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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. I was wondering what are the salaries for the starting five for the Pistons. With them being such a good team and no real superstars are the salaries close to each other since no one can claim that the team won't function without them (ie Ben Wallace). So I doubt that anyone could demand way more money that what another starter is making. Is this an approach we need to take. I think that the success of this team will be the result of team basketball.
  2. I am not saying resign him. I am saying that he isn't worth the max or nowhere near it. So how much is a block worth?? I am not saying that he is a bad player. You don't pay a player a max deal based on potential. You draft on potential. You guys are really overrating his drawing power. People go to see the Atlanta Hawks. They don't go to see JJ, Smoove, or MARV. They go to see the Hawks or whomever we are playing. You think that if we trade JSmoove attendence is going to drop at phillips arena. Yeah right!!!!! I just would hate to see us end up like other teams that dole out max contracts to "good" players. As for JJ and the PHX. JJ had proven himself. There were no questions about his talent level, no guessing if he was going to get better. JJ was the 4th option on the Phoenix Suns. You can't compare the two.
  3. I like Smoove alot but there is no way we should give him a max or near max deal based on his potentially being a better player. Let someone else take a gamble. He is not a max player. To me a max player is someone who is an allstar. Don't come with the he will be a future allstar crap. Hell Speedy could be labeled a future allstar. No one knows what the future holds. Smoove has been the 2nd option on this team for two years now. We know what he is now. I don't want to get burned. Just look at Michael Redd and the Bucks. Watch what happens in Orlando when the big contracct they gave Lewis bites them in the ass. Remember when Detroit made us sign Konkak to a big contract? This was his contract year. Let his play of this year determine how much he is worth. Same goes for Marvin next year. He is not worth the max. I say 5 years 50 million dollars. He is still young and will get another big contract if he pans out. I like Smoove and I like the team we have now but overpaying him now will kill us down the line. I think that we can survive with: ACIE/Bibby JJ Marv Horford ZAZA/SOLO I am in now way suggesting we let him walk so don't get it twisted. If we max him god forbid Marvin decides to play up to his potential next season. Then he is going to want his money. Then Horford is going to be due in a few years. Then JJ will be ready to reup. I really would not want to be the one who has to make this decision but I really feel that it will come down to Smoove vs. Horford. Good Luck Mr. Sund and welcome to the ATL!!!
  4. I heard the interview. He did alot of dodging and double talk. Sund will be a yes man. You noticed he didn't really answer the question about the monday morning owner ship meetings??
  5. Chuck Oliver made a comment the the only type of people the Hawks hire are the ones that have no other options. That hit it right on the head. I don't remember anyone beating down the door to get Woody. No one else was going to pay JJ the kind of money we offered (not tha t that is a bad thing). No decent coach or gm would touch this place with a ten foot pole. They have to do something that changes the image of this franchise. That will attract better candidates. We got turned down by a damn gopher from Cleveland. Sund may turn out to be decent but they got him to be average. His goal will probably be to obtain as many rookie contracts as possible.
  6. Quote: I've come to expect no less from this fan base though. It didn't matter who the Hawks hired this offseason, most of you were going to criticize the move. I like how some fans want to criticize this move or criticize some of the candidates the Hawks interviewed, but none of them can bring up LEGITIMATE candidates that they believe would be better for this team. I am not knocking Sund. I am knocking the fact that he is coming into a situation where ownership has already decided to keep Woody (most likely) He had to have known that he wasn't going to have real power here. He is just going to be a yes man.
  7. Are we supposed to jump for joy since we got someone from the team with the worst record in the league this season. He will be a yes man. Same old bullshit every damn year. Now they are going to go through next season realizing that Woody was the problem. I am no rocket scientist but what could they see in Woody other than his cheap salary.
  8. I posted several months ago that they want to spend as little as possible with either the Hawks or the Thrashers. Bibby is getting paid Hossa's money. I am telling you that they are trying to run the team on the cheap. Do you guys really believe that if Smoove wants the max they are going to give it to him!! They don't have the money to pay a big time coach to come in. They don't have the money to pay a decent GM. JJ got his money because we had a team full of rookie contracts and low contracts. This really shows me how serious they are about building a contender. I called this months ago. they are doing what they have accused Belkin of wanting to do. This is a damn shame!!!
