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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. Simple fact is that Woody is coaching for his job and doesn't have time to develop anyone.
  2. Actually Woody does that alot. I have witnessed timeouts being run by the assistants several time. It is usually Drew.
  3. I have been reading alot of stuff on here about MArv, Smoove, Horf and Acie some of which I posted myself but I have three questions: 1. When is a player not considered a young player anymore? Meaning stupid mistakes and lack of discipline should not be common place in their game!! 2. When is someone considered a veteran? Does playing in the league and starting for 4-5 years not make you a veteran? 3. What is considered to be player growth? Can a coach really affect it!!
  4. If Sund were to put JJ on the trading blocking today what do you guys think we would get offered??
  5. You are probably right but I hope that he doesn't want to come back.
  6. Does the fact that Woody has no job security entering next mean that he will continue to run a tighter player rotation? I mean it is like his back to to the wall and he isn't going to try anything new or that it out of his nature. I can just imagine Josh continuing to shoot threes and long range jumpers because he knows that Woody is a lame duck coach. Do you guys see it being a problem with him possibly losing the team next year. If they are not sure he is not the guy then why not let him go now? What difference will a year make? It doesn't make any sense. Woody had been her for 5 years now. We all know what to expect and what he is capable of. I have never seen any new wrinkles in anything that he does. I don't think that he the worst coach in the world but come on. I think that not making a decision on him this season may hurt the team in the long run. We are seemingly ready to make the next step but we are going to go into the season with a lame duck coach which can present a slew of problems within itself.
  7. Correction (I was playing Halo 3 and trying to proofread) Our record when either we score 100 and our opponent scores 100 is 32-32. When neither the Hawks or our opponents score 100 we are 15-3! Is this like the strangest stat ever!!! Maybe Woody is on to something!! We apparently play best when we go at a slower pace!!Just looking at that stats is it possible to see where we need the most help. Diesel I know what you said about the rebounding but couldn't lack of offensive rebounding be the result of poor positioning on defense.
  8. Player PPG Joe Johnson 21.4 Josh Smith 15.6 Mike Bibby 14.9 Marvin Williams 13.9 Ronald Murray 12.2 Al Horford 11.5 We were 23rd in rebounding but the top team (Lakers) averaged four more than us. We were 8th in rebounds allowed. Our differential was only 1.87 not bad. We were 12th in points scored (98.12) We were 10th in points allowed (96.54) We were 23-10 when we scored 100. We were 9-22 when our opponents scored 100. We were 24 in turnovers. One less turnover and we would have led the league in fewest a game (this surprised me). We were 11th in FG% We were 20th in FG% allowed. We were 15th in 3pt%. We were 24th in 3pt% allowed. This was impressive and not far off the league leader. We were 28th in free throw%. This sucks bad!! We were 23rd in Assists a game (20 apg) We were 20th in block shots (4.58 bpg) The thing I find extremely strange is our record when neither us nor our opponents score 100 and that is 32-32. When neither the Hawks or our opponents score 100 we are .....................15-3!!!!! Is this like the strangest stat ever!!! Maybe Woody is on to something!! We apparently play best when we go at a slower pace!!
  9. I was just reading on realgm that Bynum and Jackson aren't even speaking. Just based on my observation and the fact that they are in a win now mindset. If he was out there would a Smoove for Bynum trade help our team. Kobe doesn't have too much time left and would probably mean that Gasol would have to play center (which he has done in the past). I don't think that Bynum can handle the pressure of playing in LA. Lakers Fisher Kobe Smoove/Odom Odom/Smoove Gasol Hawks Pg JJ Marvin or Chillz AL Bynum Makes sense to me. I wonder how we would play with Chillz instead of Marvin with that lineup. We would probably lead the league in field goal % since everything would be near the basket pretty much or keep Marvin and let Horf/Bynum work the post! If this trade was possible would it make Bibby less of a liability on defense?? I am not completely sold on Bynum but would you guys pull the trigger on this?? I am not sure of the salaries and I know Bynum is injury prone!!
  10. I second that!! Chillz looked scared as hell in that video. Kind of funny that they had the riot team ready. Is that standard for games over there? The other team hauled *ss after the whistle they didn't even celebrate. You guys think that the HAwk fans (other than us) will ever be that passionate that they will kill another man because his team was wronged. I can respect that!
