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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. That's something that people don't fully get. It takes more that pure talent to win championships. Every team with a good offensive point guard has a chance to beat us. Until Smoove and AL develop a post game we will be in the same situation. Our team is soft and doesn't like contact. You guys hate Marvin's guts but he is the only on on the team that seems to be willing to take it to the hole and draw the foul consistently. Guys need to have defined roles instead of just going out there. Everybody can't average 20 points a game. We are seemingly moving in the right direction but we need to stop shooting so many jumpers. Smoove whether as a PF or SF won't be getting any open jumpers against Boston, Orlando, Miami, or Chicago. We dominate weak teams (like we suppose to) and pump our chests out like we did something. Our schedule has been very easy. We still don't have that defining win this season. I know that we have injuries this season. I think that we need to see a starting lineup of Teague-Crawford-JJ-Smoove-Horf. I think that the Bibby-Marvin combo off the bench could be deadly. You can actually run plays for Marvin and have him moving around. Whenever he gets gets 10+ shots he produces but he can't be a part of the offense sharing the ball with Josh, JJ, Craw, and Horf. He needs to come off the bench. That would be the best bet for us to be successful.
  2. I agree. I think that all the talk stems from New York being involved. What has he really accomplished?
  3. I understand that but you never know. Hell the worst that could is that we get a good draft pick and Craw walks.
  4. Since he is signed for 5 more years would a trade to a team that no one wants to play for make sense. I wouldn't mind taken back bad contracts if for a shorter period of time. 1. Minnoesota-- 2.Memphis 3. Houston 4. Sacremento 5. Golden State 6. Indiana 7. Nets 8. Cleveland Honestly I don't think that our record would be much different if we would have let JJ walk and put Crawford in the starting lineup.
  5. Again we do a good job beating up on the bad teams but can't beat anyone else. I am starting to miss Woody!!
  6. You guys kill me thinking that other people's garbage can make us a contender?
  7. Mine would be our inability to beat an elite team. Yeah we can beat the 76ers, the Pacers, the Raptors, but we get creamed against Boston, Miami, etc. I don't put much stock into the wins over the Magic either. Game 1 half the guys were coming back from a virus, game 2 the trust traded away two starters and their backup big man. They should have let JJ walked and got a better coach. Marvin has been doing well lately.
  8. No player is worth that. If they trade for him in a season or two he will be whinning about not having any help. Melo is a piece.
  9. Name of external link Very interesting article. Very true
  10. Name of external link This is a damn shame. The Timberwolves, the Bucks, and the Wizards outdraw the Hawks. They gave JJ 120 million dollars!!
  11. Smoove is a horrible defender. Rebounds don't grab themselves. Smoove's turnovers negate his ever decreasing blocks. Effort and work ethic is what separates the two. Smoove wants to be a finesse player when he isn't. He doesn't like contact. He is soft. Josh Smith is a Porsche with a Toyota Corrolla engine. Everyone on this team is expendable except Al Horford. Smoove isn't and he is the only one that we can trade to really improve this team.
  12. Thank you. Alot of these people on here don't understand the mechanics of a team. Smoove maybe the better player of the two but Love would benefit our team more. Sometimes its not always about overall talent but about skill. Love is a smarter/tougher player than Josh will ever be. Josh should be averaging 11-12 rebounds a game but you can't do that hanging around the perimeter.
  13. I would do Smoove for Love in a split second. Really there is nothing to think about. A rebound beats a block any day of the week in my book!!!
  14. Wurider05

    Marvin Williams

    He is simply taking it to the hole more and not exclusively shooting jumpers. He is getting to the line as well. I know that he isn't everyone's favorite Hawk but who on this team is more efficient?
  15. I agree. I always felt the Smoove will never reach his full potential playing in his home town. he needs to go somewhere where he isn't loved.
  16. How ironic that my wife surprises me with one for christmas with the dance central game. This is really some space age stuff here. It is so fun and you will get a workout playing the games. We were up until after midnight playing Dance Central and KInect Adventures.
  17. baron davis =mike Bibby . To come out of the east or to compete in the east you are going to have to become better defensively. If we must move Marvin we should move him for a good defensive 2 guard and put JJ at the 3. Moving Josh to the 3 makes us worse defensively. You guys have to get out of the thinking that we need a 7 footer just to have one. kaman is garbage. We don't need to take a step back defensively because Al wants to play the 4. He is getting paid so he needs to shut up and do his job.
  18. I have been reading several stories about Melo going to the NETS with the promise that they surround him with talent. There will probably be a 3-6 team trade involving anybody's guess. Is it possible for them to become a contender this season if they make the right moves. I mean they have money and a good coach. How could we get in on this if its going to be a multi-team deal. I think that this going to be a big trade. Could they leap frog us with the right moves or we shouldn't worry about them until the next season?
  19. It depends on how Howard will adjust his game. Maybe he will let the other guys score while he just rebounds, blocks, and control the paint. Like Diesel says it puts the guys who have really been killing us on the bench. Who the hell starts??
  20. Those blown coverages were do in part to having to help Bibby on the perimeter from getting burned. For the life of me Teague should have minutes just for that. Jefferson made us pay. With whomever was guarding Jefferson leaving to go help Bibby/Jamal guard the pg before they blow past them killed us last night. There is no one on the Spurs team that needs to be doubled. I am not saying that they wouldn't blow past Teague but that it wouldn't have been so easy.
  21. Slow your roll folks. Again we dominated inferior competition last night. We always looks good against the Net, Wolves, Grizzlies etc. We can't compete against the elite teams with Josh at the 3. You all always get a false sense of pride when we beat these non playoff, lottery teams. What's going to happen when Josh goes against someone who will actually attempt to guard him and stop his seemingly always open jumpers. As long as his shots are open he is fine. You think come playoff time they are going to let him take open shots? You think that Pierce or Lebron going to leave him open. Did you not see the Miami game where every time Smoove was on Lebron Lebron tried to drive on him when he would never try to drive on MArv or D Wilkins. He gave him too much space because of his poor perimeter defense. This will get exploited come playoff time. Slow your roll fellas, SLow your roll!!!!!!
  22. Name of external link This guy makes some good points. Do you all agree with what he is saying?
  23. I have always wondered what the team would be like if JJ went down. I am glad that is not a knee or back injury.
  24. Name of external link Is this something appropriate to be out there like this. Why tell the media this instead of just talking to the coach in private. I don't think that Teague is trying to cause a problem but LD might like the fact that he went to the media first. We don't need this kid in the doghouse right now.
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