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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. I bet you guys haven't heard that name in a while. ANyone know whatever happened to him?
  2. Good point. I was just telling someone today that Chillz never came across as the ignorant thug type (like most of the NBA). He seems to be really educated. It was a reason why they chose him in Greece.
  3. Quote: Ryan Steward of the 2 live Stews said he talked with a “VERY CLOSE” source in the Hawks organization. Source told Ryan: 1. That the ASG to sign Chil to an 5yr deal worth 34mil to 38mil. 2. When Ppl from around the league found this out, they called the ASG and said you are a fool if you do that deal. You are about to set the wrong example. 3. His source said that Josh Smith IS NOT going to go over seas. 4. The ASG are in talk with someone right now who is the same type of player Chill is and he should be signed in the next couple of day. 5. The league is very upset with the ASG because they take way too long to do anything.. ie: making draft picks, trades, picking GMs…. (I don’t know what the hell do the league care about that but this is what Ryan’s “VERY CLOSE” source) I been listening to the Stews for years now. You can't take anything that they say serious.
  4. He stated that he left because they didn't offer him enough money and that they told him to go out and find another deal. He stated that there wasn't any signs that they wanted to hurry up and get a deal done and that he got frustrated.
  5. was the worst thing that could have happened to us. Guys all of a sudden get an elevated self worth and want big money. If we would not have made the playoffs Woody would not be here and in all likelyhood Chillz and Smoove may signed or SNT'ed. Go back and check the stacks. I called this. Only in Atlanta can winning be bad. I told you guys that we would have better long term if we would have missed the playoffs.
  6. Quote: Quote: He is gone and we need to accept it. The thing now is what do we do next or what don't we do next. 1. I don't think that we should panic and overpay J-Smoove. 6/60 million dollars is good for him. 2. We better consider extensions for JJ and Marvin now at the preliminary stages. 3. We are going to definitely have to sign a a big. We may have to overpay a little. 4. Don't do anything stupid as a public relations stunt to try and win the fans over. Smoove and Chillz want more than what the organization think that they are worth,so ASG should not be made out to be the bad guys. We all would have done the same thing. Remember this is a business. 4? Don't do anything stupid as a public relations stunt? Are you kidding, do you really think the ASG cares or has any control of what the public thinks. They are probably partying today because they don't have to pay Childress. What a bunch of Dumbasses. Hawk88 LOL!!!!
  7. He is gone and we need to accept it. The thing now is what do we do next or what don't we do next. 1. I don't think that we should panic and overpay J-Smoove. 6/60 million dollars is good for him. 2. We better consider extensions for JJ and Marvin now at the preliminary stages. 3. We are going to definitely have to sign a a big. We may have to overpay a little. 4. Don't do anything stupid as a public relations stunt to try and win the fans over. Smoove and Chillz want more than what the organization think that they are worth,so ASG should not be made out to be the bad guys. We all would have done the same thing. Remember this is a business.
  8. Chillz may not want to comeback to the Hawks period!!! I mean the reports have stated that his agent has worked on SNT with other teams. I mean we can't lose that thought that maybe he just doesn't want to comeback. He may want to start and maybe he is one of the ones that have a problem with Woodson. Of all the players on the team CHillz, Horf and Marv seem to come across as the most educated and professional. And like a professional he went along and never complained or caused problems but now he wants out. He handled it in a classy way instead of whining. He may not like Woody but he probably respects him because he is the coach. Why keep a guy if he doesn't want to be here??
  9. Marvin Williams for Damien Wilkins straight up. Please tell me that this is some kind of joke!!!
  10. As a matter of principle they should not pay Smoove more than they think he is worth. I bet that he and his agent are licking their chops with the possibility that Chillz maybe gone. Chillz maybe leaving us but there is no reason for us to panic and do something stupid like overpay Smoove. With Chillz gone Smoove can't play as reckless as he does because we probably won't have anyone to clean up the mess.
  11. Could Marvin play PF. With his mid range jumper he could be almost like Karl Malone (who never really played in the post). His rebounding would have to improve but I don't know he may can do it. I am know way saying that MArvin is or will ever be as good as Malone.
  12. Hey fellas I saw The Dark Knight this morning. It is a very good movie and people actually clapped at the end of the movie. This movie is beyond the typical comic book superhero move. it is about that choices we make and what we choose to believe in. This movie is deep and intense. It is almost like it wasn't even a Batman movie but rather something else more epic. The Joker is one crazy muthafucker!!!!!!
  13. Actually him playing in summer league is better for us. If he gets hurt then we go into the season knowing that we won't have him available.
  14. I am no talking about intercoolers. I am talking about the one that goes on the base of the system and has a compartment for a game.
  15. dude you have to get a fan.
