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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. Is there a big difference between the two. I mean Drew has been here since Woody got here and what type of influence has he had on the team. Did Woody take advice from him? Were they at odds over strategy!! What would be the justification in hiring him as coach other than his cheap salary! I am confused here. Its like he just recently became a candidate out of the blue!!
  2. JJ should have no say in who is the next coach is. His job is to play basketball. These handpicked coaches are putting themselves in bad situations. Whomever is handpicked by Queen Lebron will have to kiss his *ss until he tires of him. No NBA player should pick a coach unless he owns the team!!!
  3. That team is beatable. I see at least 3 ways to go after them based on the lineup. Marvin can guard JJ with ease. Boozer can't guard Smoove Wade isn't the greatest defender.
  4. So its Marvin's fault we didn't win the NBA championship this season and his fault only. If that is true then we need to trade him!!
  5. Now JJ benefited supremely from Woody's ISO JJ offense hence the name. Even then he only averaged 21-22 ppg. Now if we get a new coach who decides to spread the ball more them JJ's point production goes down. No more All-star team, no more most underrated player. JJ and his agent has to realize that the situation will change here. We have too much talent for him to get most of the shots. He and his agent knows this. Now if Woody ran a decent offense I think that JJ gives you 17-19ppg he would have the balls to ask for the max. Without Woody what kind of player would JJ be. JJ is a good player but he is a product of Woody's system. Maybe he can give us more rebounds and assists but this will be a new team next season. Woody's system allowed him to ask for the max and now Woody is gone!!
  6. I think that a hard cap would make the league more competitive than it is right now. We keep hearing all this stuff about this being a superstar league so I feel that a hard cap would make players prove that they are superstars. We keep hearing about the greatness of Kobe Bryant but the guy is playing with two bona fide allstars. SO the idea of Kobe and 4 scrubs really doesn't fly. Then you about Lebron whining about needing help. He wants to play with another all star because he can't do it by himself. Alot of this problem falls on the league. I have been saying for years that they promote stars instead of the game. They should take a cue from the NFL. As for the Spurs remember that Tim Duncan took a pay cut so the team can get better talent. The players in the free agent summitt have yet to prove they can win anything. Yeah Wade has a ring but he was playing with 2 Hall Of Famers possibly 3. We see what kind of team they are when those guys left.
  7. Now that we have another billionaire owner in the league with money to burn and he is willing to over pay, is it time that the league looks into a hard cap. I mean the gap between the haves and havenots is getting bigger every year. With everyone having the exact same payroll we may see an end to the big boys always winning the championship. We would also see an end to horrible contracts.
  8. Just read that the russian owner of the Nets wants Johnson as coach. That dude is going to throw money around like its rice at a wedding. I am real curious to see if Mark Jackson is really a consideration. It seems that former pgs turn out to be pretty good coaches. Dwayne Casey has Woody Jr. written all over him.
  9. Stan Van Gundy is definitely out in Orlando after that Woody-esque *ss whipping they took. With that lineup who wouldn't want that job!!! We better make out choice this week for sure!!
  10. In all honestly does anyone even consider Devin Harris to be a floor general. He is a very good player but he is a shoot first point guard.
  11. We all have to remember that we have a lot of young guys that only know Woody. I voiced it many times that Woody let the guys develop alot of bad habits that will have to be addressed by the next coach. 1. Woody never did anything about Marvin's disappearing act. He should have been benched until he got hungry. 2. Smith's taking bad shots. He should have been yanked from the game. 3. JJ's 20 seconds of dribble 4. Craw jacking up a shot before the offense is setup. Same with Bibby. 5. ZAZA playing like he is MJ near the basket. We need a disciplinarian running the show here.
  12. I bet you that it was probably Marvin or Horf that made the comments in the article.
  13. My link Some players felt Woodson didn’t rebuke certain players as strongly as he did others for their mistakes, according to four people familiar with the locker-room dynamics. The differing levels of accountability led to resentment for some players , the people said. Players credited Woodson with helping to maintain a loose atmosphere and reducing the length, frequency, and intensity of practices in an effort to keep them fresh for the playoffs. But one player said he hopes a new coach who doesn’t “play favorites” can improve the team’s chemistry. I wonder who Woody's favorites were?? JJ anyone.
  14. Sounds like the approach they may be taking is to resign JJ and see how better the team will be with a different teacher. He also stated that they will see how Orlando plays Boston. Sounds like there won't any major moves in the offseason.
  15. I hear his name coming up alot of blogs. What type of coach is he because I don't follow college hoops at all.
  16. Tony Parker is looking for the max!!
  17. 1. Get New coach 2. Let coach evaluate talent see what he can do with what we have. 3. Make moves based on what the coach needs/wants. If things go down like this then we are not getting a rookie head coach. Here are my choices: Del Harris-good X and O guy I was calling for him before we got Woody. Jeff Van Gundy Lawrence Frank Rudy Tomjanovich-has two championships I think that Mark Jackson would make a good coach but he needs to put in some work as an assistant first. We also must remember that the ASG probably don't have the money to pay a big name coach!
  18. They will be in complete rebuilding mode if he leaves. DO they have any pieces that we might be able to pick up or use?? They built that team to suit him and if he's not there....just saying!!
  19. Wurider05

    Is Joe done?

    I wouldn't go as far to say that he is done. I think that having Jamal giving us 18-20 ppg a night probably caused his numbers to stagnate a little. I think that he has reached his peak as a player though.
  20. Whether with the Hawks or not I think that he may have a future as a power forward. He produces when he plays the 4. However I would really like to see him in a system where his only job is to spread the floor and camp near the three point line.
  21. Did one of you guys do this!!! My link This is the funniest thing I have ever seen.
  22. From what I hearing from Gearon Jr. He shares what most people on other blogs have been saying: Coaching is the problem we have sufficient talent and in need of some minor tweaks.
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