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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. What is the point of bringing him over as long as Woody is the coach. He is just going to sit the bench.
  2. I honestly don't think that we will win.
  3. It has been 5 years and I am starting to wonder if he is capable of getting it.
  4. Looks like he will be going for our throats. I hope we bring our A-game!!!
  5. They stated during the game tonight that the flagrant against Wade had been rescinded by Stu Jackson!! Hawks get no respect!!
  6. This is how he has been playing all year. JJ hasn't been the same since he choked in the Boston game earlier in the season. Playing 40+ minutes a night doesn't help either!!
  7. Here are my suggestions! 1. We start Smoove in the center spot. 2. Let Mario play 10-15 minutes at the 2. 3. Let JJ play 10-15 minutes at the 1 4. Use this lineup for about 10 minutes: Flip, JJ, Marvin, Horf, Zaza 5. Go with whoever is hot. 6. Keep Smoove from off of the perimeter.
  8. It seems that Marvin is the only one willing to take the ball to the hole on a consistent basis. I mean he draws contact and gets to the line most of the time. Now with everyone shooting jumpers it is usually one and done. I watched Smoove take wide open jumpers when he had a clear path to the basket. I mean these guys are scared to death of contact. Don't get mad at JJ he is just playing how he has been playing most of the year! I knew that Woody's lack of offensive would hurt us in the playoff. 20 seconds of dribbling in iso then a kick out to a player where the only option he has is to shoot. Our backcourt was 10 for 30!!! Woody and/or Smoove have to go. At this point It wouldn't hurt me if neither was here next season. Hell toss in Bibby too. We need to build around JJ/Marv/Horf/Zaza
  9. I have been saying for years that Woody just doesn't have the ability to adapt on the fly. There is no reason why Marvin shouldn't have played more minutes and where was Mario. I mean it seems that Woody lacks common sense sometimes and just refuses to adjust. I called this before the preseason even started. That is why I don't think we could win a series. Woody is too easy to figure out and he doesn't adapt t what is happening around him. You see how the coach of Miami changed his lineup Woody would never do that!!! We need a new coach and when Miami beats us I hope that Sund realizes that it has been Woody all along!!! Everyone wants to give Billy Knight props now but remember he wanted to fire Woody. Maybe old BK realized what we all know to be true about Woody!!!
  10. He only played 19 minutes last night . Is he still hurt??
  11. D, I am surprised that we got away with what we did on yesterday. When Bibby stripped him I just knew that they were going to call a foul!
  12. Got a question. I like most consider Jordan to be the greatest basket ball player of all time but I consider Magic Johnson to be the best "basketball player" ever. Can an argument be made that they aren't the same thing or are they. From a skills perspective there wasn't much Johnson couldn't do. The man was able to play all five positions. He could score,rebound, pass, play defense, shoot. For his career he average 20 pg, 7rpg, and 11 assists for his career!! Oh yeah he was also 6'9!!!
  13. Does Joe Johnson make his teammates better?
  14. Rajon Rondo, Derrick Rose, Mo Williams, Andre Miller, Jameer Nelson,Raymond Felton,Jose Calderon, Gilber Arenas,Jarrett Jack, TJ Ford, Devin Harris, Chris Duhon, Rodney Stuckey, Mario Chalmers, Rafer Alston There is no telling who is going to get drafted into the east this year!! I honestly can't say that Bibby could hold his own against any of the guys above with the exception of Rafer Alston and that is a toss-up. In order for us to become an elite team we are going to have to get better defense from the pg position and with Bibby that is simply not going to have. We need someone who can at least hold his own against the above named guys. Most of the guys on the list are young guys who haven't hit their prime yet. Bibby can't keep up with those guys and for us to make it to that next level we need to upgrade the pg spot. We shouldn't settle on being a 4-5 five seed every year. A player liked Bibby will only get you so far. I like Bibby but it is what it is!!
  15. No more rookies/draft picks. we need to stick to drafting bigs. We have been young for too long!!!
  16. I say let him walk. Defensively we can't afford him anymore. I think that AL/Horf/Marv will be able to pick up the slack offensively. Hell I say let the Acie/West two headed monster hold down the pg spot. It is not like Bibby is playing floor general anyway, hell the number of assist that we get out of that position should increase and the defense will increase ten-fold. really what do we have to lose. Jarrett jack would be a good fit but I still don't think that we have seen what Acie can truly offer us!!!
  17. If he files him or not he will still get called for the foul.
  18. That's the spirit dude!!!!! Hawks 2009 NBA Champs!!!!
  19. I think that Woody may give West more PT in the series against the Heat. He is the only one quick enough to make Wade work on offense. Now where those minutes are going to come from remains a mystery but this kid has got to get some pt. I say 10-15 minutes a night. Hell shave 3 minutes from JJ, Bibby, Flip, and Evans and that will get you 12 minutes right there.
  20. I honestly think that Detroit can beat Cleveland. Too many matchup problems. But the key is going to be Rasheed Wallace. Wouldn't surprise me a bit. The NBA is a game of matchups. Now with all the calls Lebroni James is going to get I can see Rasheed with about 10 technicals before the series is over. I think that Stuckey can cancel out Mo Williams. Matter of fact I am going to call it --DETROIT OVER CLEVELAND!!!!!! Wurider
  21. Man Woody doesn't deserve sh*t!! JJ is clearly not a superstar player. he is an above average player. He takes most of the shots and plays most of the minutes. I mean he should be playing 35 minutes a night. It is easy to run iso Joe all night. I want to see what he could do without JJ in the lineup. I like JJ but he is what he is!!! JJ=Mitch Richmond
  22. http://www.nba.com/ Look at the poll of greatest playoff performers ever!! The list has Magic, Bird, Jordan, Kobe, and Lebron!! WTF!!!!!!! Two of those guys don't even belong there. One those guys has a piss poor shooting % in the playoffs and one of the guys have never won a championship. It is stuff like this that makes me question the the motives of the NBA. There are 10 players that I could name off the top of my head that should have been more so than Kobe and Lebron. I mean they are already selling Kobe vs. Lebron for the championship. A team like us don't have a chance and we will be kept in our place by the henchman refs. Kobe and Lebron got swept that last time they were in the finals right!!!! PS-How in the hell can you put Kobe on the list but not Shaq!! They need to stop promoting these superstars and promote the game. This is why teams like the Hawks never get the calls or the benefit of the doubts.
  23. I watched a high school game on tv a few weeks back and their offense system ran better than ours. This is the god honest truth. I am not trying to be funny at all. We are slightly better than those AND1 guys!!
  24. I think that Bibby is also a 2 playing the 1. He looks for his shot first and/or JJ. He is no point!!
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