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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. I think that it will be a definite dog fight at the top next year. Out of Boston, Orlando, and Cleveland, which team do you think we can most likely overtake if we improve next year!! I don't now why but I think that Cleveland maybe ripe for the picking!! Chemistry issues, Lebron not signing the extension, plus for the most part we match up pretty well with them!
  2. http://www.nba.com/2009/news/features/john_schuhmann/07/29/072909schumann.fiveteams/index.html 5. Atlanta Hawks (47-35) This spot was reserved for a second Western Conference team (perhaps the Jazz or Hornets). But last year's gap between the top nine and the bottom six in the West makes two changes hard to fathom. A more likely scenario is the Raptors and Wizards returning to the postseason, and either the Sixers or Pistons hanging on. In that case, either the Bulls or Hawks would have to slide out. Chicago lost Ben Gordon, but will be getting Luol Deng back from injury and will have Derrick Rose with a year of experience under his belt. Further, the experience of taking the Celtics to seven games should help them like it did the Hawks a year earlier. Atlanta could be set for a letdown. They clearly improved last season, but just aren't ready to take the next step. The addition of Jamal Crawford (who has never made the Playoffs in nine seasons, by the way) could make things easier on Joe Johnson, or it could create a chemistry problem. And they're still playing Al Horford at center. Houston,Detroit,Miami, Philadelphia, Atlanta are the teams most likely to fall off next season!!
  3. Do you think that JJ will play 35 minutes a game now!! Woody has to get rid of the mentality of playing JJ excessive minutes so he can be an all star.
  4. With Marvin coming back into the fold and this team coming off a 47-win season and a trip to the second round have we now evolved to the point where we don't have to depend on JJ to carry the team. Have we evolved to the point where we don't live or die with Joe Johnson. The next step in making us truly an elite team is to become a whole team. DO you think Woody has the balls to go to a team oriented offense? With the various lineups that we can throw out it is almost imperil that our offense changes. We need more size without a doubt but isn't it time we fully embrace team basket ball and not the JJ show? With JJ coming up on a contract season do you think that he is willing to step back and have a reduction in his stats (to help the team) which would hurt how much money he gets. Someone on a AJC forum stated that JJ is actually holding back our team.
  5. That might be the funniest s*** I have ever read on this site. You my friend are funny!!!
  6. Damn man seriously do you ever get tired of the same Sh*t all the time? You got to have some kind of mental health problem. Same old sh*t everyday. What are you trying to accomplish? Do making these Marvin threads give you a boner or something? We know how you feel for the 1000000th time!!!
  7. I think that we can be an uptempo team that plays defense. Phoenix and Golden State don't have any good defensive players on their teams but we have a few. We will have to mix it up.
  8. We have the potential to have some crazy lineups to throw at teams next season. I know that we will probably get a big but I would love to see this lineup in certain situations for spurts at a time: Bibby Crawford JJ Marvin Smoove This would be a good lineup if we are behind. We would have 4 bonafide 3pt threats on the floor. I am not sure defensively but this unit would score some points for sure. I am also intrigued by a possible Teague/Bibby backcourt doing certain situations. Do you think Woody has the balls to get creative with different lineups and match ups?? What possible lineups do you think can create problems for Orlando, Cleveland, and Boston?
  9. If we resign Marvin, get a big our lineup will be Bibby/Teague/Crawford JJ/Crawford/Evans Marvin/Evans/JJ Smoove/Marv/Horf Horf/ZAZA/ Solo, RM, FA-Big, West I may get laughed at but with this team you realize that we have a better chance of winning the finals than we do getting out of the east. We match up well with the west teams but Orlando, Cleveland, and Boston are just beasts in our own conference. As a basketball fan I truly believe that a healthy Hawks team would have had a better showing in the Finals than Orlando or Cleveland (remember what the Lakers did to them). And hell we took Boston to 7 games last year and they destroyed the Lakers in the Finals. Sad but so true!!
  10. Yeah we really saw the results of him spending the summer working with the Dream and Murphy in Houston!!!! People you can't teach skill. You bring skills with you when you come into the league and those skills are sharpened. Nothing will change just like when he worked with the dream. Name one change in his game that came out of that. Go ahead and name just one!!! Josh smith's game is 85 % athleticism 15% skill. We need to teach him how to use is athletic ability to the fullest because he will never be a smart player. He should be working with Kevin Willis or Tyrone Hill this summer not a guard.
  11. I will pick it up now since they are releasing dlc that will allow you to use the buttons to punch. I like the game but in th eheat of battle I want to be able to perform that punch that I want to. Those analog controls just wasn't doing it for me.
  12. Can you guys complete a complete thought in one reply. These 2,3,4 replies in a row from the same person doesn't make any sense especially when there are all done in 2-3 minutes of each other. Keep it up Diesel, Marvin will lead you to 30,000 posts before you know it.
  13. Something is really strange with Diesel's hatred for Marvin. This kid just can't do anything right according to Diesel. I think that maybe Diesel got a loan to open a Chris Paul memorabilia store near Philips arena and when we didn't draft him he still had to repay the loan with interest!!! Or maybe Marvin stole his girlfriend or maybe BK promised Diesel he was going to draft him with the 2nd pick. whatever it is it is getting old and tiresome. Marvin is a Hawk and why can't you just be happy that he is producing and helping us win. You are either with us or not dude!!
  14. Wurider05

