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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. Don't hold you breath. Next game stats for Marvin: 2-7 4 points 2 rebounds 1 assist LOL!!! Like Nique said if he can put it together consistently we would be hard to beat. He has to stay aggressive at all times.
  2. On 2k11 this lineup has me nearly unbeatable over the past few days: Teague Crawford JJ Horf Smoove I do have Smoove as my center depend on who I am playing. Marv is my first sub off the bench depending on how things are going.
  3. Truthfully this is what the guy told me. Its only his opinion. I didn't say that I agree with what he was saying but rather I respect from someone who knows the game. I As for what he said about Marvin I interpret that to mean a player who doesn't complain about his shots etc. I don't think that he meant that Marvin is the greatest thing since slice bread but rather a coach likes a player who will listen and perform. As for my personal opinion on the Hawks I really don't have one anymore. I am slowly gravitating towards not caring at all. I haven't watched the last three games.
  4. This guy coaches AAU and is a basketball junkie. We start talking about the Hawks and he gives me his analysis. He stated that the hot start against weak teams covered something that is going to be a big problem going forward and that there aren't enough balls for everyone. He stated that sometimes you have to look outside the stats to see what a player really brings to the table. He used Marvin as an example. He stated that Marvin is a coach's dream because he doesn't complain about shots and he does the things that help the team flow such at spacing the floor, setting picks, perimeter d, etc. He said that he does the coaches tell him to do to a fault almost but when the average fan looks at the stats and sees that he only has 7-8 points then they say he played bad but you can't have 5 starters and a sixth man trying to "get theirs". Someone has to stay out of the offense and not whine. He stated that who will give up their attempts so other players can get their ppg up. NOt JJ, Craw, or Smoove. Horf maybe! He actually stated that it would be smart to let Smoove come off the bench with Bibby and start Teague/Zaza. or start JJ at SF and Marv at the 4. Larry Drew good coach but ASG should have gotten somewhere else due to the fact that the players are comfortable with Drew. Whenever players want a certain coach you know that there is going to be trouble somewhere down the line. Even if the ASG was going cheap they should have gotten someone from outside of the organization because it would have helped the players more. Teague/Jo. crawford should get more pt together. With the right coaching could be very dangerous. Smoove is a horrible defensive player and isn't very smart. Been in the league too long to just be getting by on athletic ability. Gets destroyed by smart players. I am not saying that this guy is John Wooden but its nice to speak with someone who brings a different perspective about our beloved Hawks. He said that basketball if a 5 man game and Miami is proof of this. role is a role regardless of how minimal some may view and that is why players like Stackhouse and Kurt Thomas stay in the league for so long.
  5. They thought that the league was just going to laydown for them. Remember all that talk about 75 wins. You can't have three players that need to dominate the ball. They should not have signed Bosh. They should have gotten Boozer or JJ at the very least !!! I am really enjoying this debacle in Miami. Pat Riley can't save them.
  6. This is from a poster on Name of external link. He absolutely gets it. This is just plain common sense fellas.
  7. Josh has been straight balling lately but as a team we have been sucking something awful. Is it good or bad when he is the best player on the team?
  8. I have never been the biggest Vick fan but this shows you how great he can be when he doesn't have to run for his life every play. Its water under the bridge now but we never surrounded him with players they have in Philly. If it comes down to Philly vs. Atlanta for the NFC championship in Atlanta that will be the hottest ticket in the history of this city. Nosebleeds will probably run you 500.00 bucks.
  9. Its a damn shame but Brandon Roy pulled himself out of the game last night after complaining of the worst pain he has ever felt in his left knee. There is no cartliage for the doc to even operate on. I am thinking that they maybe in the market for a 2 guard. What or who do they have that would interest you all. Off the top of my head I am thinking Oden but who knows. Jamal is from that part of the country.
  10. I don't think that they need a new stadium. The State of Georgia owns the Dome and makes money off of it. On top of that Goddell and Blank want an open air stadium. Do they really think Atlantans are going to sit in the rain, cold, or snow to watch a football game. I don't care if Mike Vick was still here these folks are not sitting in bad weather to watch a game. You know that they aren't even filling up the DOME.
