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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. As the playoffs loom around the corner we need to fine tune our offense to better take advantage of our talent. The way the offense is setup now we won't survive a 7 game series with anyone. Lately for the most part our scoring is balanced. The point I am trying to make is the is it really necessary that when JJ has the continous bad shooting nights like he does when we have guys who can pick up the slack. At this point JJ is just a poor shooter it has been too long to call it a slump. Balance will make us dangerous. JJ-----28 for 67 (42%) in his last five games with 34 assists MB----22 for 56 (39%) in his last five games with 18 assissts AH----34 for 59 (58%) in his last five games with 11 assists MW---30 for 64 (47%) in his last five games with 7 assists JS-----29 for 59 (49 %) in his last five games with 4 assists FM----21 for 53 (40%) in his last five games with 7 assists 164 out of 358 (46%) with 81 assists Here are my observations from the stats and from watching the games: Bibby and JJ are shooting too many jumpers and for our backcourt to be shooting 41% is horrible. We need more assist from Marv, JS, Flip. Horf needs more touches and more assists We may need to run the offense through Bibby and let him facilitate. JJ is dribbling too much and then passes that ball forcing that player to shoot. That may explain the low assist numbers for MArv, Smoove, and Horf. Our guys need to get the ball in good spot. There is not way we should be the 19th ranked offense in league with our talent (we are the 11th ranked defense. What do these number tell you about our offense?
  2. Josh Smith and Monta Ellis' salaries are damn near identical. We let Bibby walk, resign MArvin, and find us a center.. Monta JJ MArv Horf ???/ZAZA Just a thought. We need to get his *ss out of her. He is a cancer. Monta wants out and is from Mississippi. I am not sure if he is healed all the but hell he would an upgrade over Bibby even with one good ankle.
  3. Very good and deep movie. I hope that people don't think that it is a family/children's movie. It is ultra violent and ultra bad. I really liked the plot/storyline.
  4. Life is full of what if's. Not one of those guys was projected to go number 1 or number 2. I am just saying that the kid is starting to put it together and yet you talk about the draft class. So what. He is here now and he is helping us win. It has been a slow process but it is happening now. I have never proclaimed him to be the best thing since Worthy. What I am saying is that he is a part of our success. Here is a quote from GM Sund--People put too much emphasis on where a player was drafted.They fail to look at the situation or the environment that a player is brought into" Lee and Granger are good players but they are putting up good numbers in losing teams. I heard you say yourself putting up good numbers on a bad team is meaningless!! Charlie V is one of the worst defenders in the league!! Granger is the man on that team. The offense goes through him. He has the green light to score of shot whenever he wants too. MArv is the 3 or 4th option on this team due to the way our offense is set up. He never takes 20 shots a game. If he did he numbers would be equal to or better than Granger because Marvin is a better shooter. Opportunity my son!!! Opportunity!!! Let's just say that you are right and he is the 3rd or 4th best SF in his class so fricking what!!!! He's the best SF on the Atlanta Hawks!!! You remind me of the lady off of Saturday Night Live--Debbie Downer!!
  5. Damn dude I thought that you were over this. It is kind of strange that you have been quite all year until Marvin starts playing better. We have a better record that all of the teams with the players you named and Marv is a big part of that. Like I stated in a previous post player situations are different. You just have to be the bad guy. It's like if Marvin scores 28 points it isn't good enough or for some reason. You always complain. According to you Marvin shouldn't even be in the league or in the starting lineup. This from the guy who wrote man love articles about the greatness of Shelden Williams!! Man get out of here!!!! Marvin is producing and is very very efficient!!! What else can you ask for. He is arguably the best defensive player on the team. You are entitled to your opinion but your argument is very weak.
  6. Damn you are the first person who ever shared my opinion with these type of players. Every bum that gets cut or waived in the league everyone on here wants to sign them . If they were so good they would not have gotten waived or released. Joe Smith has played for damn near every team in the league except us and Drew Gooden is a bust in every meaning of the word. Why would you want these bums here??
  7. Diesel, I fully agree with you. It's like we all have to just smile and accept it because that's the way it is. I mean do people realize the this attacks the very competitive nature of the league and the game. ESPN and the NBA have decided that Lebron deserves to win and that's it. "Shame to see such a good game come down to a b.s. superstar-phantom-bailout foul call." ----A Cavs fan on realgm.com
  8. That is what I have been saying all season!!!!!
  9. I think that it is a cop out to say the we lost the games ourselves. I mean no team shoots 100 percent from the free throw line, no team shots 80 percent from the field. Of all the variables that have an impact on the game you expect the officiating to be down the middle and it should be. On the last LBJ foul was there any contact at all? I mean he throws himself into people. We lost the game due to that bad call plain and simple!!!! Bad calls vs. phantom calls. I will take a bad call all day because he can be argued either way but accusing players of fouls they didn't commit (phantom fouls) is wrong no matter who the player is.
