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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. If JJ leaves for NY I bet any of you that we still will have a better record. The press acts as if D'Antoni has won championships or something.
  2. Now with JJ possibly on his way out. I think that we can make a few changes that will benefit our team. I say the we keep our core as Crawford-MArv-Smith-Horford. What we need to do is add a true point guard by any means necessary. We can not wait on Teague if we want to remain in contention. JJ's production can be matched by increased production. I really believe that Marv-Horf-Smith will be much much better without JJ hogging the ball. With that being said I also believe that if Woody stays and we go Iso-Crawford that is an upgrade over JJ because Crawford will take the ball to the hole and get to the line. He also seems to look to pass more than JJ. 1. Get a floor general (Teague maybe ready who knows, but Bibby has no future with us) We will have some free agent money if JJ walks. We won't be major players but we might be able to do a few things. 2. Reign in Crawford 3. tighten up the bench We can and will win over 50 games next year. Available pgs: TJ Ford Chris Duhon
  3. It is obvious that Woody has no clue on how to run an offense. Based on our talent what type of offense do you guys think would be best for us. Consider the following: 1. We don't a have floor general. Bibby is and will always be a 2 guard. 2. We don't have a post game that puts fear into anyone. Okay have at it!!!!
  4. Yeah they play team ball. Salmons look like a new man in Milwaukee. You see how good they became when their "so called superstar Michael Redd" went down. The player who people thought they couldn't compete without. Their rookie pg is getting major minutes and they have true veteran leadership (Stackhouse, Thomas). Their coach's offense includes every player so everyone contributes. Wish we were like them!!!
  5. BINGO!! Woody lacks the ability to adapt. Same old s*** no matter what is going on!!!
  6. I think that bashing comes from the fact that his coaching style is not sustainable come playoff time. Too predictable and easy to stop. When the game slows down his lack of coaching is exposed greatly!!
  7. SO we make a move just for the hell of it!!!! Outside of Orlando I there is no team in the league that I don't honestly think we can beat. That is coming from a basketball fan's perspective. Right now its a coaching thing that is our biggest hurdle. When we move the ball we are nearly unbeatable again iso destroys ball movement. I think that the other teams in the east are making moves because they fear us in the playoffs. Cleveland is just trying to keep Lebron and the celtics need some fresh legs. Don't hear anything about Orlando. You guys as usual are overreacting. I don't think that Woody is using the talent we have to the best of our ability hence no contract extension. Morris, Collins, Zaza are sufficient enough big men if used properly. Its not like we would be running our offense through them or something. Teague has the speed to make the quicker pgs that blow past Bibby work for their points. He is still raw but you can't teach speed and quickness. Woody is the problem. Sund probably thinks that Woody maybe the problem and that is why he isn't making any moves.
  8. Man i was thinking the same thing. I am sure that it wouldn't sit well with them. JJ doesn't deserve the max.
  9. I can't say if it him or Woody but he is starting to loose his confidence just like Acie did. He is looking just like Acie LAw out there on the court!!
  10. It would have been Kenyon MArtin. Remember BK wanted him pretty bad. Be thankful that trade didn't go through!! If we didn't have MArvin you would only have about 2,000 posts instead of 31,000+ Diesel!!!! LOL just kidding dude!!! We brought JJ in to be our point guard so Miller would have probably meant no JJ. You can go crazy but either way you look at it we are a very good team today and the best deals are the ones you don't make!!!
  11. Atlanta Hawks 2009-2010 NBA Champions-- That is my ideal ending to the season anything less than that isn't so ideal now is it??
  12. Smoove is slowly easing his way back out towards the three point line. he hasn't shot any yet but is taking more long jumpers as the season goes on. Just an observation.
  13. My take on ISO Joe is that he dribbles to much and he doesn't drive to the basket enough. Come playoff time that dribbling gets him trapped and a Woody is too stupid to realize it. We need our guys slashing to the basket instead of standing around watching the JJ show. At least Jamal drives to the basket. You see how his scoring average dips in the post season right. Teams know how to shut down the ISo Joe. 6 out of 23 , 8 out 26 nights will not cut it in the playoffs. As long as JJ is too soft to drive Iso JJ will always be our down fall. Does JJ even have 10 dunks as a HAwk?? We have the fewest turnovers because JJ dribbles most of the clock before he takes a shot. We need a better coach. After all these years Woody still doesn't get it.