  11. I really believe that The Heat should have gotten Boozer or JJ. Bosh is the weak length He is not a banger at all. The kryptonite has been found. Being the best player on a bad team equals inflated states. He is averaging 5 rebounds a game.
  12. If we are going to get a pg (Felton) that can't shoot we might as well keep Teague.
  13. Exactly. First play of the Phoenix game, Grant Hill went right at Josh Smith. First play of the game.
  14. You lost me after you said Smoove can be our starting SF. Do you watch any of the games? SMoove can not play the SF spot. What's our record this season with him as the starting SF yeah that's right 0-2. His men are blowing right by him.
  15. After yesterday's game there should be no question as to why we need Marvin. Smoove can't man the SF spot. If his BBIQ was higher he could have been a decent backup. I know that Marvin is far from perfect but how many "WTF" moments have Marvin been a part of versus Smoove. I not saying the Marvin is an all world defender but I think that it would be easier to score on Smoove than Marvin. Straight up man to man defense I would take Marvin at the 3 before Smoove any day of the week.
  16. 103.2 11th highest scoring team 94.6 appg 7th best in the league 103.2 ppg vs. 94.6 opponents 4th best point differential in the league behind Miami, Orlando, Lakers. .325 in 3pt % 24th in the league .318 in 3pt% allowed 10th in the league .484 2nd best fg% in the league behind Dallas (even with JJ shooting 39%) .821 4th best free throw shooting team in the league 22.80 7th best in assists (not bad for a team without a "true pg) 42.20 15th best rebounding team in the league 38.20 given up 3rd best in the league +4.00 differential 4th best in the league .44 ofg% allowed 10th best in the league 6.20 bpg 7th best in the league 5.80 bpg opponents .40 differential 11th in the league 4.8 spg 28th in the league 6.60 steals allowed 8th best in the league 22nd in differential 14.60 turnovers 10th best in the league 12.60 in forcing turnovers 27th in the league +2.00 differential 24th worst team in the league I think that our ball movement will be our greatest strength. Five games and for nearly every game a different high scorer. Maybe JJ tonight maybeHorf Marvin or Smoove the next night. I am really liking what I am seeing. I think JJ needs to get his field goal percentage up but I like the way he is orchestrating the offense with his assists. How do you all assess the numbers and where we are right now?
  17. I think that LD should start Jordan Crawford at the 2. This kid needs some burn in a major way. I not saying he should play 40 minutes but what harm would. I would rather him learn now and be ready in case someone else is injured. Whats the point of having depth if you don't use it??? Bibby Jo Crawford JJ Smoove Horf
  18. The best team doesn't always win. The best coached usually does.
  19. NBA champions - Boston Celtics Most Valuable Player - Dwight Howard Rookie of the Year - Griffin Coach of the Year - Larry Drew Defensive POY - Mike Bibby er.....Ron Artest Sixth Man -Jamal Crawford Most Improved - Marvin Williams Atlanta Hawks 50-32 lose to Celtics in the Eastern Conference Finals Kobe Bryant will show a big decline this year but will continue to jack up shots. Spurs will be a threat this year.
  20. I just read that Solomon Jones maybe on the block in Indiana. WOuld you all welcome him back here?
  21. Man i may pick it up for the non-gaming functions of it. I do not see myself jumping around like a 6 year old child. I have to save my energy for the 3 times a month my wife decides she wants to have sex!!!
  22. Jamal Jeff Jordan Josh Josh Jason Joe That has to be some kind of record or something.
  23. D, I can't call this one. It all depends on Jeff Teague. Jordan Crawford is probably the best rookie we have drafted in over a decade. I didn't know that he could pass the ball the way he does.
  24. CoachX, you sound like Richt's agent. Stop making excuses for him. He has gotten long on the tooth. He hasn't earned that right to fix the ship. A championship would have earned him that right.
  25. Says alot about Dampier that he isn't signed yet. He is a bum and a t a time where big men are scarce he isn't signed and that season starts in a few weeks.
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