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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. Oden looked like a second round project pick. From the very start I questioned his effectiveness as a pro. He really looked bad out there last night
  2. They could have did way better than what they did. They didn't interview Bibby, Marvin, Flip or Zaza. In fact they only mentioned Bibby once. This production was horrible.
  3. Dude the video in your post is tearing me up!! Where did you get that from???? JJ>PP all day. PP is all cocky now because he won the damn championship. Hell Larry Bird could have been put out there today with KG and Ray Ray and won.
  4. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/writ...view/index.html SOunds like alot of BS
  5. Yeah they lost but do you think that the media's man love for USC is going to cause them to drop far. I promise you that they will not fall out of the top 5. ESPN folks were already talking about how tough the PAC 10 is. Now if Georgia loses to Alabama who is ranked they will drop out of the top 10 for sure. Now USC will start running up the score against everybody. Common sense should be that if Georgia beats Bama then Georgia should be number 1. Don't be surprised if USC falls to 2 or 3!!!!
  6. Hey dude Diesel is right. I am an Investigator with DFCS and you don't want us involved if you can help. I always encourage family to fix their own problems if they can but sometimes they can't. I am a near expert on this matter and just email me if you want to find out your options. There is alot that can be done but if you feel that you need outside involvement DFCS could help. The only catch is that someone in the family would may have to take physical custody of the child while we deal with the parent and if no one in the family isn't willing to take the child in while we investigate and setup services then that means that the child will go into foster care. Tell me what county you live in and I can tell you what avenues you have outside of DFCS or what to expect if you decide to call. I swear some women pick the worst men in the world to have children with. If u and you wife are interested in getting custody of the child let me know and I can direct you on what you need to do. In your wildest dreams you couldn't imagine the horrors that I have witnessed done to children so it is the ultimate reward whenever I can help a child have a better chance at life or help a family become stronger.
  7. Good thing you weren't GM Mr. Walter. I am not a Marvin head. I am just anti-a** clown. Another thing why does it take two post for you and your crew to make a simple point. I mean half the time you guys start a thread then 80 percent of the posts are the same clowns that started it. You my friend are a jerk to the highest degree. It is not that serious. All you do is sit around waiting on someone to say something so you can run back to the old threads and try and make them look stupid. Who seriously has time for that f***ing s***. Grow up and accept. Let's just say you are absolutely right about Marvin. DO YOU GET THE REST OF HIS ROOKIE CONTRACT???? WHAT CHANGES---NOTHING AT ALL HE STILL WILL BE SUITING UP THIS OCTOBER. GRANGER WON'T BE HERE, CP3 WON'T BE HERE, DERON WILLIAMS WON'T BE HERE BUT YOUR STUPID a** WILL BE STILL WHINING ABOUT A DRAFT THAT HAPPENED 3 YEARS AGO. Just like if you were GM last year you would have taken Yi and it would have been a mistake since Horford was a beast. But you won't admit that. As far as me being wrong about Marvin Williams. I don't even follow college basketball I didn't know who he was, I didn't know who Paul or Deron was. So how the hell was I wrong when i didn't even know who these guys were. I knew that we needed a pg as did everyone else. But when they signed JJ to be the pg everybody around here was cool with it. I want us to have the best team out there so we can compete and win a championship. I feel like whoever they bring into the fold will help us do that. In situations where I didn' t like the pick (Shelden) I still support my team. You guys are taking bitterness and whining to another level and it is quit disturbing.
  8. You and your elk can point out numbers and indexes all you want. I don't play that game. The point is what are you trying to prove. Calling people out and challenging them is childish bullshit. 3 years after the fact we know how you feel. Did time stop moving forward for you 3 years ago. As far as calling my posts idiotic, in all of my posts I attempt to use common sense, something you apparently lost 3 years ago. You are entitled to your opinion regardless of what I think. I just get sick and tired if these same old post every f***ing day. I don't know if Marvin was the right pick or not but the bottom line that he is here now and he is productive. I am an Atlanta Hawks fan and I often wonder are we even looking at the same damn team. All this Marvin can't do this or Marvin's per is lower than player X. Man get a f***ing life!!!! No matter what you say or what numbers you pull out he won't be undrafted. Marvin definitely can improve and he has to. You must never forget that JJ was brought here to be the franchise player, the go-to man. If JJ wasn't here then I would wholeheartedly agree with you with Marvin. You guys compare him to players who are the man on their teams when he isn't or player who were drafted into better situations (Bynum). Now god forbid something happens to JJ and if Marv numbers are the same then you have the grounds for your argument. I am not defending Marvin but rather I am looking at the entire situation. Plain common sense.................
  9. :beathorse: Here we go again with the same old bullshit. What f***ing point are you guys trying to make. Let's just say that you are right about Marvin. What the f*** will that change? He is still going to be a Hawk. Last time I checked no one here could see the future. You guys are getting to the point where you have become parodies of yourselves. Bust or not he isn't going anywhere. If you are any fan of the Hawks like you claim to be you would just hope for the best and hope that he helps us win. But this s*** is getting old man. If your daughter/son marries someone that you didn't approve of are you going to wish them bad luck or are you going to accept it (because you can't do anything about it) and just hope for the best. Of course you wouldn't............... You think that if you reach 100,000 Marvin posts he will disappear from the roster!!! All this looking into the future and "what if" bullshit is really stupid!!! The reality of the matter is that Marvin Williams is an Atlanta Hawk. Marvin Williams was the 2nd pick in the 2005 draft. Chris Paul and Deron Williams were not drafted by the Atlanta Hawks. Andrew Bynum was not drafted by the Atlanta Hawks. These are the facts Mr. Walter so accept it or perhaps start a Chris Paul/Deron Williams/Andrew Bynum manlove website instead of trying to turn this one into one. This is Hawksquawk if you haven't noticed!!!! Marvin doing well means that the team is doing well. You and your "crew" seem to want Marvin to fail and be a bust just to pound on your chest and say I told you so. I question whether or not you guys even want the team to do well because then you won't have s*** to talk about.
