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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. Quote: it was an ugly injury.......please dont watch this if your "squeemish" He took it like a man though and didn't cry. I can respect that. Melo would have been crying like a little [censored]!!!
  2. Quote: Anyone heard about where he is in his rehab? He's a talent I'd be willing to give the veteran minimum to just to see if he still has it. The guy can handle as well as any 6'7 guy in the league and has as good a vision as anyone in the league. I just read that LA won't be extending him a qualifying offer so he will be an unrestricted free agent. LA was concerned about his knee injury.
  3. I really hate to see him leave. I don't think that he was given the opportunity to develop here. Watch him go to a team and produce. [censored] Woody!! I am not saying that he is an allstar but they should have used him more. He really played well this season when he got minutes for the most part.
  4. Quote: When will people learn? Our problem is not our starting PF and C. It's our DEPTH. As in when one/both of those guys come out, what we have in their place. What our frontcourt lacks in size it makes up for with length and athleticism. Horford as a raw offensive rookie was a top 15 C in this league. There is no reason why he can't become top 10. There is no true 7 foot Center that you can consider elite in the entire Eastern conference so why do people think we need one of our own to compete? We don't lose games because we lack a couple inches down low. We lose games when we play dumb basketball such as not moving around offensively, taking ill-advised shots, and not communicating defensively which results in all that switching and leaving guys wide open for easy layups or 3 pointers. That goes back to coaching or the lack thereof. I said it once and I will say it again. Marvin and Smoove have alot of bad habits that Woody doesn't seem to care about. We need a new coach!!!!
  5. Quote: Okay let's assume that either/both of Minnesota and Memphis were calling teams talking about a deal they were working on and trying to get another team involved, which I find highly unlikely that they did, but for the sake of argument let's say that they did. What could we have done to get in on that deal and who were you trying to get from the deal? Minnesota clearly wanted Mike Miller so he wasn't coming here so how do we fit in Diesel? I agree. Just because they did business with the Timberwolves that doesn't mean that they would have done business with us. The wolves wanted Mike Miller. They (memphis) have a SF and a pg. So the Marvin trade of the day wouldn't work here. The only thing that I could think of would be SNT for Smoove but even that is a headscratcher for me. Some of the posters act like they know for a fact that we could have got in on these trades. And I find it funny that in nearly every trade we are giving up our so called resident bum Marvin Williams who according to a lot of you doesn't even belong in the NBA. GEEZ!!!
  6. Quote: Gotta be a record for "most white guys traded". I swear dude I was thinking the samething!! LOL
  7. Quote: I am not saying that D.J. Augustin isn't a good player, but the Bobcats also need help in the frontcourt. They could have had a possible franchise center in Brook Lopez but let him fall to the Nets. I fell that they could have gotten someone later in the draft or a vet in freeagency to be Felton's backup. Brook Lopez would have been an upgrade over Nazr Mohammed and would have solidified the starting lineup. There starting lineup could have been Felton,Richardson,Wallace,Okafor & Lopez. Shouldn't you post this on a Bobcats board. This is Hawksquawk.net. We got our own problems to worry about.
  8. Quote: I think this deal makes puts us solidly no better than 6th in the East. As injury prone as O'Neal has been, he's an upgrade over Rasho and the Raps will be fine w/ Calderon: http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=3461029 Teams are going to start loading up to beat the Celtics. The gauntlet has been been thrown. I got the strangest feeling that the Celtics are going to get more talent now as well. Detroit, Miami, among others are retooling amidst all the change that is coming.................we still got Woody. Teams know that they are going to have to load up to come out of the East.
  9. Quote: Quote: You're crazy if you think they are going to trade Brewer AND #3 for Marvin. If they would do it, I'd parlay the #3/Bibby for a BIG TIME player and keep Brewer to fill in for Childress off the bench if he leaves. That would be an incredible trade that would NEVER happen. I would have done it yesterday. I don't think anybody was pleased with Brewer. In fact, he's somewhat of a flop. Marvin is a capable Sf and better than Brewer. They may be willing to give up #3 (which is Mayo... who needs him?) for Marvin and either Brewer as the carrot. Diesel I can't believe that you have actually stated that Marvin was better than somebody else and you said he is a capable SF. I am so proud of you!!!!
  10. Quote: Quote: How is he the face of our playoff resurgence? He is not near the player JJ is and certainly not as good as JJ was in the playoffs. You training for Mike Vick now or what??
  11. Quote: Interesting. I personally don't think DA will ever play for us in a Hawks uni, but that is just my gut feeling--I do hope I am wrong though. He is already 28 years old and has established himself quite well overseas. We still hold his rights, but I just dont see us ponying up that kind of money for him as a 30 year old. His rights will likely be traded at some point. I really feel that the boat has sailed on this guy. he will probably try to come over once his knees are shot.
  12. I mean no one expected Miami to not make the playoffs last year. So they are going to definitely be looking to get their spot back. Then you got Chicago, Philly, Charlotte, New Jersey, New York, all making moves to ensure that they are getting better. I mean you hear about the rumors of J. O'neil going to Toronto. New York and Chicago probably would enter luxury tax zone to improve their teams. If we do resign Smoove and Chillz is that enough to insure that we return to the playoffs when we barely made it in last year. I said it a few weeks ago before we resigned Woody that if we did resign him there was no way we would make the playoffs next year. i got the feeling the I am absolutely right. Boston Detroit Orlando Cleveland Washington Toronto Philly Atlanta Miami (2nd pick, D-Wade, Marion) Chicago New York (D'Antoni) Indiana Charlotte (Larry Brown) Something big is going to have to happen since they decided to keep Woody and I am going to have to assume that his coaching style isn't going to change. Taking Boston to 7 games will not mean squat when the rest of the conference his loaded up from top to bottom next season. We will basically be the same team and I question how much better than Indiana were we really last season. Our fate was sealed when they resigned Woody. The ASG need to look at the entire situation. Didn't Woody complain about not having enough talent on the team and they are going to give him the same squad he had last year minus Salim. Those cheap bastards didn't even want to pony up money to get a good coach.