  14. For some reason we play scared against Dwight. I mean he comes across as big and goofy but not really intimidating. We need to go at him and get him in foul trouble. We tend to settle for jumpers far too often. I think that our fearless leader, Jamal Crawford will attack the rim. We should limit our switching because they simply kill us when we switch against them. We should play man on man defense and let Collins/Morris get some tick on Howard. Woody has got to change his approach against the Magic losing is one thing but blowout after blowout is not acceptable.
  15. I honestly don't think he is coming back. Those Chicago rumors won't go away.
  16. Game has sold over a 1million copies already. I am thinking about picking it up but I doubt I will finish it!!
  17. I hate to see this all star thing cause any jealousy on our squad. Horf is the second best center in the east. that can't be questioned by anyone. You can can't say that about Smoove. Bottom line. I just hope that Smoove doesn't trip because he seems like the type who will. We are on the verge of something good here. i would hate to see jealousy rear its ugly head and we end up like the Three J's (Dallas) or Rum TMC (Golden State) (only the old school squawkers know about these guys!!)
  18. I remember how we looked before Bibby got here. But times have changed. We are not the team that needs to be saved by Bibby or JJ. We shouldn't be held back or held down by our past. The teams that stay on top fills holes/weaknesses. Ie Spurs, Cavs, Lakers. We don't owe Bibby nothing. His contract is guaranteed right??
  19. At this point in his career Bibby is not a starting pg on a contending team. He doesn't have anything in his skillset that gives us an advantage. He is not a good defender, he is not they type to pile up assists, he is not a good setup man. The only thing that is has is the ability to hit a wide open jumper.. I would hope that anyone who has a NBA contract would be capable of that. He has always been more of a 2 guard than a pg. We need a pg. We got too many weapons that can be developed to have a chucker running the show.
  20. This isn't news. I told you all we should have let Bibby walked. He is done. As much flack as Marvin gets (it is deserved) Bibby is our weak spot. He can't defend the pgs we are going to have to face--Rondo, Nelson, West, Williams,Rose, Jennings, Stuckey the list goes on.
  21. My link The NBA owners are reportedly bracing for a lockout after the 2010-11 season. Owners are looking to significantly lower salaries. One executive spoke about Amare Stoudemire and that he wouldn’t even get a five-year contract worth $60 million under the next CBA. One team owner said that it would be even worse for Stoudemire. “The owners are really going to chop the money down,’’ the owner said. “I think Stoudemire would get $5 or $6 million [annually] in the next deal. The bottom line is that things are going to change dramatically.’’ A general manager, however, believes that the line of thinking from that owners was extreme. “That [$5 million for Stoudemire] sounds a little bizarre, but player salaries are definitely going to take a hit,’’ the GM said. “Players that come up for contracts under the new CBA are going to find themselves getting a lot less money.’’ One GM told ESPN that the owners are looking to shorten the maximum length of a contract to four or five years. He added that they have actually discussed trying to guarantee only the first two years of a four-year deal, and that the third and fourth years would be guaranteed only if a player reached certain performance-based incentives the previous season. “Those concepts are being discussed,’’ another GM told ESPN. “Is there a sentiment among some [owners] that they’d like to have it like football? Yeah. But I think that’s out of bounds.’’ Billy Hunter, who heads the players association, is unlikely to go willingly with these salary reductions. “There’s going to be a lockout,’’ the owner said. “There’s not even a doubt in my mind about that. Billy’s not going to make a deal like that. Teams are already saving up money for a strike.’’ Too many bad contracts. Too much is guaranteed. For the league to survive there can be no other way!!
  22. I second Mr. Ryda there are really no bad seats in Phillips Arena. It was voted top arena in America last year and its rakes in the dough.
  23. They got Mario West on there but they have removed ZAZA. Man how stupid is that!!
  24. Do you think that Mario can slow Nate down some??
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