  9. Quote: he saying stop bitching about making the RIGHT pick because a guy taken after by a better team in a better situatation to suceed is succeeding,in the playoffs might I add because he was NOT so great during the regular season which is why he wasn't brought up till now.Acie was put into a position to fail by Woody,he would have done the same with STuckey,so if we would have had him,y'all would have wished we had Law instead and vice versa.It makes no sense.If we had taken Paul y'all would have been wishing we had Deron or Marvin instead lol.That's just how it goes,Woody is just that bad of a coach,he sucks in all areas of coaching and doesn't have many if any positives. Oh and what u said about Salim can be said about Bibby,Bibby just has the killer jumpshot.Salim stays in front of his man alot better than Bibby. Exactly the point I was trying to make.
  10. I guess now since Stuckey is doing good in the playoffs Acie will become the new whipping boy around here. None of you (except myself and Diesel) even acknowledged that we should even check out Rodney Stuckey as a possible draft pick. Stuckey came into a situation where he was able to thrive. They are already a championship levelteam full of veterans. They play team ball on offense and defense. They have an actually offense. He has every chance to succeed. I heard some one on tv question whether or not Chris Paul would be as good if it wasn't for Byron Scott. Could you guys imagine Paul being here and getting coached by Woody. Woody was coaching for his job and went with the vets (Lue, Johnson) at the expense of Acie. You can't learn [censored] on the bench. The same can be said for Salim. Whenever he got decent minutes he played well (salim). Even when we where being blowed out in Boston, Salim was riding the pine. Funny thing even when we got Bibby, JJ was still playing point a majority of the time. Woody needs to go. He was the wrong coach for our young team from the start. Can anyone tell me when a rookie coach and a young team has ever been successful in this league???
  11. Quote: Quote: How do you know that Woody isn't doing a good job, all things considered? Well, for one. I watch the team play. 1. I watch the lostness coming out of a time out. 2. I see Smoove doing things that should get him benched and he's still out there. 3. I see JJ allowed to ball hog on offensive possession. 4. Actually, i see a total disregard to offense Period. a. Bad Offensive Spacing. b. A refusal to run when it's obvious that we're a running team. c. Set calls are sets that I ran in 8th grade. d. An inability to work the refs. e. An inability to motivate players to be better than they are: See Marvin. f. A team that has only overachieved 1 time (against Boston). I recall watching Lenny Wilkens coach the Hawks. He got a lot of flack for how he coached... But 1 thing that you could count on. Good Motion offense. Everybody on the floor knew what they were doing. The team overachieved and won 50 games several times. I think A Woody coached team has hit it's max without bringing in an offensive assistant coach who is allowed to have free reign. Absolutely right. I have stated several times that some of our players (Marvin, Smoove) have bad habits that only the coach can break them out of. If Smoove was benched very time he took stupid or ill-advised shots early on it wouldn't be a problem now. If Marvin was benched for not being aggressive and settling for jumpshots he may not be a problem now. Woody has gotten us as far as he is going to get us. Fuuck what he deserves. I said it once and I will say it again "why not get better if you can". Avery Johnson and Del Harris among others are out there and they are better coaches than Woody who are available. Woody refuses to adapt. What the playoffs showed us is the we do have talent, while no team is perfect it shows that we have do have talent. We have holes like most teams but we have underachieved under Woody. that is a fact that can't be denied. The crowd was more responsible for the playoff run than Woody. Our road performance during the playoffs and the regular season is proof of that. His offensive scheme is just to give it to JJ and clear out.
  12. Quote: Quote: I would still have Bynum as is over Marvin Williams. Pre Injury Bynum was doing things Marvin could never do ever. He will come back fine he is very young and is gonna be the Dwight Howard of the West. If we offered Marvin for him the Lakers would laugh in our faces right now. What's the name of this thread? Trade Marvin for Bynum? Is it? GO fucck your self! telling him to go fuuck himself was a bit harsh dude!!!
  13. Quote: For all those constantly wishing for Bynum... he's having A.S. this week. His knee might be shot. Reports didn't sound good on the radio. You are absolutely right D. I was thinking the samething. It has to be bad he got hurt in like February right?
