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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. I think that Shaq and his people are trying to play the league. If he really wanted to be here he would have been here by now. He is only considering us for the money. Let's leave it alone.
  2. MC already said that the Marvin for Shaq deal is a no go. They are just trying to get something for Shaq from somebody.
  3. We got to get Matt Barnes, We get rid of Marvin and bring in Matt Barnes and there is no doubt we win the NBA title next season. Matt Barnes will win MVP and Finals MVP!!. GGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Matt BArnes.....YEAH RIGHT!!!
  4. This is the kind of crap I am talking about. JJ broke the bank and didn't leave squat on the table for the team but wants someone else to come and play for less when he didn't do the same. While Shaq's demands are ridiculous who is JJ to tell someone to take less than what they are seeking?? LOL
  5. Most common sense post I have read all summer. All this trading Marvin, Smoove, and Horf is just stupid. We don't know how the new system will affect the players on the team. At our worst I think that we are still a playoff team. Hell look at our possible bench: Bibby/Teague Crawford 1 Crawford 2 ZAZA Evans Alot of the problems we have with Orlando is mental. They play scared and stupid against them. We played our worst possibly matchup with them. We keep falling into that same trap with them. That goes back to coaching. Dwight isn't as dominant as we make him out to be.
  6. You guys over estimate summer league. Hell wasn't Dion Glover MVP 5 years in a row or something. Those games are awful. I do think that JC2 will be a good player lets see him against guys that won't be working at the car wash next week.
  7. Here we go again with this Shaq situation. When are these clowns going to get a sense of pride. It is pretty obvious that the demand for Shaq diesel isn't that high but he wants 8 million a season to play for us when teams he would take less from hadn't even made him a offer. Teams with capspace haven't even made him a offer. We should just drop the pursuit. As far a trading Marvin for him that is just plain stupid. The ASG have no sense of pride or self respect. That is why players/agents don't have any respect for our organization. Atlanta is one of the better cities in the country. Now if we were Utah, CLeveland, or Memphis I would understand having to overpay for talent. Remember when Dampier tried to break the bank with us. BK told him to go to hell.
  8. I was reading that CP3's knee is f*cked up pretty badly and he hasn't been cleared to play yet. Be careful what you ask for!!
  9. My link www.atdhe.net I am watching the game right now on this through the above link.. We are really pushing the ball. teague is guarding mayo.
  10. i think that alot of you overrate Josh's drawing power. The few fans that are regulars go to see the hawks. i don't know where this people pay just to see josh stuff comes from.
  11. You got Washington alittle high on your list don't you buddy. I say the New York is better than Washington. Wall by himself doesn't mean a playoff spot. Hell he might be a bust..
  12. This is exactly why you don't let players/agents have any kind of role in management decisions. Lebron damn near handpicked the whole team. They overpaid badly for Varejo, traded for Mo Williams, traded for Shaq and Jamison, and he leaves them high and dry. Not to mention they kissed his and his cronies asses. Players need to play and the GM should run the team. Nothing irritates me more than when a player such as JJ gets overpaid and then whines about needing help. They don't need help signing that contract for 100 million dollars though. How about signing for less so we can get some help?? Like I read on here before off all the teams who had a chance to lose their best player we were the one who would have suffered the least of a drop off. Toronto, Cleveland, Phoenix, are now garbage. Look at what New Orleans will be if Paul leaves. No one is bigger than the team.
  13. I think that we matchup well with them. Call me crazy. All we have to do is zone them up and force them to shoot. The only thing that bothers me is the refs. My god they may score 60 points a night off of free throws alone. Like i said before Josh owns Bosh, Marvin probably does the best man on man d on Lebron of anyone in the league. As a team we do a pretty good job on Wade. Our length and athleticism will make the difference and remember there is only one ball and only one man can have that ball at any given time. Now if Teague can ball this year. i like our chances against the Heat this year. Not too many players in their prime will want to chase a ring for the vets minimun due to the fact that salaries are about to go down so they may want to gt all they can right now and say to hell with a ring. I say we will be alright.
