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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. Really would we be any worse off by starting Teague right now? I know that he is still raw but my goodness he would be an upgrade over Bibby. Bibby is a one-trick pony who can't even do that trick anymore. Seriously what do we have to lose?
  2. Look at the numbers. It clearly shows that whenever he gets shots he produces. Bad pick or not you can't argue with the numbers. These are simply the facts. More involvement in the offense=better Marvin.
  3. LD is full of piss and vinegar. He can't even control Josh Smith how the heck does he have any juice to get a trade done?
  4. I hope that he is talking about Bibby. But what do you expect when your starting backcourt scores 11 points. Let's be real here he doesn't have the balls to bench Smoove or Bibby. He's going to bench Marvin. Bibby has no business starting and he appears to be done playing major minutes. He can't keep up with the other pgs in the league anymore. But he is going to bench Marvin.
  5. Bingo! I sit there in total amazement that a guy is getting paid to be a NBA coach doesn't realize this. We have lost a lot of leads in the 4th with the Bibby-Craw backcourt. Two streaky shooters with suspect defense. That's not a good recipe for success. They shall be known and the Chuck Brothers. LOL
  6. Its called playing to your strength and not playing soft. He isn't trying to be a finesse player like our Smoove. When you are the most athletic player on the floor you should use it to your advantage. Smoove should be playing like this kid. There is no reason why Josh should be top five in rebounds every year. I hope that he is watching Blake and looking in the mirror because talent wise they are very close but it a matter of how the talent is being used.
  7. If the right deal comes along we still should move him. Nothing has changed.
  8. It was always curious to me why Bibby and Craw ever get extended minutes together in a close game. It just doesn't make any sense. Its damn near 5 on 3 when they are in together.
  9. I really liked how the Crawford-JJ-Marv-Smoove-Horford lineup played last night. It obvious that this lacks a pg but Bibby is really a 2-guard running pt. I would go out on a leash and say that Craw has superior pg skills than Bibby. I wonder if there is a specific reason we don't see it more. I am not sure who actually ran point but I guess it doesn't matter if we are doing the motion offense. our bench rotation would be: Teague/Bibby Bibby?MO/Wilkins MO/Wilkins Powell ZAZA
  10. The Hawks have resorted to THUGGERY!!
  11. BS!!! Josh Smith has been in the league for 7 years and doesn't know a bad shot from a good one???
  12. Again I say it shows how sad of state this team is in where someone like Josh Smith has the green light and is allowed to do whatever the hell he wants to out there. The players got LD his job and they don't respect him as a coach. Why wasn't Smoove benched? The crap he is pulling will not cut it during playoff time. How many shots does a player have to miss before he realizes that he may need to drive to the basket? Damn near all of this jumpers are wide open. I would rather Marv take 20 shots than Smoove. You all talk about his blocks but what about the turnovers. Last night he had 3 blocks and 4 turnovers his turnovers negated the blocks. We need to trade this guy while we still can.
  13. I think that when its all said and done we will have not realized the true greatness of Tim Duncan. Hardworker, good teammate, doesn't whine about touches/spotlight, he steps up in the post season (unlike JJ). I think this season he only plays about 29 minutes a game and is allowing his teammates to play their game. How many superstars are willing to do that. Look at the Lakers. In the beginning of the season when the offense was running through Gasol they looked unbeatable and it was early season talk of MVP. Then you have Kobe is has lost a step and has a bad knee (don't even practice) going against what was working for them. Tim Duncan is the best player of the post Jordan era and the best power forward in the history of the game. It's a shame he will never get the recognition he deserves. Good to see the Hawks moving up but my we still haven't beaten the good teams. Those Orlando games should not count because of obvious reasons.
  14. The guy says that they want a shot blocker. We need to offer them Josh fast. He maybe averaging .5 blocks soon because they are dropping every month. I don't think that our defense will suffer much its not like Josh is shutting down anyone defensively.
  15. Wurider05

    100 - 59

    Its says alot about this franchise when they think Josh Smith is so good that he can do whatever he wants to out there. The other shoe has dropped with him shooting jumpshots. We need a post player. We need to improve our defense overall. They have got to realize the either he or Jamal is our most valuable trade piece. This team will not fall apart if Josh is moved. He is involving into a perimeter only player. We need to move him before its too late.
  16. Don't flatter yourself boys. it was 2 on 5 last night and they still took us to overtime. 2 on 5. the teams combined took 61 3 pointers.
  17. Why wouldn't he want to play? He was playing really consistently before he went down. He was putting up 15-16 a game and was shooting over 50 percent plus rebounding well and hitting his free throws/3pts. If he was sucking I would definitely understand. Why now? That fall looked pretty bad to me. Marvin is not a small guy.
  18. Now our future is based on what-ifs.
  19. I told you all about Matt Ryan. If it comes down to him having to win a game for us with his decision making and arm we lose. He has been propped up by the running game. All the credit for our success is contributed to Matt Ryan. He is just an average quarterback that can't throw the deep ball. He appears to be a nice guy who is respectable but he is not the superstar that people make him out to be. Even his stats don't support this.
  20. Name of external link You think that they would be willing to take Marvin?
  21. Name of external link We are about to find out what we are really made of now fellas. Is it me or is Michael Cunningham is way better beat writer than Sekou Smith.
  22. Not that I want him traded but I think that Josh Smith is our biggest trading piece and we can get the most for him. We need a starter with a post game. We shoot too many jumpers. I would prefer moving Smoove for a real low post player like Zach Randolph for example. We need to get out of the mindset that we need to get better talent when in reality we need better fits for what we will make us a better team. That's not always a more talented player but rather a player who fits your team better. Why do you think guys like Ariza, Hedo, and Posey look like all stars in certain systems but straight garbage in others.
  23. You can tell this by the all star voting.
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