  14. Damn Diesel I have notice that you have been posting like crazy this week. You must be on vacation or something. Man it is like a rat with cheese. All someone has to do is mention Marvin and you appear out of thin air. Your hatred of this guy is really scary. I am not being funny here. According to you if Marvin wasn't on the team we would have won the championship this year and last. You blame Marvin for everything that is wrong with the team. I respect your opinion and we agree on alot but it is getting scary with your feelings toward Marvin. You act as if he is Corleone Young or Harold Miner. The kid is productive. Honestly there isn't one player in the league that is perfect. I mean you are already hogging up Hawksquawk and ever other thread or post you create deals with Marvin/Trading Marvin. Your Marvin trades are getting outrageous. If you feel like we should have taken Chris Paul then the person that did the pick is no longer with the organization.OKAY WE KNOW HOW YOU FEEL PLZ JUST LEAVE IT ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are too smart to go out like this!!! I am not saying the Marv is a lock hall of famer but he isn't total crap like you make him out to be.
  15. Quote: Quote: 80 - 90% of the people on this site know all of this, yet, you STILL make a case for him playing the 3. I almost have to ask WTF are you watching? This is just plain ordinary common sense!!!! I could not have said it better myself.
  16. Just some random stuff floating in my head: 1. What's wrong if with keeping our current starting lineup to go to battle with next year? 2. Am I the only one to feels the OJ mayo is going to be a bust? 3. Was Bibby ever truly healthy as a Hawk? More damaged goods? 4. Will Speedy ever get healthy?
  17. Quote: Trade Marvin for a Lottery pick +filler and draft Hibbert... Trade Josh Smith for Melo and two future 1st round picks sounds good.... Bibby JJ Melo Horford Hibbert Bench: Chillz Andersen FA's No Rookies!!!! No Rookies!!No Rookies!!!!!!!
  18. ttp://ww.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/52422/20080509/nuggets_will_listen_to_trade_offers_for_carmelo/ He can't play defense worth a damn but he can score. What type of package could we put together to get him. We might can maybe throw MArvin in at PF (because you just know that if we trade for him SMoove is gone). Any suggestions??? I think that Carmelo is overrated but he can score consistently!!
  19. Woody is and was a transition coach. If there are better coaches out there why not upgrade while you can. Why not try to get Avery Johnson or Del Harris (my choice for years) the coaches that are out there now are a vast improvement over what we have now. It doesn't make any since. We did good in the playoffs but the regular season was a mess. We underachieved and that goes the coaches head. We were successful in the playoffs because of the players and the Atlanta home crowd. How the ASG handles Woody will let me know how they really feel about the franchise. Why not get better if you can???? I think that while they may possible want another coach those other guys are going to demand more money than what they would have to pay Woody. ANy coach that was successful in the Western conference needs to be checked out if they are on the market. 3 games out of 89 probably saved him his job. Only in Atlanta will this be put of with and it is the acceptance of this kind of mediocrity that will always keep this franchise in the basement. I will go on record right now "IF WE KEEP WOODY WE WILL NOT MAKE THE PLAYOFFS NEXT YEAR". Too many other teams are getting better and have actual offensive sets.
  20. Between Iggy and Smoove that would be the worst jumpshooting team in the league by far!!
  21. Quote: Lol, are you kidding me? The players we have now are fine. You can't expect to have Kobe-type of players with such a young team. Our best player is Joe Johnson but obviously he can not make the first team with Kobe playing like he is now, and then there's Smith who's not even near Garnett's level right now. Did you really expect anyone to make the first team? Thank You for having common sense!!!
  22. I have heard gearon and nique both say that team decisions were made collectively. Although BK signed off as GM they all made the decisions together. So while BK maybe need to take alot of the blame he shouldn't get all of it.
  23. As much as I like Nique, I would rather we bring someone in from the outside to be the GM of the Hawks. We are on the cusp of being a contender and we don't need anyone learning on the job.
  24. You guys kill me with we need Corey Maggette crap. Please compare the stats between he and Marvin and I bet that they are similiar. Corey is the 1st option on the clipper team and there fore he take more shots than Marvin. he plays no defense.
  25. http://www.comcast.net/sports/articles/mlb....Murder.Charge/ Unbelievable!!!!
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