  14. CAVS don't have anyone even if LBJ goes back. I don't see them as a top 4 team with Lebron. He better leave while he has the chance.
  15. Either way we are top 3. I am calling it right now!!
  16. Smoove for Boozer? Smoove and Deron Williams would be awesome together in Utah!
  17. Damn this says alot about this dude. I say let's see what LD's system can do before we move anybody. Hell we already got AL whining about no getting enough touches in the paint. Doesn't seem like he is part of the "chemistry problems" we been having.
  18. Man we own Chris Bosh. Call me crazy but even if they get Lebron I would not have been afraid. Josh does well against Bosh and Lebron doesn't bully over Marvin like he does most work. Hell that would have been 2 of the 3 right there. Remember Wade can't shoot. They might win 60+ games but we match up well against them. We just got to see what they have will do now. Just like Smith matches up well against Bosh even though people consider Bosh a better player, Beasley seems to own Smoove even though SMoove is the better player. Its all about matchups people and how well they can be exploited!!
  19. I found something that better explains your trade proposal Definition: Exit Part of Speech: Noun Definition 1. An opening that permits escape or release. 2. Euphemistic expressions for death. 3. The act of going out.[ 4. The departure of a player from the stage, when he has performed his part.[Websters] 5. Any departure; the act of quitting the stage of action or of life; death; as, to make one's exit.[Websters] 6. A way of departure; passage out of a place; egress; way out.[Websters]. See Atlanta Hawks First Round of 2011 NBA Playoffs
  20. Alot of you seem to think that true centers are so abundant in the league that we can trade Marvin , Bibby, and Smoove to get one. Where are these centers you speak of. If their stats arent's better than Horfs then what's the point. We don't need a seven footer just to say we have one. In some kind of dream world many of you act like a center would solve all of our problems. Heck maybe Randmo and Collins are good enough in limited minutes. Woody didn't fully use the players that we had. Strategy and coaching was our downfall last season. Our players need established roles to play. For instance the roles for Smoove in order should be defend, rebound, score in that order (maybe rebound should be first). Marvin slash/draw the foul, defend, rebound etc. None of our players are perfect but they all have something they do really well we should focus on their strengths instead of pissing and crying about what player x can't do or we need to trade this guy. A good coach will get every ounce out of what he has. Here are the centers that are free agents right now: Brandan Haywood (Unrestricted) Luis Scola (Restricted) Louis Amundson (Unrestricted) Zydrunas Ilgauskas (Unrestricted) Jermaine O'Neal (Unrestricted) Shaquille O'Neal (Unrestricted) Brad Miller (Unrestricted) Rasho Nesterovic (Unrestricted) Ben Wallace (Unrestricted) Fabricio Oberto (Unrestricted) Johan Petro (Unrestricted) Hilton Armstrong (Unrestricted) Ian Mahinmi (Unrestricted) Kwame Brown (Unrestricted) Tony Battie (Unrestricted) Sean Williams (Unrestricted) Theo Ratliff (Unrestricted) Etan Thomas (Unrestricted) Earl Barron (Unrestricted) Mikki Moore (Unrestricted) Adonal Foyle (Unrestricted) Primo Brezec (Unrestricted) Adonal Foyle (Unrestricted) Jarron Collins (Unrestricted) Jamaal Magloire (Unrestricted) Patrick O'Bryant (Unrestricted) Mark Blount (Unrestricted) Aaron Gray (Unrestricted) Steven Hunter (Unrestricted) DJ Mbenga (Unrestricted) Darko Milicic (Unrestricted) Jerome James (Unrestricted) I have never heard of most of these guys!!!
  21. You do what you need to do to get better. Everyone on the team became expendable once they overpaid JJ.
  22. My link The truth continues to hurt!! We maybe the laughing stock of the league for sure now.
  23. There is really nothing to talk about. If it comes down to Smoove and Al only a complete idiot would keep Smoove. Sometimes you have to get the player that better fits versus the most talented player.
  24. How about we trade Marvin for Monta Ellis and move JJ to SF?
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