  13. Quote: I'm paraphrasing..it was 2hrs ago....I must say, he's the most honest GM I've heard yet... - Was asked about the rumors that Andre I. was seeking a max contract. -- he responded that he is not a Michael Jordan type player. He is not someone you build the team around. He is good player but he needs to be paired with other good players. Ready for July 1 to start negotiations but he is not a max player - Said he is not sure, what is going to happen with A Miller. Specifically mention that he's an upcoming free agent next year and they will not lose him for nothing. Talked about how, no one is even sure if he's happy with situation in Philly now, because he's so quiet. But will begin to address the situation in a few short weeks. - Talked about building a team. Commended the Celtics on their quick success but said he's building thru talented young players and they are not that far away. - They will be active during the draft - They have 11mil as of "now" to spend on "a" free agent. Wouldn't mention names of course but Smoove was mentioned by the hosts before this interview started. But he's bluntly said on previous shows and newspaper quotes, that they're looking for a PF. I get the feeling, that these rumors aren't far-fetched. Damn he is blunt as hell. I can respect that instead of all of the p*ssy footing we get around here. Iggy isn't a max player and it sounds like he won't be bullied into paying him max dollars either. The line needs to be drawn in the sand around here like in Philly.
  14. Quote: Not to mention, wouldn't that give the Hawks two big expiring contracts at the end of next season? (Bibby and Odom) If so, that could be plenty to go after BIG names (Wade, Lebron, Howard) I may be wrong though... Honestly, I want to keep Smoove... But, knowing and seeing how the ASG works, I won't hold my breath... 7 Thank you for understanding. The fellas on this board was acting like it was just a straight up trade. The point I was trying to make was the enormous amount of money we could have available when the contracts expire.
  15. If I was the ASG I would consider trading Smoove for Odom because it would do two possible things: 1. The team would remain competitive and would probably win more games. 2. With his contract coming off the books along with Bibby you got what 25+ million dollars coming off your books then you can sign free agents for but not use all of your cap space. I don't know if the trade works but think it could be a real possibility if it did. With Odom we would still make the playoffs. I am not saying that he is better than Smoove but financially it would make since if they don't feel Smoove is worth the money he is seeking. As long as we are winning I think that fans will be happy.
  16. Quote: It doesn't matter if he wants 11 million +, he's a restricted free agent and there's no way that any of the teams with money is going to offer that much to him. He's not worth it anyways; he's one of those players where if he's the second best guy on your team you really like your chances, but will never make it as a head-honcho type guy (examples: Tony Parker, Rashard Lewis, Pau Gasol). I got this off of the fannation.com website. What do you guys think about this comment that was posted.
  17. a such thing as a franchise player. That one player on a team that can't be replaced under any circumstances. I don't think that there is a such thing any more personally. The closest I can think of is Lebron but I wouldn't call him a franchise player. Is the idea long gone with all of the parity that is in the league today?
  18. Quote: Quote: We will not lose fans. I love Smoove but no one is going to Phillips Arena to see Smoove. That's what the Falcons thought about Michael Vick and it would be the same situation with the Hawks and Smoove. I fully expect Smoove to be resigned next year though. Why do so many of you guys insist on comparing Vick to Smoove. Vick was an all world talent. He was the falcons, he was the best player on the team without a doubt. JJ is the superstar on this team. People will support the Hawks as long as we are winning. As our record got better attendance got better, but again this is Atlanta.
  19. We will not lose fans. I love Smoove but no one is going to Phillips Arena to see Smoove. If we have a winning team attendance will probably be the same or slightly better. Atlanta is a band wagon town and they only support winners and again that isn't guaranteed.
  20. You are right about the softness part. Did anyone else notice the Smoove stopped dunking on people the last year and a half. I mean he still did his alley hoops but it it like he loss some of him aggressiveness when attacking the rim. He is not a finesse player nor should he try to be.
  21. They should not have been there anyway. They beat San Antonio after a grueling 7 game series with the Hornets. Let's not forget the foul that Fisher got away with on Barry. Hell the Lakers probably had the easiest path to the finals of anyone in the last few years or so. Hell we could have beat the Nuggets. This just shows that team works beats a sperstar every time and that Kobe can't even sniff MJ' jockstrap.
  22. My main thing is the fact that the star system is so known that it is not even funny. A foul should be a foul whether its Kobe Bryant or Zaza Pachulia. Who is the NBA to say that one players desire to win is more important than another. It is messed up and the need to have stars instead of promoting the game is what is killing them. I haven't watched one game of the finals but I can bet that they are killing the Lakers vs. Celtics 80's rivalry.
  23. Some guy just brought that in 2004 how strange it was that after Shaq was coming off toe surgery and in the middle of the season Stern changed the playoff format. I remember telling everyone how strange I thought that was back then.
  24. http://www.ajc.com/sports/content/shared-g...tting_Probe.htm Is anyone really surprised by this. I know the the guy is a snitch but I believe him. Sometimes things are just a little too convenient for some teams.
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