  10. I noticed that too but Bibby was really sick. My wife thought that he was having an Asthma attack.Man he was hacking like his lungs were coming out. Josh would make a good garbage player.
  11. To me the greatest player in the game is Tim Duncan. He and Shaq have dominated the post Jordan era in the NBA. He goes to war with way less talent.
  12. These so called superstars are groomed and are given everything by the league and ESPN! You can't breathe on them without being called for a foul. Kobe took 38 shots but you only hear about the 49 points he had.
  13. Wurider05


    I can't understand why all of you guys are hating on Marvin. He has stepped his game up this year which has been good for the team. He is efficient and plays within himself. I like Smoove but I also like winning and you go with what works. If any player is hurting the team whether it be JJ, SMoove, or MArv put their *ss on the bench!! What makes Smoove untouchable and different? He should be playing like Zaza instead of trying to be a finesse player. I hope he gets it together but right now he is playing like a bench player. 11 millions dollars: Last 5 game Last 10 games Points 9.2 (-5.7) 10.2(-4.7) Rebs 3.6 (-3.4) 4.5 (-2.5) Assists 1.4 (-1.1) 2.0 (-0.5) Steals 1.0 (-0.4) 1.4 (+0.0) Blocks 2.0 (+0.4) 1.9 (+0.3) TO's 1.6 (-0.7) 1 .5 (-0.8) and he is shooting 56 percent from the line. It appears that we may start going to Horf more in the paint and we can't afford to have bad perimeter shooting if he throw it back out.
  14. The coaches job is to win. He found a better lineup that worked for us. Smoove can't play the 4 effectively and he can't play the 3 effectively. He is a good weak side shot blocker. What else does he bring to the table other than that a a few highlights. Last year it was MArvin who was on the bench in crunch time now it is Smoove. The question is whether or not Smoove gets it and understands why he wasn't in the game.
  15. Man that boat sailed 3 years ago!!!!
  16. I heard a reply from an interview he did on 790 earlier in the week. He said some interested things: 1. Said the he told Marvin he couldn't play for him unless he develops a 3 point shot. 2. He likes Flip and that you have to accept that fact that he does some stupid things on the court (his exact words) 3. He likes Acie Law and that he thinks that he plays well and that signing Flip kind of set him back a little. 4. Main goal for the season was to the make the playoffs with a winning record. 5. If we would have had a draft pick last year he would have traded it for a veteran and may do that this year unless they get someone really special. 6. People put way too much emphasis on were a player was drafted instead of looking at the situation/environment that the player was brought into. Came across as a normal guy and made alot of sense in what he was saying.
  17. Truthfully it seems like it. Smoove is a dumb basketball player with super athletic skills. Zaza plays with heart and is a scrapper. I am telling you it is like Smoove doesn't like contact. With his jumping ability he should be getting 10 boards a game. When he takes those long jumpers and misses he isn't close enough to get the rebound. He is playing like he doesn't want to be here. I don't think that we lose much by starting ZaZA. Smoove can't hit a damn free throw to save his life so he probably will continue to settle for the jumper. He is trying to be something that he is not.
  18. We will win as long as we play team ball. I don't want JJ and Smoove to get the "hey I am superstar too!! mentality because we are on national television. Having said that I look for ISO JOE all damn night. We will probably get creamed because of Woody and JJ having another 7-26 night. Team ball is our greatest strenght!!!
  19. What if Speedy would have panned out for us. We need a defensive pg who can distribute and get to the hole. There is still hope for Acie to be this but damn just think about for a second. I guess he won't be playing this year as well. We have good scorers but we need a pure distributer who can play tough d on the opposing pg's. Bibby is really good but he tends to look for his shot first sometimes. I like Bibby so don't think that this a anti-Bibby thread.
  20. About damn time. They should have gotten rid of him instead of guys who were productive. He lost us the Arizona game too!!
  21. that he was the dunker that he is. Man does he gets up or what. Damn!!! He has more dunks that our bigs. Just nasty like Chillz used to be!!
  22. I was listening to the 2 Live Stews and they stated that one day Smoove is going to wake up in Milwaukee or Sacramento one day and realize how good he had it in Atlanta. They were really hard on him and stated that he needs to stop trying to be something he isn't and that she should try to give the team 12 a night and focus on rebounds, defense and blocks. I wonder why he wasn't with the team. It is obvious that he wasn't suspended. Man it was like we were a different team last night.
  23. That is the point I wanted to make. Iverson has heart that is something all of our starters except Horf seems to be lacking. We have no established offense.
  24. I was just thinking that a Bibby for iverson trade would have made us better. I am not sure that the numbers add up but I think that Iverson would have helped us alot more because he can get to the basket pretty much at will. I think that he actually has better point guard skills than Bibby. just a random thought!!!
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