  11. Here we go again. I have never ever discussed a salary for Marvin. What about the 16-14 record after he got hurt and played sparingly. You won't even address that because it completely kills your entire argument about Mo Evans stepping in and us not missing a beat. I am for getting any player for the least amount possible and hopefully never over pay. Hell if we can get Marv for 5 million that is fine with me. Diesel you like to throw rocks and hide your hands. 16-14 after he got hurt!!!!
  12. Nuthugger huh!!! Haven't heard that on since middle school. Just because you make 1000 redundant threads a day (Diesel 10 ways to fix the HAwks, Diesel is the GM =same damn topic) that doesn't mean that you are some basketball genius. I am on the side of common sense. I am all for getting better if it means we trade anyone (Marvin included) but you are totally ignorant if you think that all of our troubles begin and end with Marvin Williams. We were 16-14 after MArv's injuries when he stopped playing major minutes that includes the playoff. For some reason you seem forget than when you say Mo Evans can fill in perfectly for Marv. 16-14. Diesel you are a mark for you own character!! 16-14!!! Seems to me that we were alot better when we had him. Marvin or no Marvin we have problems.
  13. That is the same way I feel. I mean something has to give this offseason. Are you going to shake the roster up because our talent is the problem or is it the coach. He is riding the fence big time here. I mean he will be a lame buck coach next year are they going to listen to his input on what moves to make when he is a lame duck. I don't see much difference between Sund and BK is some aspects. BK didn't to the media and the local radio guys hated him for that but Sund talks to the media but he really isn't saying anything but towing the company line. Sund is a professional GM he has been around for a long time. He was brought in to manage the team on the Jeep. It is obvious they want Woody gone but can't afford to pay him and someone else. They sure as hell don't want to pay a real coach.
  14. http://www.ajc.com/hawks/content/sports/ha...anta_hawks.html I am wondering what type of changes are in store!!
  15. So based in Diesel logic Marvin Williams is the reason why we didn't win the championship this year. SO if he is gone next year and we bring Chillz back we are a lock to win 69 games and go undefeated in the playoffs and win it all. Without Marvin, Bibby will be able to play defense, JJ will show up for every game, Smoove's BBIQ will surpass Magic Johnson's, Horf will average 20 and 15, and Woody will turn into Mike D'antoni. I forgot to mention based on Diesel's logic, Marvin Williams will go to a children's hospital the day before Christmas and tell all of the dying kids that Santa Claus isn't real.
  16. The power of youtube.com. Pietrus also got him but those dunks were not shown in the highlights. Long Live the King!! LOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LadJgjqaaM
  17. The thing to remember is the Smoove isn't SF he is a PF. Artest is suppose to take jumpers!!
  18. We could get him straight up for Smoove, Acie, and Speedy!! That would leave us without a point guard if we let Bibby go but some other moves would have to be made. Amare can play center effectively. ??? JJ MArvin AL/AMare Amare/AL I don't know what the hell we would do at point guard other than resign Bibby or go after Sessions etc.
  19. Clippers-now have a glut at C/PF--Griffin, Randolph, Kaman, Camby. Thornton grizzlies are expected to take Rubio a pg--They may have Rubio, Conley, Jaric, Wilks If Bibby is gone and we don't think that Acie is the answer would you guys mind a run at Conley. It is pretty obvious that if they get Rubio then it is see ya later for Conley. Whether we get a big man or not Bibby can't be our starting PG next year. I know that many of you including myself didn't like him coming out of Ohio State but do you think he can help now. How does he match up against Rose, Rondo, Nelson, etc in the eastern conference. He is on a rookie contract.
  20. Dolfan are you kidding!!! Amare is a beast!! Bosh is a jumpshooter!! Come on!!!!!!!!!
  21. http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/columns/stor...=Chatter-090518 Cuban's ambitious target, in his words, is a "young perennial All-Star." That probably translates to pressing Toronto about its willingness to part with Dallas native Chris Bosh, but since the Raps continue to say they have no interest in moving Bosh, I could see the Mavs' sniffing around Atlanta to see if Josh Smith will be made available. Vince Carter, Richard Jefferson and Michael Redd are all likely to be available, but the Mavs know they need to get younger Who do they possible have that could help us if this is true??
  22. What are you hearing about as it relates to Marvin's future with the Atlanta Hawks?
  23. Sounds great but it seems that writers outside of Atlanta should be contacted as well.
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