  16. Quote: Quote: You pull so many of your arguments out of thin air. That entire post is wafer-thin and completely subjective. You are not an insider so there is no reason to listen to this hot air that you blow all of the time about Marvin. I have never been a defender of BK; don't have much positive to say about the man. To suggest that Marvin is the sole basis of his legacy, however, is way off base. His volume of work is much deeper, be it to the good or bad, than to tie his legacy to one draft pick. And trading a career journeyman in order to get your #2 overall draft pick on the floor is just common sense, agenda or no. Jhay, if you don't think that BK's legacy will rise and fall with the drafting of Marvin Gay Williams you are fooling yourself. As long as Deron Williams and Chris Paul are perinneal allstars and Marvin is not... That is probably the only thing that BK will be remember for. He tore down the team, went into the 2005 draft and with 5 Sfs on the roster, proclaimed that Marvin was the future of Hawks basketball. I can guarantee you that BK can't stand to hear the name Chris Paul... and that will always be. All you do is repeat the same [censored] over and over. I think that you are trying your damnest to reach 26000 posts. i for one will no longer feed the Diesel monster. I mean you can't possibly take yourself seriously. You have created an anti-Marvin post damn near every day for 3 years. OKAY WE GET YOUR POINT. WITH THAT I AM DONE FEEDING THE DIESEL MONSTER!!!!!!!!
  17. Quote: Quote: I mean he has decent numbers. Diesel this is JJ's team. Marvin is the third option. If the team was built around Marvin I would agree with you. I believe that if JJ wasn't here Marvin, Josh, and Smoove would probably be better players. Joe takes all of the shots, Joe gets a majority of the possessions. Marv does good considering he doesn't get 15-20 shots a game. You constantly talk about Maggette, Deng, etc but you are talking about guys who are the top options on their team. Think about what you are saying. My expectations are for him to give us 16-22 ppg 6-8 rbs. He definitely needs to get his assists up. You're right... It is JJ's team. JJ does take a majority of shots. However, JJ also leads this team in assists. I have the feeling if Marvin asked for the ball, he would get more shots. JJ in no way is old Kobe. JJ's personality is not to hog the ball on purpose. I think he does it so much because that's what defenses give him AND our players are not in good positions. If you watched the playoffs one thing you noticed is that JJ and Bibby had a two man game going most of the time and that JJ could find Horf, Marv, and Smoove when they were open. The problem is that it's rare that Marvin makes himself available. Marvin gets a lot of his point early because that's how we play it. But he does nothing to turn it on when he can. If you noticed down the stretch in the season, Woody elected to start allow Chillz to finish out the game and he sat Marvin. Reason being is because Chillz put in the work to be impactful down the stretch whereas, Marvin tended to disappear. I can agree with you on the part about the disappearing. That is one of those many bad habits that Woody has allowed Marv, Smoove, and Chillz to develop. Marv came up big in Game 6 for us in the Boston series. Before you start the blaming Woody for Marvin thread, let me explain. IF Woody observed that Marvin was disappearing in games he should have put him on the bench and cut his playing time same with SMoove's taking bad shots and high turnover rate. If the coach has never took any actions to correct the problems then who really is to blame. There is no question that Marv is a talented player and of he and Smoove I think that he would probable is the most coachable. I said it once and I will say it again Woody is wrong for this team. The players do have responsibilities but there is a reason why teams have coaches.
  18. I mean he has decent numbers. Diesel this is JJ's team. Marvin is the third option. If the team was built around Marvin I would agree with you. I believe that if JJ wasn't here Marvin, Josh, and Smoove would probably be better players. Joe takes all of the shots, Joe gets a majority of the possessions. Marv does good considering he doesn't get 15-20 shots a game. You constantly talk about Maggette, Deng, etc but you are talking about guys who are the top options on their team. Think about what you are saying. My expectations are for him to give us 16-22 ppg 6-8 rbs. He definitely needs to get his assists up.
  19. Quote: Personally I think 13 a year is superstar money. Smith is far from a superstar. He is the third best player on our team. I hope his improvements continue (dribbling, decision making, man on man defense, post scoring, shooting) and he does not become complacent with a big contract. Man you are right on the money. That is what I have been saying from the start. You don't give a guy max level money and wonder if. It is a gamble that we can't take right now. Third best player on the team. As far as him being underpaid, he slipped in the draft because word got out that he was lazy and had an attitude. Too many question marks about him to give him this much money.
  20. There will be no promotion of drinking on this board. Hawksquawk is a dry community. I nominate Red Bull (sugar free flavor).
  21. If they let Smoove get away and assume that we resign CHillz: Bibby JJ Chillz Marvin Horford How bad could this be?? I know that we will need a bench. Cuuld Marvin play power forward?
  22. It is part of the loser mentality that exists around here. Just because we are the hawks we have to overpay JS and potentially handcuff ourselves in the coming years. Nearly every player on that last has played for multiple teams. I like JS but he needs to be paid for what he is right now. We all know that BK wouldn't have given him the max if he was still here. We can't afford to get burned. Josh is a piece of the puzzle. He is not a franchise player and he will never will be. That isn't a knock on him it is what it is.
  23. and that question is simply this. If we sign him to the money he wants and god forbid JJ goes down with an injury, is Smoove capable of leading this team to the playoffs, is Smoove capable of being the man. We all know the answer to this question!!!! Not the man, but gets paid the man money Allstar team: Odom Redd Marbury K. Martin Peja Rashad Lewis Jermain O'Neil Shawn Marion You guys know what these guys have in common right???
  24. Quote: Then of course, I would start shopping Marvin. Honestly I never would have guessed!!! Posey is a role player who benefits from an established post game and that is how he gets his shots off uncontested. Playing with Shaq and KG makes him look better than what he is. WE have no post game and our PF Smoove would be hanging out with him on the perimeter chucking bad shots. His fg is piss poor. We would lose 50 games next season.
  25. Man that was the kind of stuff I was trying to forget. Are the bad times really over or are we just use to them??
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