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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. You must have been in jail or something? Good to see the parole board get it right this time!! Welcome back!!
  2. Man if we do a SNT with Chicago I hope we can get Noah!!
  3. I don't see the big love for Bosh. He is just a taller Joe Johnson. Bosh can't be the man. Dwade on the other hand can be. I am not saying that Bosh is chopped liver or something but I see alot of Joe Johnson in him. The problem with the NBA is that a lot of pieces are being identified as the man. There are only a handful of pieces that can be the man. Hell Josh Smith keeps Bosh in check whenever we play them.
  4. Just read on realgm that Tony Parker maybe on the block this offseason. Sign and trade for JJ??
  5. I posted last summer about how negatively it could impact the team with Woody being a lame duck coach. We saw nothing new in terms of his coaching style and when things gets tough he goes to what he knows best ISO-JJ. I doubt, it but do you think that we would have seen a different Woody if he wasn't a lame duck coach?
  6. Steve Belkin was against giving JJ that kind of money. The ironic thing is that JJ's next contract should be the contract he is getting now.
  7. I am glad that you pointed that out. People love to complain about Marvin, Smoove, and Al but a majority of of losses come out of the backcourt being outscored. Look at the Bucks series. We rarely get totally outplayed by the opposing teams frontcourt. Not saying that it never happens but more often than not its the backcourt.
  8. Most of what you said can be fixed with a new coach.
  9. We need the right coach to harness our talent. So all these threads about blowing things up are stupid. Yes our guys have some flaws but we have talent. That is all I have to say about that!!
  10. Has JJ done enough to earn a max salary offer from us or anyone else?
  11. 1.We cannot under any circumstances double team Howard. If he scores big he scores big. Its not like he is going to score 100 points. 2. Horf's jumper has got to be on. He can draw Howard out which decreases his rebounding. 3. We have got to have ball movement. That iso-sh*t will not work. They want us shooting jumpers. 4. We have to run and gun against them. Playing a slow methodical game plays right into Van Gundy's hands. 5. Teague/Collins/Smith will have to get some playing time. 6. Don't play scared. We tend to get intimidated by Howard and start chucking jumpers. He will get his blocks but we have to stay aggressive because he will get in foul trouble. 7. Stop Vince Carter!! 8. Let Smoove play some Center with Horf in the game. This folks is how we will beat Orlando.
  12. It actually was a very good movie. I actually like it better than the original. The reason why Freddy is after the children is better explained. The new Freddy is sinister as hell. The only problem that I had with the movie was the fact that the characters that played the teenagers look like they are in their mid- swenties easily.
  13. Welcome brother!!! This a nice little place. We also chat during the games.
  14. Sekou stated that the team has evolved from relying on JJ so much but that Woody hasn't. Now although our players cause us to scratch our heads sometimes you can't argue that Marvin, Smoove, or Horf has talent. You never noticed from time to time how Horf takes shots at the offense. I remember during a halftime interview he basically stated that when we play inside out we win and that the record shows that and then he ran to the lockers. I mean Woody stated that he played JJ alot of minutes just so he came go to the all star game. If you were one of the other players how would you feel to know that the coach was allowing another player to pad their stats to your detriment. There is a difference between being the best player on your team and being the player that gets the most shots. We have the talent to compete with anyone. But again coaching is the problem. If Woody is gone next year and we get a coach who preaches teamwork (like the Bucks are playing). Now if we resign JJ will he be a happy camper when plays are actually ran for Marvin or Smoove. Woody made JJ what he is to the detriment of our other players and may have created monster. We have a better chance of winning a game without JJ than Cleveland has without Lebron, than Miami does without Wade or Denver without Carmelo. JJ does not make his teammates better. He is simply looking to get his. There is still a place for him if he buys into the team concept and our next coach preaches it. Look at the Spurs. George Hill scores 29 points. Duncan took 5 shots that night but fed the hot hand. I see Marvin light it up in the first half and then by design Woody freezes him out in the second half for Iso JJ and Iso Jamal. Crawford is the 6th man version of JJ. Again the players do what they are told. Maybe the players resent the fact that he gets the greenlight when they never do. Hence no one showing up to his award ceremony. Woody has got to go. We have the talent we now need the coaching.
  15. Switching defenses on guards that like to take it to the rack. Too much one on one (14 assists) Evans missed some very easy baskets in crunch time. Woody went away from what won the first two games for us Woody is a horrible coach. Teague played one minute tonight while Jennings was running all over the place. We got outcoached again. You see why there is no contract extension for Woody??
  16. We need to handle our business. The next game will be tough o their home court. I hope that the Bobcats stretch it out to 5-6 games. You are not the one happy about the Bulls winning. We may just end up winning this thing. We have to put the Bucks away in 4. We can't afford a war this round. Woody needs some time to prepare for Orlando. I see that the Lakers lost too!!!
  17. Wurider05


    I am an Augusta native. Graduated from AR Johnson Health Science and Engineering Magnet High School. Had no idea that fellow Augustans were on here!!!
  18. Woody can't help himself folks. It is going to be switching and ISO-Joe until we win the championship or get beat!! Only a clown would expect anything different from Woody. Skiles is going to take advantage of the defense and ISO-Joe just like every team does. Too easy to figure out too easy to stop!!
  19. Yeah I meant Charlotte beating Orlando. I really would not be surprised at all.
  20. We would have to play Orlando it they win their series and we win ours. Having said I would not be surprised if they beat Orlando. Matter of fact that is my upset pick.
  21. My point is that he maybe be totally innocent. Being accused doesn't make anyone guilty despite of their past.
  22. It appears that Roger Goodell's attempt at playing god may come to bite him in the *ss. In the past he has suspended players who were not convicted of any crimes. Most of the guys were knuckleheads but again they were not convicted of any crimes. He has to follow suit with Big Ben based off his own actions from the past. If lets him slide then it looks like a double standard on two levels: race and star power. I personally don't think that Big Ben should be suspended but Goodell has created an situation where he almost has to to save face. Anyone can be accused/arrested of anything and maybe in the future Goodell may allow people to have their day in court before he tries to punish them. He set a foul precedent that he can't back out of now!!!
  23. I pointed this out during the chat last night. For too often JJ is suppose to be the best guard in the game just like last night. He gets showed by by the likes of John Salmons and Mo Williams. JJ got shut down by Delonte West. He needs to get the average of what Salmon and Williams makes. Marv was guarding Lebron most of the night so that isn't an excuse. 20 million my *ss!!!!
  24. God bless you and your family dude!! I am a diabetic myself and knwo what the worst case scenarios can be if the blood sugar isn't taken care of properly. Diabetes can kill you very slowly.
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