  10. I can agree with that. Whenever he gets tired and loses his legs his jumper suffers.
  11. It had to be JJ because they didn't draft a pg knowing that he was coming here so they went with Marvin in the draft because he was the best talent available for. Things are slowly coming together.
  12. Do you think that Woody will reduce his minutes this year??
  13. If we are going to take it to another level what should we expect from JJ our team leader and best player. DO you think he needs to defer to JM, Bib, and Marvin more or just step up his game and become more dangerous? If you could give JJ any advice on this upcoming season what what it be?
  14. May not have a choice right now!!!
  15. http://www.fannation.com/truth_and_rumors/view/61393 Bucks, Hawks chasing Elson Posted: Friday August 08, 2008 06:59AM ET Francisco Elson could move into the backup center role behind Andrew Bogut, if a deal can be struck between the Bucks and the 7-foot native of the Netherlands. Sources said the Bucks are considering a potential two-year deal with Elson, who split time last season with the San Antonio Spurs and Seattle SuperSonics. Elson would give the Bucks a better offensive option than current backup Dan Gadzuric, also a native of the Netherlands. Elson is a good foul shooter and can face up and hit jump shots in the 15- to 18-foot range. Elson has received offers from FC Barcelona and the Atlanta Hawks, according to HoopsHype.com I wasn't aware that we we pursuing this guy.
  16. Let's just way Smoove is gone without a sign and trade. What then in terms of player acquisitions and trades that you guys can take us to the playoffs next year. Who is out there on the block that we can get with all the cap space that we would have. While we all would hate to see Smoove leave, we will still have a season next year and pretty good players (JJ, MArv, Horforf, Law) to go forward and we got Bibby's contract. If it was me I would try to get Allen Iverson. AI JJ MArv Horford ZAZA/Morris LAW AI JJ MARV Horf Law AI JJ Horf ZAZA
  17. I said to me that Chillz was the most exciting player.
  18. I just read where Iggy maybe about to get 70+ million. He isn't worth that at all. As a matter of fact none of the big signings have been worth the money but at the same time it symbolizes something that I think alot of you don't understand. To nearly max out a player is saying that you are carrying our team or we go as far a you will take us. Monta Ellis is now the man on GS, Deng is the man, Iggy is the man on that team (he proved that by leading them to the playoffs without Brand). I think that talent wise none of these guys are worth the money but you can't say that they can't lead their teams or be the man. Please consider these points: 1. If JJ would have had a season ending injury could Smoove had led us to the playoffs. Smoove is not capable of being the man. It is not a knock but rather its an observation. Can you really blame them for not wanting to get themselves in a sticky situation in the future by doing something stupid right now. Bottomline this is business and it is always easy to spend someone else's money. JJ is probably going to command 20 million a season, Horford is going to be worth at least 11 million a season, Marvin 8-12. Smoove average more turnovers than blocks last season people!!! If you start at the max salary and through his deficiences work your way down 9-10 million is about right. We only won 40 out of 89 total games last season. 2. If we had better fans they probably would have given him the money. Other cities even with bad teams have good attendance and are more profitable. You guys act like attendance will drop if Smoove is not here next year. No one is paying to see Smoove. Hell he rarely dunks anymore. Atlanta is a bandwagon town. I don't care if Gary Coleman is running the point if we are consistently winning (.550 to .600 ball) people will come. To me Chillz was our most exciting player. The ASG knows this and that is why the ball is in there court. No one really gives a damn that Smoove is from Atlanta as most people here aren't even from Atlanta. The asg has to make sure that they are going to make money. The owners don't have guaranteed contracts. Hell Smoove can average 5 ppg on 23% shooting and he will still get paid. Why should they risk getting burned?? 3. Resigning Woody meant that the ASG perceives talent to be the problem not coaching. 4. Has playing with JJ inflated his stats?
  19. on why he isn't in the NBA: He might not make plays, play defense, or whatever. Dunking is only a way to score 2 points, it's not a talent... Someone made this post on youtube...could not have said it better myself.
  20. I am not too familiar with this dude or his college game. Based you what you guys know about him what can we expect from this guy. Is there a legit reason he was chosen over Kwame Brown? Is it too late for him to become a good player or is he just taken up space??
  21. We need to keep Marvin. Maybe Morris can give us decent numbers.
  22. Call me crazy but that really isn't a bad trade for us. AL Harrington can play PF or Center (he played center on GS). We can create a solid bench in the process. I wouldn't mind that trade one bit. Speedy would have to be included.
  23. OK hear me out. The Woody vs. BK thing was basically talent vs. coaching. Woody believed that we didn't have enought talent to win while BK believed that we had enough talent but the the coaching was the problem. Basically the ASG believed Woody's side after the Boston series. DO you guys actually think that they are going to pay Smoove over 10 million a season when they probably believe he can be replaced. For all the potential in the world don't lose the fact that we only won 37 games last season and we barely made the playoffs. So in all intent and purposes look for a SNT. I don't think that they don't value Josh I just don't think that they believe he isn't worth the money he wants. Personally I don't either. I think that JJ is the only irreplaceable player on this team at this point followed by Horf.
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