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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. I mean why not let Bibby take the shot. I mean this JJ has to be our saviour every night thing is getting old and predictable.
  2. Marvin was doing a good job on KG when he was matched up with him. I wonder why Woody kept Smoove in him when KG was eating his lunch in the 4th. He scored at will on Smoove. I am not saying the MArvin would have shut him down but he owned Smoove and Woody just let the matchup continue.
  3. Man it would be great for us to beat boston and CLeveland in s span of less than a week while they both are playing at their best. We would get some respect then. Firt we have to take care of the Bobcats.
  4. 95 percent of you wanted to max him out last summer and now you all want his head. Now what is up with that. Smoove is being the same player he has been for the last 4 years. You thought that he was going to stop jacking bad shots and making stupid mistakes. This is it folks!!!!
  5. I was wondering the samething. maybe it was a birthday gift from Woody. He has no business shooting 3's. he should leave it to the professionals (marv.jj,bibby.mo and flip). He wants to get in on the 3 party but no one gave him an invitation!!!! I blame Woody!!!
  6. I was wondering the samething. maybe it was a birthday gift from Woody. He has no business shooting 3's. he should leave it to the professionals (marv.jj,bibby.mo and flip). He wants to get in on the 3 party but no one gave him an invitation!!!! I blame Woody!!!
  7. No, we need Joe to be smart with the ball and stop going one on 3. He seems to want to take those couple extra dribbles when the double team comes which gets him in trouble resulting in a bad shot or turnover. It is total nonsense to think that Joe has to score half of our points for us to win. Defense, rebounding and limiting turnovers is the key to winning my friend. And the key to efficient scoring is ball movement. I think that that is a very good point that I was going to make. I think that as long as we win. JJ is our superstar but he doesn't need to try to prove that at the expense of out team. I mean it is obvious that he is hurting right now but there is no way he should be logging 40+ minutes a game. Let someone get some of that shine (Marvin, Bibby, Smoove, etc). We are not the same team we were last year or the year before. I just don't like this notion that JJ has to "get his" in order for us to win. I would rather have a team that can hurt you many ways that one that can hurt you one way. We have to consider the fact that he may get injured and that we have to start getting plays ran for other guys instead of the JJ isolation play that we do 90% of the time. I really believe that JJ is the only player that Woody really trusts.
  8. Exodus said that he needed to be kept on a short leash. Apparently Woody has given him the green light. He can really get to the basket with the quickness but he tends to settle for jumpers like the rest of the team does. He is a decent defender though!!
  9. Welcome to Hawksquawk!! We are the true fans of the Atlanta Hawks!!!!
  10. Under these same circumstances last year, we would have this game by 20-30 points because some scrub you never heard of would have a career night against us.
  11. All this talk about two seasons from now is driving crazy. Really who gives a care if Lebron/Bosh etc goes to New York or not. We have to pretty good teams and basketball right now and everyone (cnn, espn, realgm) is talking about where Lebron is going to be in two years. That is the problem with the NBA they promote stars instead of games and that is why ticket sales are going down. As for JJ he is what I call a skill player. He isn't athletic and he isn't fast but he knows how to play the game and has superior b-ball skills and can shot the rock. He is the kind of player that ages well in the NBA because when you are not the fastest anymore or can jump the highest you have to have something to fall back on. Hell Tim Duncan might play until he's 40 years old.
  12. I am not ready to give him DPOY, but I like how he played Lebron. He knocked him on his ass a few times and went after him. I noticed that Lebron never tried to take Marv like he was taking Mo evans. Marv was blowing past him on a few plays. You got to make Lebron work on defense and be physical with him.
  13. Diesel has been pretty quiet this year bashing Marvin so cut the man some slack. I think that his development has put more pressure on Smoove to stay near the basket and improve his post game instead of hanging around the perimeter trying to play a finesse game without the finesse skills. Marvin needs to get more touches as well.
  14. that we seem to have better offensive flow without Smoove in the lineup. I am not saying we need to trade him but Woody may need to limit his shots to about 6 a game and have him just focus on defense. LOL
  15. JJ's shooting has been off for the past few games. I hope that he doesn't force things tonight and forget about his teammates. I hope that he doesn't feel that he has to be the superstar tonight and drop 40. No one man can beat the celtics it will take the entire team. with him being so underrated and unheralded I just don't want us to get out of flow because he feels he has something to prove.
  16. I think that we can beat them every time we play them. Our team defense can stop Lebron or at least slow him down.
  17. 1. We need to run more plays for Marvin. He just hovers around the 3pt line waiting for JJ to kick it out to him. 2. Bibby takes too many ill adivsed shots. He shoots before the team gets setup sometimes. 3. We play like pit bulls on defense. Everyone has stepped up their defense. 4. We are in the bottom of the league in Free Throw%. That will eventually cost us close games. 5. We are a top 10 rebounding team. 6. We are top ten in steals, blocks, opp. 3pt fg% OUR BREAD AND BUTTER HAVE BEEN OUR DEFENSE BUT WE HAVE GOT TO IMPROVE OUR FT %. THAT IS OUR MAJOR ACHILLES HEEL RIGHT NOW. We are a pretty solid team but we need to improve on some things to stay sucCessfull in the long run.
  18. Wurider05

    Who starts?

    I don't think so D. He has a high ankle sprain. Those things take several weeks to heel properly. I hate for him to rush back and come up limp later in the season. I think that we will be okay without him as long as we maintain out team defense.
  19. http://msn.foxsports.com/nba/story/8767594...3162&ATT=73
  20. When has Portland become more popular than us? I mean they have been on national tv twice this year. I mean we have one of the most exciting teams in the league and we can't even get a nationally televised game unless we make the playoffs. It really pissed me off because after Golden State beat the MAvs they were on tv on a regular basis. Damn we are a top 10 market you know!!!
  21. I think that Woody was smart when he left Flip in the game instead of bringing Bibby back in. I think that far too often coaches get scared to go after these superstars offensively. It was quit obvious that Paul could not guard FLip. Flip is a cold blooded scorer. Paul is a great offensive player so you have to make him work on offense. The same technique works against Lebron James. You got to make them work on defense.
  22. I have to agree with D. I never thought that I would ever say that. There can be no more excuses for Marvin.
  23. We won last night because we didn't turn the ball over. I mean when you are in a hole the way we were last night you have to make the most of every possession and we did. Secondly our team defense got better as the game went on. I noticed that in the second half Marv and Josh came out really intense. I think that that will be important for us to step up the intensity. I do think that we took too many jumpers last night and a lot of our plays were one and done. Bibby was chucking up some shots before our guys go tin position to attempt to get the rebound. Marvin played like s*** last night but he did appear to be a little more aggressive. Let's just see how things play out. Josh has got to stop turning the ball over so much. WE HAVE GOT TO RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Damn Woody and his assistant coach just messed up our run. That had to be the stupidest technicals I have ever seen. 4 point swing right after we got the lead to 5!!!!!
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