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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. before something clicks in you head that you need to try something different? I rewatched the denver game and Smoove was just firing at will with no impunity.
  2. Always look good against the weak teams. Where was he when the Lakers were in town?
  3. 6-14 really what else can be said. I told you guys that we had problems and that we were being propped up by an easy schedule.
  4. The thing about this team is there are problems bigger than Marvin Williams. Don't pretend if Marvin goes the bench JJ is show up every night, Jamal Crawford will produce. Josh will hit the boards and play like a post player, and that LD will learn how to coach. Marvin starting or coming off the bench I don't care either way but you guys are stupid if you think that Marvin Williams is the biggest and only problem that this team has. Hell MArvin Williams might not be in the top 5 of problems on this team.
  5. Damn shame if we meet them in the playoffs and he torches us!!
  6. It appears that when we have a big lead against teams LD leaves the offensive unit in too long. It's like LD's mentality is to maintain the lead instead of stopping the other team. Let me explain. If you are up by 15-20 points you best defensive lineup should be out there. That means no Crawford and more Marvin and Damien. We need to have our grind it out lineup in the game. I don't think that Craw needs to be in the game when you are trying to keep a lead. This and we need to stop shooting so many jumpers. Portland actually outscored us in the second half. So what's the biggest culprit when we blow big leads the lineup or the jump shooting? We need to figure this out before the playoffs!!
  7. If Jamal's shot isn't falling (which has been alot lately) what good is he to us? Should he be continued to free lance on offense when his is in a major slump. Its like no matter what he will always get "his shots". How detrimental to the team is that or it that just Crawford being Crawford? I think that its bad business when you can't score and you can't top your man from scoring as well. Is he as bad on offense as we make him out to be?
  8. What about the Hawks should the league fear? What is our calling card? What can we now be with the talent that we have? Inquiring minds want to know!!
  9. 4. I got a feeling that some of the guys wouldn't have minded Marvin being moved instead? Geez Diesel. How in the hell did you come to that? You are reaching. No one mentioned MArvin's name or Horf's name.
  10. I was just curious because his contract just started.
  11. Just wondering if it he could be traded if we wanted too?
  12. Good Lord that is a brutal schedule. But we can't complain because we have had it easy for most of the season. Didn't we play the T-Wolves twice before the New Year.
  13. Somebody told him that he was on the block!!! LOL Honestly that biggest knock on Marvin is his scoring. He plays solid D, is a great free throw shooter, decent rebounder and doesn't turn the ball over. He does well when he is slashing and gets touches. I have noticed that LD has his basically doing the same thing Woody had him doing camping out at the 3pt line creating space for JJ, Smoove, and Horf. How about someone creating a little space for him? He rarely gets the ball in a good situation. Marvin does leave alot to be desired makes no mistakes about. But has he really been given the absolute chance to do more? Really. The problem is probably 70 % Marvin and 30% the situation he is in. He can always buck the gameplan (if there is one) and go for his (ala Smoove). What kind of team would that be? I think that he should come off the bench but getting looks when you are in the game with Jamal Crawford is pretty hard to get good looks.
  14. I sure hope that trading him comes back to bite us in the *ss. I think that he will end up being alot better than we expected.
  15. Hinrich for Jamal Crawford Hinrich and Hilton Armstrong for Jordan Crawford, Bibby, Mo Evans and a first. The later trades seems to be too much. Which one is it really?
  16. Again I ask what is the purpose of starting Twin? 1. Means more shots for Smoove on the perimeter. 2. Twin isn't some kind of defensive stopper. 3. Twin can't score. 4. Statistically does Al numbers improve when he is at PF? 5. Smoove doesn't defend well on the perimeter. 6. Rebounding suffers if you haven't notice. Last night our starting front court had 14 rebounds, Bynum had 15 by himself. We need a point guard. WIth this lineup even Al turns into a jump shooter. We have a center that can't score and four jump shooter. Then we sub in the greatest chucker of them all. Last night was a perfect example. I knew after SMoove took his second long range jumper that we were in trouble. I turned that tv off and went to sleep. Derek Fisher is their week spot. If we had a decent pg we could have exploited him and been more competitive. Our guys was just standing around. No cutting, no slashing. nothing. Iso. Jamal totally abandoning the team concept by taking shots too early in the shot clock. We need a pg and a coach. I don't think its our players but rather how they are playing and coached. Horf needs to get his *ss back at center. LAst night with his nearly automatic jumper he could have drawn Bynum out of the post.
  18. We can all agree that in order for us to make a major move we will have to part with JJ, Craw, Al or Smoove, . Getting rid of Marvin the (5th option) isn't going to make us any better. Ramon Sessions will not put us over the hump. You can't make your team a contender if you aren't willing to give up one of your best players. In order to get you have to give. We need a pg. If we trade Marvin we need to do it for a good 2guard and move JJ to the SF. We can't survive with Smoove playing the three? Yeah he looks good against weak teams but we need to look at the big picture. Trade Craw for a pg? I don't think Marvin will get us much in terms of improving the team. We got to go for the brass ring folks. They really should consider offers for Josh Smith.
  19. Marvin if traded will be headed to one of three places: Golden State, Houston, or Cleveland. Don't be shocked if Smoove is moved.
  20. In the grand scheme of things Josh at the 3 will not work. Its easy to beat up on the weak teams. But Josh at the 3 will not get us pass Orlando, Chicago, Boston, or Miami. We have to look at the big picture. charlotte demonstrated how t make him irrelevant in the 2nd half. Sometimes it not about how many points you score but rather how you get them. How about letting Marvin and Josh switch roles. Let Smoove start at the 3 and Marvin at the 4.
  21. Marvin starting or off the bench is irrelevant. My question is who the hell are we going to beat with Bibby and Jason Collins in our starting lineup? Jason Collins really shouldn't even be in the league. Alot of the squawkers act like he is some kind of Dwight Howard stopper or something. I think that we should start Teague and Crawford and let Bibby and Marvin come off of the bench. Marvin has developed some decent post moves and he and Bibby could work a nice two-man game off the bench. But then again Jason Collins may start and not play nothing but 10 minutes. What's wrong with this lineup? Jamal JJ Marv Smoove AL I mean is just needs to stfu and play center. That's the only way he would be an all star. Horford the pf won't even sniff the all star game. How about bringing Smoove off the bench and starting Marvin in the big lineup?
  22. I am not sure what was the rationale behind starting a center like Collins who brings nothing to the table. I mean Diaw, Brown, and Nazr are not dominate centers. Al is way better than all of them. Was starting Twin worth losing perimeter defense? Then why would he have Mo Evans in that late in the game instead of Marvin? He kept Bibby in the game even when their backcourt was Livingston and Captain Jack. We saw what 6'7 does to 6'2. We got so many problems its not even funny. Our problems extend way beyond Marvin Williams and Josh Smith folks
  23. Wurider05

    Larry Drew

    Name of external link What exactly was he talking about? Since Al is back why can't he do what he talked about doing before? Why talk all that sh*t if you were not going to back it up? I think that he was going to bench Smoove but he can't because management may not let him. If its Bibby than why is that affected by Al coming back? SOMETHING STRANGE IS GOING ON HERE FOLKS. THIS DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE AT ALL!!
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