumpers a little too much for my liking. Before any discussion about role players and bench this needs to be dealt with first.
  15. While I enjoy comcast greatly. I do think that their SD quality sucks on a HD TV. However the picture is great on an non-hdtv.
  16. Hell I would do a Gasol for Smoove or Horf trade right now!
  17. Yep it always MArvin's fault.
  18. The picture quality of U-verse sucks. You can't go wrong with comcast. They have the fastest internet and the best pic quality for HDTV. You could also get netflix/hulu plus on a Xbox 360 or Ps3. You have endless options. When buying a television check out brandsmart first. They have great deals.
  19. You guys keep thinking that all of a sudden he is going to turn it around one day. Last night's game for Josh Smith was horrible. This is who he is. We should have moved him when we had the chance. The world is watching. The NBA is watching. Josh Smith may very well be untradeable after these playoffs. You heard what Kenny Smith said about him during the halftime show? makes me wonder.
  20. As a basketball fan, I have to wonder why no one is giving us a chance against Chicago. We match up well against them. I know that Hinrich is out but even if he wasn't hurt people wouldn't give us any better chance. Look at their games with the Pacers it wasn't like they blew them away every game. We are a superior team than the Pacers. Are we hated that much that common sense totally leaves the equation that we can win or go 7 games? Am I missing something here?
  21. I was thinking the same thing watching Z-bo in their series. That's old school hard nosed playing. No finesse. No shooting 3 pointer. People on here laughed at me when I said I would rather have Z-Bo at PF than Josh Smith. You don't see that kind of rugged play anyone. The league is mostly a bunch of pretty boys who are afraid of contact. Mark Gasol is rugged too. It's funny how much better they got after Rudy Gay got hurt. Makes you wonder..........................
  22. Name of external link Cunningham just updated @ 7:30 PM. Hinrich probably won't be able to play in the next series. Damn we just can't catch a break. Should have given Teague more minutes. Damn!!
  23. It is out already and it looks awesome!! http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxVt75aGko8&feature=rtupdates&src=yt_results&tid=63742633192853506&eid=1304033817533332_182064860_3215079710&l=youtu.be/YxVt75aGko8%3Fhd%3D1
  24. I called this last year but Woody didn't listen!!! LOL
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