    Hawks bigs.

    this thread has backfired as has most.
  15. That i not true because Flip played more minutes and he probably took more shots a game than Josh Smith. Marv just stands out on the perimeter while they do iso JJ, iso bibby, or the flip show. He has improved his game a lot. Remember when he was scared to drive or shoot the ball. remember when he was clumsy and could never draw a foul. Man he has improved. I would say that from his rookie year to now he has improved his game more than Josh or Horford has. You can actually see the change in his game. Honestly can you tell me that you can see Josh's improvement? I am not trying to turn this into a Josh vs. Marvin thread but Marvin has improved in every aspect. He rarely does something stupid. You guys are a joke talking about we don't need him.
  16. I hear alot of talk about JJ's extension being for 80 or 90 million for 5 years. There is no way in hell that he is worth that contract. No way in hell that he is worth 16-18 per. What he is making right now is exactly what he needs to be making. The league is full of pieces and a very handful of guys you build around. JJ is a piece. He has only had about 2 or 3 playoff good games since he has been here and is averaging what 15 ppg in the playoffs. He wants superstar money but he doesn't produce like a superstar. We need to pay him like he plays.
  17. If Marvin gets 8 million per and Bibby gets 6 per that is a total of 14 million. Bibby made 15 million all by himself last season. Our starting lineup would be actually be cheaper than last season!!
  18. I have not read this thread but I am pretty sure that it is about Marvin and that it is negative. :beathorse: :beathorse: :beathorse:
  19. What ever it is it needs to be killed!!
  20. Hey son we don't do that kind of stuff around here!! That is your warning!
  21. Wurider05

    Trevor Ariza?

    You see what the LAkers are willing to give him. CrawfulToCrawesome said it best you see these guys on tv and want to throw the bank at them. Ariza is pretty much a glorified garbage player. You want to give him a million dollars for every point he averaged!!!
  22. You have these superstars (lebron, Kobe, Garnett, etc) trying to talk free agents into coming to their teams for less money. My thing is that they got their fat contracts so it easy for Lebron to tell Ron Artest to take less money to be a cavalier. Have these superstars ever thought about taking less money just to they can have a better team. Then they get mad when the GM/owner is not willing to go into the luxury tax. The only superstar I ever heard of who took less money to make the team better was Tim Duncan. That is why the Spurs seemingly can go out every season and get the player that they want. Kobe is going to be crying a fit when Odom leaves so he can get paid. Know I want to see JJ pull a Tim Duncan when his time comes! How can a guy break the bank with his contract and then whine about needing help!!
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